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the mountain, the vacationers and the cop

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  • the mountain, the vacationers and the cop

    i have a funny little story t tell you all about yesterday. *note: this doesnt involve the act of drifitng or runing touge*

    so my friend and i were taking back roads home from the junkyard yesterday and this road was kinda in the foot hills so it was kinda steep and there were two hair pins. at the first hairpin i slowed down because of deer on the sied of the road, so when i entered the corner i was traveling 15 mph. it had rained earlier so the road was still wet, which mixed with oil layed down by trucks that travel on that road, making very unstable conditions. well when i got to abot the apex of the hairpin the rear end of my jeep rotated around the front as if the car was spining on its axis. i countered and everything, but it wasnt enough and it slid into the other lane. me sideways spinning jeep was visible from the straight away but this ford ranger "just couldnt stop" (his words, not mine). the impact of the ranger pushed my jeep grand cherokee over 1 ft UP the hill, and pushed the whole side of my car in about 1.5 inches.

    we called the police naturally and it took them over an hour to get an officer up to our place, which is outragous because the accident occured about 2 miles from the hwy. when the officer finally showed up he didnt even look at the crash, nor asked if anyone was ok, and just told me to move my car out of the road. as i walked over to move it a rather large tractor type thing came along and so i helped driect the tractor around the crash. as i was dong that the officer yelled "GET IN YOUR JEEP NOW!" so i did and moved it out of the road. when he was asking my story i said i was going 15 and the backend rotated out o position due to the slick road. he then began saying stuff like "are you sure it was 15, cause it may have been a bit faster than that." *now keep in mind that at walking speed you could slide for 10 ft downhill*

    so finally after about 2.5 hours from when the accident occured he issued me my 4 point careless driving ticket. but as things are going today, there is an investigator checking everything out now, like why the ford didnt stop when my friend in the passenger seat could see him for a good 40 ft...

  • #2
    15 views and no replies? whats taht? i guess there wasnt really any question or anything, but i would like comments...just what do you guys think about it?


    • #3

      is your jeep nice? if it is a total shitbox I'm not sure I would have bothered with the cops, as they are clearly a joke.


      • #4
        it was nice...insurrance guy today said it was comletely totalled, so i dunno whast gonna happen now. but the reason we called the cops was that niether car was drivable


        • #5
          have fun paying for that, as it's on you.


          • #6
            i know...but some inspector called me today asking about witnesses and going to see if they can shift some of the blame onto the other guy because he had plenty of time to stop, and had he stopped there would have been no crash. i just would have pulled a 180 and then driven off. the uphill lane was not as slick as the downhill lane, so it wasnt like he couldnt have stopped. plenty of other people made the stop when they came around the second hairpin, so i dunno...the front of the truck didnt dive down or anything that would indicate hard braking. he just kinda slapped us..i dunno, we will see how it goes


            • #7
              Well, I must say that truly sucks. Good luck in court. People have had their moving violations revoked by putting some effort forward and goin to see the judge. Good luck again (methinks u might need it)

