Teaser of the epic time I had on track at @highlandsnz Motorsport Park in our #BADBUL #Mazda #RX8. I really enjoyed the commitment and adrenaline rush screaming through these #WoopsWoops #ZoomZoom


Teaser of the epic time I had on track at @highlandsnz Motorsport Park in our #BADBUL #Mazda #RX8. I really enjoyed the commitment and adrenaline rush screaming through these #WoopsWoops #ZoomZoom


  1. aljaroudi94 profile image
    aljaroudi94 9 January, 2015 at 12:10 Reply

    Would you. take a second thought about ever doing up it’s engine for gigs? It’s my first car so it’s been through a lot . Original plan was to a- keep it serviced b- fix the dents and then either keep it (only done 75k) or I could just sell it but I came across you’re new post with that can and got gee’d to do up my barina lolololol 🙂

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