So stoked and the BIGGEST thanks to @redbullnz for making my dream become reality, started off with a rough day snapping my axle and then crashing large in testing in #MADBUL. I kept my crew insanely busy today and can’t thank you guys enough @__daydreambeliever @wazzanumba1 @missile_mike_maintenance and @drift_chuck also HUGE props to @chrisforsberg64 on 2nd and @fangadan_ for 3rd and all the drivers that committed to this very difficult #DriftShifters course and put on an epic show for the fans! Rotary for the win! #highoctanepinball


So stoked and the BIGGEST thanks to @redbullnz for making my dream become reality, started off with a rough day snapping my axle and then crashing large in testing in #MADBUL. I kept my crew insanely busy today and can't thank you guys enough @__daydreambeliever @wazzanumba1 @missile_mike_maintenance and @drift_chuck also HUGE props to @chrisforsberg64 on 2nd and @fangadan_ for 3rd and all the drivers that committed to this very difficult #DriftShifters course and put on an epic show for the fans! Rotary for the win! #highoctanepinball


  1. brett_868 profile image
    brett_868 6 December, 2014 at 06:02 Reply

    Congratulations Mike!!!! I just finished watching it. EPIC SHOW @madmike_drift you’re the best man! I can’t stress enough how much of a big fan I am and the drift shifters idea is madd. You never disappoint

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