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My ghetto webpage

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  • #16
    I taught myself photoshop
    thats wut iam gonna do


    • #17
      Go for it dude!

      it gets boring staring at the computer, I leave the radio on thats when i really get creative.


      • #18
        hey emission, how did you get your signature image to load up. lil help here cuz mine don't work thanx


        • #19
          For what i can see your codeing looks okay mst be the hosting.

          I used for all my photo hosting they provide hot linking.

          here's an example of an image code.
          just change <u></u> with your own link. leave the "

          <b><</b>img src="">
          Last edited by emission; 05-09-2004, 06:33 AM.


          • #20
            DAMM YOU people

            i dont know how to use this program


            • #21
              how did you get your free domain?


              • #22
                where can you get photoshop from besides kazza?

                and how can you make your wepage be at .com ????


                • #23
                  I must be missing something because I don't see anything
                  fancy about this page. I see a supra graphics in the top left
                  corner and some text below.

                  And my sites are better (click sig to see them).


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Go
                    I must be missing something because I don't see anything
                    fancy about this page. I see a supra graphics in the top left
                    corner and some text below.

                    And my sites are better (click sig to see them).

                    Please don't go bragging about your sites and how much better they are. That's all perspective and opinion. I think his site is good for paint, photoshop 4.0, and notepad. I use Dreamweaver , Photoshop 7.0, Flash, and Illustrator 10. Good job emission. Keep up the good work. If I ever move out to Cali like I hope maybe a few of us drifters could start a web design group.

                    You can find most graphics software at Best Buy, Comp USA, Circuit City, other electronics stores, and of course online. As for domains and hosts... that's costs money unless you don't mind ads out the a§... usually. I really need to get off of angelfire hosting. It's sh!t.

                    Here's my shitty sites:

                    version 1

                    version 2


                    • #25
                      Not bragging actually, just kind of confused as to what everyone
                      thinks is so spectacular about the site in discussion.

                      Maybe because I have been into webdesign/development (as a
                      hobby), I have a niche for what to look for and such and perhaps
                      it causes me to be judgemental of other's webdesign.

                      By no means I meant anything bad or to brag. Just my criticism.
                      Can't expect nothing but positive criticism all your life.


                      • #26
                        Bah. Maybe I was just being anal. Sorry. It's a very simple and clean layout. Great for what he has on it. Just a paragraph of text. I didn't even know PS existed until 5.0 so I guess I just think of 4.0 as hardcore ghetto. Same with paint. I used to make megaman characters in paint that really sucked, so to use it for a site and it be good is kinda cool. I need a career.


                        • #27
                          My website sucks lol, anyways i like your site its clean


                          • #28
                            Nothing special about my site, just thought I share. As you can see it's not done. The only cool part about my site I'd say is the graphics. For a noob in web design I say it's pretty good.

                            everyone has thier opinon about it. thier are better web designers out thier better then me.


                            • #29
                              Uh....there wasn't anything there. One page with no links? What's up with that?

                              Not unattractive though...


                              • #30
                                ...if you dont have anything post thats decently positive, dont post it at all

                                yeah there isnt much there, but so what, its the time and effort he put into it...good job, i still dont get it though


