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tricks to make a feint drift work

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  • tricks to make a feint drift work

    I have been trying feint drifts lately and i cant get them to work for me. I turn in to the corner then out then let go of the gas and turn in and hit the gas and try to pull it sideways but i just end up spinning or not losing traction soon enough and just doing something more like a powerover which doesnt end up lasting very long. I just want to drift into the corner at a slight angle then turn in to the apex and get it more sideways. If anyone has any little tricks that they have to do this please explain. Any advice will be very appreciated. I dont really want to use the e brake because its on my left side and very hard to get to while still driving.

  • #2
    cmon 21 veiws someone has to have some tips.


    • #3
      try clutch kicking while you turn back into the turn if you have manual transmission


      • #4
        now ive never really drifted before, not yet anyway, but the way u put it, it just sounds like u need to practice more and find the right amount of gas to give it.

        you say you eaither spin out or just do a powerover, so ur eaither giving it oo much gas or not enough? or sterring too hard or not enough?

        sounds to me like you just need to give it a bit more rpactice and find the right point of accel and turn for your car

        but what would i know, im just a 16yr old without a car


        • #5
          currect me if i am wrong but isn't faint drifting where you sway the car side to side just before entering a turn just so you can transfer the weight of the car to better suit the angle of the turn?
          More or less a greater and faster weight shift to get the rear end of the car around...

          Sounds to my like you might be whiping the rear around to much and to fast so that would cause you to spin out...
          Also if you don't counter steer the instand the rear starts to enter the drift and gas it you could spin.

          Try to throw the wheel into the turn then rite away turn it back to counter steer while giving it some gas but no to much, just enough to keep the rear going in the direction you want it to.
          You could also try clutch-kicking in there somewhere too.


          • #6
            my methond with no lsd is to enter the turn on the outside line turn in a little before then turn, clutch kick and modulate the throttle to keep the slide.. i have learned to drift all on my own and i see this being the most effective way to intiate a drift with no lsd(i have a redtop sr so power is not a problem)
            but be fore warned do not try this if it is extremly wet and u are trying this for the first time a guy i know tried this to keep up with my friend and i understeered and WHAM! up the curb at 60mph totaled his Turbo FC so my best advice is to be careful no matter where u drift illegal or legal! keep it safe but keep it sideways!

            hope this helps



            • #7

              Here is my video. I am doing a bit of everything in it, just watch it over and analize.


              • #8
                Ok. All you need to do is clutch kick. People think its so bad, its no worse than doing a burnout. take the middle line into the corner, before the turn, steer towards the outside of the corner, cut it back in really fast as you KICK the clutch (keep on the gas). I assume you have a 944, and that thing probably has a factory LSD in it, right?

                I mean, you might need to practice a little more, but you'll get it down one way or another, whatever feels the most comfortable to you. I must tell you that at most high levels of drifting, depending on the track or corner, the most common initiation is clutchkick. It does not slow you down at all, so don't go TOO FAST!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by dorifuto

                  Here is my video. I am doing a bit of everything in it, just watch it over and analize.
                  holy monkey poo! your camera guy must have balls of steel


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by zerodrifter
                    holy monkey poo! your camera guy must have balls of steel
                    Well they were going so slow, he had time to run out of the way, grab a coffee, eat some crepes and then come back before anyone would hit him! Hahaha j/k i know it was wet outside. Nice lines, though. But yea... higher speed in the dry!!!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 944drift
                      If anyone has any little tricks that they have to do this please explain. Any advice will be very appreciated. I dont really want to use the e brake because its on my left side and very hard to get to while still driving.
                      what kind of car do u have???.....and maybe u just need to hit the gas a little harder and work on your steering.....from what ive read on some of these other posts they explain that u could use clutch kicking but u dont need to....try this.....once u quickly turn away from the turn and let go of the gas, just before u turn back, quickly punch the throttle so once u do turn back, you'll likey lose more traction and the pendulum effect of the car will assist in u kickin that rear end loose.....remember to quickly hit the gas BEFORE u make that quick turn....hope it helps a little.....


                      • #12
                        try a mixture of faint and clutch kick.

                        also, i bet he has a 944


                        • #13
                          also, like pg said, clutch kick inst that bad, but if you have your origianl clutch (i think i did) it could end up lookiong like this.

