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  • Politics

    Bush Vs. Kerry

    Whoever wins, We lose.

    What are your point of views on the candidacy?

    I don't like neither, and I think Bush is an idiot. Just my opinion

  • #2
    Why start a thread like this?


    • #3
      meh, the political convention, the state of war we're in, why not see the views of other people?


      • #4
        Bush makes me embarassed to be American. That simple.

        Listen to this...
        when people are laughing at our president because he is so stupid, I feel helpless.

        Kerry isn't great, he could be if he still had the guts and ability to communicate in an interesting way he used to have in his Vietnam days. (the hearings on the vietnam war)

        I miss Dean... I liked his scream...


        • #5
          Yeah, Bush is an idiot. And I'm the queen of France.

          I'm sick of all this Bush-bashing. He's an idiot... and yet you said a double negative. Good job making that point.

          Bush would do this country proud if the liberals could get off their high horses and realize what is good for the country.

          With Bush in office, we have extreme opposition to tax cuts from the left, despite the fact that they would help boost our "sagging" (read: still growing, but not quite as much as it could be) economy. If the left would back off, we'd see a growth boom that could last until the end of the decade.

          With Kerry, we would have tax increases, which would deflate our economy. As of 2000, people had to work until May 1 to pay off their yearly taxes, compared with April 20 in 1993. The more taxes are raised, the less money the public has to spend on goods. The less money the public has, the less money goes to the companies through sales. The less money the companies make on sales, the lower the GDP and the more depressed the economy.

          My family started Bush's term in the upper-middle-class. We are now into the lower-upper-class. How? Because my dad is educated enough, because he found himself a new job, and because he works hard. None of the people I know who are "middle class" have had financial hardships.

          You guys want growth? Vote for a president who will lower taxes. Vote for a president who has the gall to introduce bills about drilling in ANWR. (Bush's last plan only asked to explore 0.01% of the ANWR area, by the way.) Vote for a president who will reduce our foreign oil dependency from nearly 60 percent down to a more manageable amount. Vote for a president who will reduce our dependency on the Middle East for oil. (As of 2000, we got a full 22 percent of our oil from the Persian Gulf. OPEC has a noose around our balls and will tighten it sooner or later... so GET US OUT!) Vote for a president who will increase the number of refineries. (There hasn't been a new refinery built in the United States in over twenty-five years. Since 1980, the number of refineries has been cut in half. Current environmental laws require the refineries to make more than 15 types of gasoline, not just one or two. Since we have been lackadaisical about our situation, the estimated cost of moving more gas to market is $120-150 BILLION.) Vote for a president who will stand up to liberal pressure and increase electrical power creation. (Over the next 20 years, electricity demand is estimated to grow by 45 percent. There hasn't been a new nuclear power plant permit granted since 1979. Many of the existing plants aren't even going to renew their permits because it simply costs too much to adhere to current regulations.) WE MUST DEREGULATE, IT IS THE ONLY WAY TO GROW.

          Who wants to debate me?


          • #6
            Most economists including Alan Greenspan say that tax cuts would have a very minor impact on the economy. Besides, people that spend money, that need money, that actually could help the economy, the lower-middle class get much smaller proportional tax cuts than the extremely wealthy.

            And drilling in ANWR is a horrible idea. Once its been spoiled, itll never come back the same. How can anyone trust an administration who is so completely tied into the oil industry? America needs to stop fooling itself into thinking there is any substantial amount of oil in the US. The only way to stop our dependency on foreign oil is... to stop using so damn much! My car gets 28 or so MPG and its a blast to drive. And yet I see so many one person SUVs, not going offroad, not hauling boats, just using a gallon of gas for every 12 miles they drive.

            And being in California you ought to know firsthand what deregulation does for electricity...
            Last edited by MarshallMX5; 08-15-2004, 02:49 PM.


            • #7
              Many economists would agree with me that when Reagan lowered taxes, the economy boomed. Heck, history agrees with me.

              It's a horrible idea to use low-impact drilling methods in only 0.01% of the ANWR acreage? How, exactly? Do you really think the migratory patterns of the Porcupine Caribou will be affected that much? Have you ever been there? (Had you, you would've realized that it's very often extremely cold, is very desolate, is not forested, and the only real thing that can survive is the VERY IMPORTANT Porcupine Caribou. It's not a tourist area, and a full 75% of the Alaskan population is for ANWR drilling.) I can understand not wanting to drill in areas that are pretty or that people ACTUALLY GO TO... but ANWR is NOT a place ANYONE would want to go to.

              No, actually, I have no idea what deregulation does for electricity, because we borrow it from other states. You know why? Because new powerplants cost so much to build due to too many regulations.


              • #8
                I bet he doesn't even know what sovereignty is.
                Did you hera you had to sign a paper saying you have to vote for Bush to attend his speaches.


                • #9
                  Many historians would also agree that the economy had a huge boom throughout the nineties. Who was president then?

                  There's no point in arguing with someone who doesn't even understand the food chain and the natural system. Oh yeah I know what you are thinking... "*Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored * tree hugging hippie, caribou aren't important."

                  How can you say power plants are too expensive to build because of too many regulations when your state has largely deregulated and privatized power? Where I live we have wonderful cheap reliable government operated power. Thanks TVA. Who was TVA started by? A liberal. In fact the US's greatest president, FDR.


                  • #10
                    I'm not your common forum attendee. I took honors and AP classes (including biology) throughout high school... so don't you even begin to presume that I don't know about something as commonly known as the progression of the food chain.

                    Who eats the Porcupine Caribou? People! That's it. In fact, the only things a Porcupine Caribou has to deal with in the wild are mosquitoes, warble flies, and nose-bot flies.

                    Anyway, you do realize that the Porcupine Caribou will still have 99.99% of ANWR to frolic about in, right?

                    I don't think you get what I mean by deregulate. I mean to go through the books of regulations and null those which are out of date or out of touch. I don't mean that we should give Jim P. Cartrell of Calabas a windmill and tell him to sell the electricity it makes, I just mean to cut down on all the bullcrap laws on the books. I want wonderful, cheap, reliable government-operated power here, but instead we have occaisional blackouts because the microwave in the Am-Pm down the street took too long to cook a hot dog, or Jose Albreras' AC was on all day.

                    I have no argument that FDR was the nation's greatest president.

