This billboard is up along the 605 freeway in Los Angeles, meaning it’s almost time for the @formulad #FinalFight – arguably the world’s most significant drift event… Some of my best memories are from the sunset hour at 500 Speedway Drive, City of Irwindale. It’s such magical place, and this year we’re sitting in our best championship position ever! Who’s going this year? #HouseOfDrift (Photo by @mariosalguero_19)


This billboard is up along the 605 freeway in Los Angeles, meaning it's almost time for the @formulad #FinalFight - arguably the world's most significant drift event... Some of my best memories are from the sunset hour at 500 Speedway Drive, City of Irwindale. It's such magical place, and this year we're sitting in our best championship position ever! Who's going this year? #HouseOfDrift (Photo by @mariosalguero_19)


  1. frg1103 profile image
    frg1103 22 September, 2014 at 21:00 Reply

    @fabiang_jr remember last time it was because none of them could go and couldn’t return the tickets. So if they can’t go again I’m pretty sure she’ll call me

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