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Draft revisited for 2005?

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  • Draft revisited for 2005?

    Dunno how many of you guys are aware or even care but talking to some local recruiters, there may be a draft coming in for 2005. Military quotas haven't been met for some time by all (except the Corps.) with the Army falling way short this year only getting about 30k of their 100k quota. Apparently a draft is now in the works and running to Canada or college is not an acceptable option. Ashcroft I've heard is working with Canadian officials to get draft dodgers extradited back to the US. Sucks eh? I know there are alot of young guys here that'd be effected by a draft so just thought I might give you guys a heads up as to what may be coming.

  • #2
    Yeah there are rumors all over the web about this, but it would really suck if it happens. My bro is just finishing college, and I'd get snagged by a year (I'm gonna be 26 next December). I just got a new job and have finally gotten things in order, the last thing I need to deal with now is to be getting shot at. Even worse would be having something happen to my brother.

    What's worse is that both candidates in the election seem bent on continuing this. IMHO we did a good job at the beginning, but now we're doing it just like 'Nam: going in, getting shot at, and let the bad guys run away, releasing prisoners because we don't have room, and being worried about "offending" the people shooting at us. Our boys can't get in, get the job done, and get out because the politicians won't let them.

    I've got no problem fighting for my country if I have to, but running around Iraq and getting shot at just so we can have oil is TOTAL CRAP!!

