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anyone know how to get a s15 into the us without a butt load of money???

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  • #16
    Your an idiot for started a thread on where to get a car when you still dont have a licence yet. Go back to playing GT3 and watching initial D for a few years, then come back and start posting when you buy a car.
    BattleVersion Mishimoto DDay Kaaz G-Dimension P2M BrianCrower CPpistons K&Wautobody RaysWheels SpeedOMotive Rotora AIT Racing AODA HouseOfKolor CompetitionClutch BullseyePower


    • #17
      Originally posted by AlexPfeiffer
      Your an idiot for started a thread on where to get a car when you still dont have a licence yet. Go back to playing GT3 and watching initial D for a few years, then come back and start posting when you buy a car.
      ouch, you just got put in your place by alex pfeiffer prodigy


      • #18
        take it from me bro, im 17 and bought my wrx myself and modded it. its not safe and we really dont know what were doing, and tho i never crashed, i realized that hi powered cars like this are too easy to wrap around a tree. stick to a low powered car like an 86 that will get the job done. your time will come my son



        • #19
          ya i agree. get a 240 and slap on a s15 kit it looks even nicer. u dont wanna go 2 the high hp cars you will just end up kill n your self that way. trust me a dohc ka24 is good enough for a new driver. and whats so bad about get n a 240????i have 1 and it kills high hp cars n a circuit. and if a pro driver says that sh!t 2 you i would listen instead if being dumb. also having driven a cobra with over 500 hp and a hi power wrx. stick whith a lower power car and a great 2-way lsd. u dont need major power 2 drift or go fast.


          • #20
            wait did you say the conversion is from a 240sx??? if so, i might want to look into that cuz a old 240sx costs like nothing and the conversion only cost like 5000 and most importantly is hella easy to find. if you can find a good conversion let me know

            thanks for the seggestion dude

            and as for alex your so called "advice" isnt helping me or the other people reading your posts.
            Last edited by childprodigy_89; 10-23-2004, 12:10 PM.


            • #21
              and alex if your such hot sh*t yourself, than why in the hell are you talking to 15 year olds in a noob's board, telling them to shuve off and bitchin to everyone how this "kid" cant drive so therefore he dosent have the rite to post????

              ...and if your a man you'll answer my question.


              • #22
                Alright I'm closing this thread.

                Alex Pfeiffer, that was really stupid and lame what you did. I thought better than you to start a fight with a kid...

                Hey kid, there is some good advice in here, think realistically next when posting a thread. As well as doing a search on the subject. Plus theres tons of information out there, it isn't all on

                Thank you have a nice day.

