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You might be a ricer owner if...

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  • You might be a ricer owner if...

    You might be a Ricer owner if...

    Your muffler is louder than your stereo.
    Your stereo has more power than your car.
    More than half your windows are covered with stickers.
    The wing/spoiler on your car has more lift than an airplane.
    You spend more money on your car in a week than your girlfriend per year.
    Your car has more neon than the local quickie mart.
    You cross speed bumps at an angle to avoid getting stuck.
    You can fit a watermelon or any large fruit in your tailpipe.
    You put NOS stickers on your car, thinking it will go faster.
    You have high performance wipers.
    You spend twice the cost of a real sports car modifying your four cylinder.
    You have to stop to see if your stereo is on because of the muffler.
    You talk to your car more than your friends or family.

  • #2
    Hope you enjoy its pretty funny. My friend sent it to me.


    • #3
      haha, yeah its pretty god. i like the preformance wiper part. We should all get those


      • #4
        haha, yeah its pretty god. i like the preformance wiper part. We should all get those
        Yeah I agree.


        • #5
          "Your muffler is louder than your stereo. "
          I love not having a stereo so i can listen to the sweet sound of my car.

          "The wing/spoiler on your car has more lift than an airplane"
          wings on cars make downforce not lift.

          "You spend more money on your car in a week than your girlfriend per year."
          This also means you have your priorities straight.

          "You cross speed bumps at an angle to avoid getting stuck."
          This could also mean you drive a D1 car or have 1300 dollar coilovers and wanted to see how low can they go.

          "You spend twice the cost of a real sports car modifying your four cylinder."
          Its not the size that matters its how you use it.

          "You talk to your car more than your friends or family."
          It has feelings too.


          • #6
            lol that's some funny stuff......"Your stereo has more power than your car."haha funny and don't forget those white "Type R" stickers....


            • #7
              Ichi-go...your my friend and you dissed me?!?!? Thats for real green. Oh yeah and by the way ITS A JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I meant no offense to anyone just something my friend had he sent me. OK GOOD. You shouldnt diss your own friend thats green.
              Thanks to everyone else for giving positive replys. See ya.


              • #8
                Geez drifter-M dont take it soo personal. I though Ichi-Go's answers to those were hillarios. I know I spend more money on my car than my girl, she can buy her own crap.


                • #9
                  Ichi Go > Drifter M

                  What the hell got into you M? Some guy says something about a little snippet you didnt' even write and you break out in tears?


                  • #10
                    Re: You might be a ricer owner if...

                    Originally posted by DRIFTER-M
                    You might be a Ricer owner if...

                    Your muffler is louder than your stereo.
                    You spend more money on your car in a week than your girlfriend per year.
                    You cross speed bumps at an angle to avoid getting stuck.
                    You spend twice the cost of a real sports car modifying your four cylinder.
                    You have to stop to see if your stereo is on because of the muffler.
                    You talk to your car more than your friends or family.
                    ok, i dont see any problems with these things...just cause a car is loud, doesnt mean it doesnt sound nice...there is a difference. lol, j/k that was pretty funny...but these things i have included all decribe me and my ride pretty, oh well


                    • #11
                      It's not that it's that it was just a joke plus ichi-go is a friend of mine but I dont care I cooled down.


                      • #12
                        I have to go over speedbumps at an angle or I scrape. My crap Buddy Clubs also have such little travel that sometimes I get stuck traversing things such as drainage depressions. (Open diff+ no travel= stoppage.)


                        • #13
                          same here i have to go at angle and i spend alot of money on my car but nontheless other stuff is pretty funny


                          • #14
                            my friend has a nos sticker on it without nos, but he did it as a joke on a 740 GLE volvo. but it is taped onto the back window with scotch tape...its pretty funny.


                            • #15
                              I took offense to all those, Go jump off a cliff u *censored*censored*censored*...

                              I'm jus messin yo! lol...

