Hello everyone, I am new to this site, and I was wondering if anyone on here has drifted in the game; Live For Speed. I do all the time, and its loads of fun battling, and twin drifting with other drifters online. There are tons of ways to change your cars setup to suit your drifting style. Go to Live For Speed website website, and download the demo. Its great fun, and better than Need For Speed's, and Gran Turismo's drifting in my opinion!
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PC Game...Live For Speed...Drifting.
Yeah, drifting in LFS is a load of fun, but IMO grip racing is where it's at. I go to drift servers and slide around, I'm not the best at it. I think it's alot more fun to grip race, with the rush of having someone right behind you as you enter the braking zone, hoping he doesn't crash into you, and that you don't brake too early allowing him to pass... Then again, I've never been in an actual drift event in LFS, so I can't compare.
Yeah I would say it's the best game for drifting because it wasn't made with drifting in mind. It was made to be as close to the real world as possible. I usually warm up on a drift server for a while, and then go racing. When i'm sliding my car is all pink either XR GT Turbo or lately.... LX6and when i'm racing my car is brown and white.