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DT NEW drifting forum!!!!

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  • DT NEW drifting forum!!!!

    I've been working hard the last few weeks to get another drifting forum up and running. Its just a start and really hasn't had any chance to get reconized. ALSO there is a site to follow in the next few months.

    So check it out:

  • #2
    common guys, 198 views and i only got 2 members in almost a week,

    i think this is an awesome oppertunity to get another fourum going, and like i said another site as well, and as drifters and drift supporters i would think you would be on board.... help make people more aware

    Anyway thanks to those who have joined, and we can't get it to be a popular forum with YOUR participation



    • #3
      Originally posted by toxic_tuner View Post
      common guys, 198 views and i only got 2 members in almost a week,

      i think this is an awesome oppertunity to get another fourum going, and like i said another site as well, and as drifters and drift supporters i would think you would be on board.... help make people more aware

      Anyway thanks to those who have joined, and we can't get it to be a popular forum with YOUR participation


      Please dont take this the wrong way but I dont think you're going to have much luck generating a member base for your drifting forum by hitting up another drifting forum.

      Why would someone who is already a member on a pretty big drifting forum such as this want to join yours?

      If you want people to join you have to offer something that they dont get here. You dont have any content up at all. No gallery, or articles, nothing. doesn't really do event coverage but they have tons of people posting their own coverage to look at.

      You will probably have better luck by adding a few things to your site and going to non-drift forums to try to attract people to yours.

      I am actually surprized that this thread hasn't been deleted or modded because usually when you make a thread posting a link to something people have to sign up for they mod you.

      Either way try some other sites/forums and good luck.


      • #4
        I think it'd help if the name wasn't drift testicle. There are probably plenty of sites were you can find other guys into testicles, but this one isn't it.

        You can't just throw drift in front of something and make it cool you know.
        Like drift cleveland steamer. See how that works?


        • #5
          Soultron speaks truth.

          First thing I thought was how I'd never even visit a site with the word testicle in the url.

          btw aren't there enough drifting forums anyway?
          Last edited by akuma S14; 07-23-2007, 08:16 PM.


          • #6
            fair enough i hear you guys,
            the drifting testicle thing is something that came up with me and my friends is just like that so those comments i know are true but i'm not too worried, and i also understand about there being enough forums, but what the heck i think i'm still going to make a go of it and if nothing comes before school i'll call it quits..

            ps.. thanks for someone actually posting lol

