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Five O!!

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  • Five O!!

    well i was thinkin... have u guys ever been busted by the po po's for drifting? lol it might sound dumb but tickets/supension of license could be very bad for me . anyways any tips on how to avoid them? i know them cops gunna be on my *Censored**Censored**Censored* one way or another.

  • #2
    Re: Five O!!

    Originally posted by spraypa1nt
    well i was thinkin... have u guys ever been busted by the po po's for drifting? lol it might sound dumb but tickets/supension of license could be very bad for me . anyways any tips on how to avoid them? i know them cops gunna be on my *Censored**Censored**Censored* one way or another.
    not yet thank God!


    • #3
      Sure fire way of not getting caught

      Be aware of your surroundings, don't be stupid, stay away from high traffic areas, or just don't drift in public areas at all and keep it at drift events.


      • #4
        Re: Sure fire way of not getting caught

        Originally posted by anthony_s14
        Be aware of your surroundings, don't be stupid, stay away from high traffic areas, or just don't drift in public areas at all and keep it at drift events.


        • #5
          'da po po

          when we drift the streets we usually do it from 11pm to 3 or 4 am and there is about 80+ cars, they dont bust anyone they just come so we can leave than 30 mins later we are there doing it again, not everyone drifts, some stand on corner and when the cops come the horn is beeped 1 time for 2 or 3 seconds than we leave in a big #$$ convoy, but thats here in japan in the us they got faster and more cars so they could probably catch you, but dont do it when there is people around please im getting ready to go to the us, and i plan to drift my silvia there so dont f*&$ it up for me please.
          Attached Files


          • #6
            Actually since I live in Miami I have to stay away from the city, ever since Fast and the furious. The kids here have been drag racing and droping like flies (yea alot are dying). So I have to go to the far out skirts of the city. In Miami we actually have all that undercover in the scene B.S. The scene is just too big and annoyig on any given tuesday or thursday you'll have about 200+ rice rockets in a parking lot. In fact the cops just did a raid of one of the hangouts and they got 194 arrests. It's sad. If I were you I would stay in Japan and stay away from places like Miami. (It's flat too...)
            Last edited by DriftDaze; 08-06-2003, 06:54 AM.


            • #7
              Re: 'da po po

              Originally posted by s-14drifter
              when we drift the streets we usually do it from 11pm to 3 or 4 am and there is about 80+ cars, they dont bust anyone they just come so we can leave than 30 mins later we are there doing it again, not everyone drifts, some stand on corner and when the cops come the horn is beeped 1 time for 2 or 3 seconds than we leave in a big #$$ convoy, but thats here in japan in the us they got faster and more cars so they could probably catch you, but dont do it when there is people around please im getting ready to go to the us, and i plan to drift my silvia there so dont f*&$ it up for me please.

              the Mtns of NC are lonely and twisty places. very nice mtn runs here w/o the popos lurking around too bad.


              • #8
                what about those radar detectors? i've never had one myself

                do they work ? i meant the cheaper one( that means expect valentine 1)


                • #9
                  man all ui got to work with are small industrial sectors around chicago. Cops barely ever been seen unless they patrol that one night of the month. other than tht, we gots nice little intersections, quick 90 degree turns and wide enough space that you could do a duel drift.

                  chicago is pretty good.


                  • #10
                    Re: Five O!!

                    Hey adam, wut part of chicago r u from? U know any good spots around town? hit me up on email

                    Why am I asking? Cuz I'm get bored on Fri/Sat nites doing absolutely nothing.


                    • #11
                      Here in NE Ohio we've got a parkway w/ plenty of S-curves and"dangerous curves" as the signs say. and from about 12am to 4am its empty. Its also a good 15 miles long. Just gotta watch out for deer.


                      • #12
                        haha yeah..ive been a year was a 4 way stop and there was a chevy astro van in front of me turning right..he was up there so i was commin up to the stop sign..and i dont know what the hell i was thinkin maybe in a crazy mood that day who knows haha..but yeah..i got to the stop and i could see in all directions so i didnt even stop before i made the right turn just straight got sideways..and then i notice the van in front of me was going hellllla slow like 10mph when the limit was like 35 or something so i passed him and then i heard sirens..i didnt think anything of it cause it was only me and that van i kept driving still hearing the sirens so i look in my rear view mirror..and that slow *Censored**Censored**Censored* van happend to be an undercover cop..well anyways his light were all flashing and stuff so i pulled over and then i dont know he tried to say he was gonna get my car impounded wreckless driving..well he called my mom and told her that he thought i was "trying to whip a donut but i couldnt get it all the way around" when i heard him say that i just started laughing haha..i mean damn if he wanted to see some donuts or eat some id show him or give him some..but yeah he let me off with a warning i guess..whatever..ever since then i havent been driving careless like that..yeah i know it was stupid and i deserved getting pulled over and i shoulda gotten a ticket..but i didnt..and ticket or not i still learned my lesson..
                        Last edited by d r i f t swift; 11-28-2003, 10:28 AM.


                        • #13
                          If you dont want to get busted then keep it on the track. Its as simple as that. Realize the consequences, and if you cant handle them, then dont break the law. This isnt Japan, our street culture here is VERY different. You WILL get messed up if they catch you. Best bet if you are good and you know the mountain is to run because the cops probably dont know it as good as you. I have never been busted because I only drift on a track (legally), but I do know someone that was arrested for "drifting". But the messed up thing was, he wasnt drifting, he wasnt racing, in fact he wasnt even speeding. He was doing 25mph in a 35mph zone going downhill in a known local drifting spot on the mountain, and he crossed the center median to practice his apex (going really slow, empty road), and out of nowhere this cops turns on his lights and he got pulled over and arrested. The cop knew what drifting was (!!!) and accused him of drifting and racing (so BS). He got arrested for Reckless Driving. He was pretty pissed because if he was gonna get busted he at least wanted to do something cool (he drives a S2K BTW). Hope he gets off.


                          • #14
                            We always go with a group and have a lookout. 2 way radios are really cheap too. And always make sure there's more than one exit so they can't block you in. Around here they love to block people in and chances are they won't chase if there's 5 cars going in two directions.

                            People here have been busted alot but never get arrested.

                            It's also good to keep your car looking stock so if you come back around they might think you are through traffic.


                            • #15
                              theres somthing to be said about that, if a car looks fast of course you'll get pulled over... if it looks like a normal car... then its less likly... my dads been pulled over numerous times for driving cars that look and sound fast, why do you think they make exaushts that stay within the leagl dB limit but still give you alot of HP gain?