                          this was after one driftday

                          lol, good times


                          • #14
                            Lol That's purdy *sniff*

                            Feint really has nothing to do with throttle, clutch kick, braking, or any other input than steering. It's all about steering. Other methods get added to it to make it easier and to manipulate the car properly for the corner. However, feint alone is only a steering method.

                            What it does is rotate the car. It doesn't make you go faster or slower and it doesn't make you take the corner. It just rotates the car.

                            How you do it is just turn away from the corner to load the weight on the inside of the car, then you just whip the weight to the outside by steering quickly towards the direction of the corner. This will forcefully make your car rotate. The harder you do it, the more it will rotate. Too much, you'll spin out. Too little, you won't rotate much or you may not even break traction. It does take a bit of practice to get used to how hard you have to toss the car.

                            This method works very well for cars whose parking brakes don't work so well or for underpowered cars or even fwd cars in which on-throttle methods don't work. It's also a method to use when you are at or near the speed of the corner as it's not a technique to slow you down or speed you up like braking and power over, respectively.

                            First, learn to get your car rotating. Get used to how hard you have to toss the car to make it break traction. Afterwards, learn to grab the car and control the drift. Once you break traction and start to rotate, you'll countersteer to grab the spin and work the throttle to hold the drift.

                            It can be done as slow as a large sweaping motion or as quick as a fast jerk. The method is both traction dependent and suspension/car dependent. Since it is a steering method, you will need enough front grip to perform the maneuver fast enough. As well, a car that's heavier will be harder to do quickly but easier to keep the weight moving when you begin to throw it around. A softer suspension requires a slower, more sweaping motion to allow for time to load up the suspension. It requires a good amount of feel to know how the weight is moving around and how much front traction you have to work with.

                            When starting, the technique does fell quite awkward. It will take a little time to get used to as the method is very different than anything else you've done in a car. Practice, practice, practice.

                            The nice thing about the technique is that it can be combined with other techniques as stated by others to produce an end result. Sometimes feint isn't enough. Sometimes you may not have the traction or the room to perform the needed feint maneuver, or perhaps you're not at the appropriate speed for the corner. In any case, you will actually combine other techniques to provide the desired result. For example, you can brake into a corner and feint at the same time. This allows for you to come into a corner fast, move a good amount of weight forward, and to allow more front traction(if not braking too hard) to allow for some feint to get the car rotating. Sometimes just a let off of the gas will be enough to get some added front wieght/grip. As well, you can help the feint by doing things like clutch kick or power over to help get the rear end loose.

                            A good way to practice the art of feinting is to try in on a straight road. Start turning side to side moving from one side of the road to the other. As you tighten your turning, you'll start to get close to the traction limit of the tires. At this point, you can try different technqiues to break traction. You can let off the gas or brake slightly while still turning side to side. You can apply some more thottle to see how that feels and if it breaks traction. You can be more abrupt with your steering to begin to overload the tires and break traction. At some point, the car will start sliding. Once this happens, control the slide and straighten out. You should be able to start and end it comfortablely. Do it again and try to connect more than one slide from side to side just by continuing the same thing. Once it starts to slide one way, steer a little more into it and the car will eventually whip the other way. In time this will turn into a continuous whipping back and forth of the car, a constant feinting back and forth. I'm sure you've seen this in videos where the drifters whip back and forth down a straight section of the road. This is feinting.

                            did I type enough?

                            Hope that helps some.


                            • #15
                              thanks for all the help

                              thanks for all the help. I do have a 944 and an lsd. Clutch kicking is not something that i want to do because of the wear it takes on your clutch. I went drifitng today and got it on camera. I dont really get sideways until im just past the apex. my tires are squeling and smoke is coming off them but im not sideways then i get sideways and begin my counterstear and try to keep it going as long as possibl. ive got this part down pretty well. After reading your posts and watching my tape i realized what im doing wrong. I am not creating enough weight transition with my steering and am instead compensating with my brake which causes me to slow down too much to really get a long drift. Im also not countering soon enough. Im going out tomorow and im going to just feint without the brake and see what i can do with it. According to drift for foods post you dont need throttle to induce the drift when you steer back into the turn. I guess you begin to counter than apply throttle once your sideways? I will try this and give you some feedback. Im going to try to post my video soon so you guys can give them your opinion. once again thank you for the help.

