Photo By @slownserious Featured On @stancenation


Photo By @slownserious Featured On @stancenation


  1. jimibaruta profile image
    jimibaruta 9 June, 2014 at 07:13 Reply

    See around the edge of the rim there’s all the little bolts.. They are holding onto probably like plexiglass or something similar which goes into the middle and gets bolted on

  2. vw_freak1 profile image
    vw_freak1 9 June, 2014 at 08:30 Reply

    Hi i like to check on my order status so fare i didnt recievd it plus i didt get any tracking number for any update that my package is shipped from ur side pleas can i get some infu about my package its more than two months now for placing that order with you im wating for your replay For the status of my items ASAP

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