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Ducted Tape Tires?

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  • Ducted Tape Tires?

    this is going to be pretty much a worthless thread but here it goes...

    I was sitting in my room thinking about tires and i thought would putting duct tape on them do any help to get it sideways or do any permenent damage to the tires?

    just another one of my stupid questions but if u could answer it...i would be ever so greatful...

  • #2
    it would rip off and if it stayed on there would be no grip


    • #3
      since when is no grip a problem?....haha no i'm just messin with u

      okay well that idea's a no-no then.....

      what about a tire with a covering of koosh balls?

      don't lie u know exactly what they are... haha


      • #4
        you plannin to make a street sweeper or somethin?


        • #5
          hahahaha duct tape. Itll work on a r/c car, but it will ware out on a real car dude


          • #6
            HAHA! For a car a definite nono, but on a bike, its "teh funz0rs". I take my bike near these bike trails and i put duct time on back tire, its the best! U get enough slide but its controllable, and on jumps when its muddy, it actually gives you MORE grip! lol.


            • #7
              ^^^^ im gonna try that soon!!!! thx for that lil trick


              • #8
                I think if they make a tire with some of that really hard platic inserts towards the end of the tire it might left it slide easyer .


                • #9
                  Why don't you just get some giant pvc pipes?


                  • #10
                    or just get really crappy about the same as all that other stuff, but you can actually drive on the ductape on the bike though, does it wear out very fast/can you power over with them, rather tahn just lock up the tire with the brakes?


                    • #11
                      Well what i do is if its asphalt, just simply pedal forward, if you have a bike that only has back brakes, it works a little harder but i do it all the time. Just get enough speed, look the rear tires, and gently turn into the direction, at which point you put ur right or left foot out (depending on turn) and gently tap the floor. this will cause the rear to slide out more and if you can do it well, u actually left the bike off the back and its pretty cool. In mud, all you bassically do is power-over. ill see if i can make a video of me doing it sometime in the near future.


                      • #12
                        well yeah, i have done that alot (my bike's tread is worn to one side cause i can only get enough speed coming from one direction) im just wondering if the duct tpae actually helps


                        • #13
                          are you guys for real with your duct tape idea's? can most of you drive yet?

