This should get a sticky
S13 with CA18DET
S14 with SR20DET
plus many more manuals
between these 2 manuals you should find all the data you ever need on how to tune, time, diagnose, and repair a 240SX with a SR20DET swap. Manuals include flow charts, pinouts, and wiring diagrams in great detail. Warning, each manual is about 26 megabytes in PDF format.
I bet some high priced performance shops are going to get upset about me spreading this info
By the way, Don't Aussie's drive left handed? Why not buy engine swaps/front clips from OZ? That way your not ripping your hair out trying to bend and flang a set of homemade power steering lines.
S13 with CA18DET
S14 with SR20DET
plus many more manuals
between these 2 manuals you should find all the data you ever need on how to tune, time, diagnose, and repair a 240SX with a SR20DET swap. Manuals include flow charts, pinouts, and wiring diagrams in great detail. Warning, each manual is about 26 megabytes in PDF format.
I bet some high priced performance shops are going to get upset about me spreading this info
By the way, Don't Aussie's drive left handed? Why not buy engine swaps/front clips from OZ? That way your not ripping your hair out trying to bend and flang a set of homemade power steering lines.