Ok as alot of you know, the site is changing. No longer will alot of the stuff that has been happening since day one be tolerated, as alot of you are seeing. I also see that alot of people are a little unsure of why this is happening. This post will cover the reasons for this change.

Alot of you came to this site by word of mouth, but some of you may have found us by typing Drifting in on a search engine. We are #1 on the list. As you did this, so shall alot of others including but not limited to, kids, parents, organizations, sponsers, track owners etc etc. So this is the first place in cyberspace that they will stop to find out about drifting. So imagine, say a mothers horror when she comes in to see what her son is excited about and spy's with her little eye, an avatar with a lady in bondage being hung, or a thread about canyon running that has a video of someone driving too fast for her idea of driving. What do you think she is going to do? Why call her husband, state representative or even worse, her local law enforcement if she lives in the same city. That means Johnny law is waiting for you or any other unsuspecting high speed driver to pass by and whammo! you are nailed. Your spot is busted and your day is bad. Not to mention anyone else that may traverse that roadway.

Say a sponser comes by to pay a visit, or a company that wants to get into this sport and maybe sponser a person or 2. What do you think they will do if they see the same as above, or the repeated threads on the same questions? May not seem like a big deal to you but if I were someone wanting to pump some money into something, I wouldn't pump it into a sport that for the most part seems to have a bunch of children that don't drive trying to tell others how to do it, or yelling and bickering at each other and telling their mothers to suck it. I mean comon. I'd turn away and go somewhere else and very fast.

My point is this, the mods are cracking down to make this a better place for EVERYONE. Not just us, but them, sponsers, parents, beginners or even the Drift heros from Japan should they come here. Since this is the first stop in cyberspace for Drifting, we want to act like we are the frontrunners of the sport and not like a bunch of children arguing over the bucket in a sandbox. So if they warn you, take it like a man or woman and modify yourself. They aren't doing it to be mean to you, they are doing it because you are wrong. The only reason that you got picked was cause it offended someone enough to report it. They don't sit around all day and wait for every post. Trust me.

Act like adults and make your posts mature and there will not be any problems.