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Five O!!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by CrazyHawaiian
    If you dont want to get busted then keep it on the track. Its as simple as that. Realize the consequences, and if you cant handle them, then dont break the law. This isnt Japan, our street culture here is VERY different. You WILL get messed up if they catch you. Best bet if you are good and you know the mountain is to run because the cops probably dont know it as good as you. I have never been busted because I only drift on a track (legally), but I do know someone that was arrested for "drifting". But the messed up thing was, he wasnt drifting, he wasnt racing, in fact he wasnt even speeding. He was doing 25mph in a 35mph zone going downhill in a known local drifting spot on the mountain, and he crossed the center median to practice his apex (going really slow, empty road), and out of nowhere this cops turns on his lights and he got pulled over and arrested. The cop knew what drifting was (!!!) and accused him of drifting and racing (so BS). He got arrested for Reckless Driving. He was pretty pissed because if he was gonna get busted he at least wanted to do something cool (he drives a S2K BTW). Hope he gets off.

    keep on the tracks KIDS!
    oh yeah.. parking lots are okay shhh.....


    • #17
      If you must do it on the street, know the area, and keep it away form people and homes. Dont go to busy areas. be safe, have fun.


      • #18
        Re: Re: 'da po po

        Originally posted by JonnySlick
        the Mtns of NC are lonely and twisty places. very nice mtn runs here w/o the popos lurking around too bad.
        Yep, we have some VERY nice isolated roads out here.



        • #19
          Looks fun.


          • #20
            i just about creamed my pants looking at that...


            • #21
              why did you cream in your pants? do you only dream about roads with sexy leaves on them?


              • #22
                the cops are pretty bad anywhere ever since those stupid *Censored**Censored**Censored* movies the import type scene is everywhere, ive got a bone stock 3000gt no mods no stereo no body mods plain stock ive gotten nearly 5 tickets for speeding while going within five miles of the speed limit, its profiling, and it sucks


                • #23
                  man those damn po po's trying to keep everybody from doin stupid shi0t like gettin themselves or other people hurt. Has anyone read the story that was in Import Tuner how the cops pulled up to a drag race said they were there just to watch and actually let the race go down and one of the drivers lost control and killed a couple of people? If it came to down to doing my job and pissin' some kids off cause they're doing dumb shiot or lettin it go down and somebody gets hurt........ I'd take my job any day.

                  Even though I will admit that some cops are just first class A-holes, most cops out there are just trying to put food on thier table and take care of thier families. Don't hate the cops, hate the lawmakers.
                  Last edited by baboon's a$$; 12-05-2003, 05:24 PM.


                  • #24
                    i hate the pig. further more bacon as well


                    • #25
                      fuk cops. Ive had to many problems with them. Why arent they out there getting the child molsters and the murderes and the bank robbers. Leave me alone.

                      Sorry had to vent


                      • #26
                        you know whats really screwed up though? here a drifting ticket is more money and more points than a street racing ticket, and we are off in parking lots and sh!t, not on main roads endangering others. a couple weeks ago this kid killed himself and some other people and you know what he was doing? street racing. they only get 13 points wile we get 18+ for drifting, and we are actually safe about it. i havent gotten one yet, but ive scrapped real close one time. im not going into the details, its too much to type and the people that have been posting here for some time now know what im talking about, i told the story on the old five-o thread. sorry


                        • #27
                          hasn't been said yet (on this thread)

                          but here goes nothing

                          Drifting is not a crime


                          • #28
                            Heh firstly. Anthony s-14, Since you seem to live int eh land of drifting events maybe you ought to let us know where exactly so we can all move there. I don't know about anyone else but there is maybe 1 drift event that heppened anywhere near me.

                            Also never and I repeat NEVER run from the law. For gods sake. If you know the mountain, run from them?? Are you crazy? It takes one cop to either get your tag, get on the radio and call his buddies or to catch you after you wreck to totally wipe out your driving career for good. Not to mention that you are gona end up in the pokey with a big guy that's gonna "drift" into your rear end after lights out. If you want to practice then use the other idea that was on this post. Get some 2 way radios, go to a mountain (if theres one near you) and go up high on it, station a person 50 yards from the entrance and the exit of the corner and attack the corner. Once you got that corner, move to the next. Simple as that. Everyone takes turns and voila. You get practice. Can do that same thing on flat land too. Just get away from the population.

                            As for the mountains of NC. I have told you all bout them and those pictures are of where I will be tomorrow.

                            Deals gap, Blood mountain...oh how I will have a great sunday. It's the lords day and I will praying at the alter of the 4 wheel god of fun.


                            • #29
                              you dont want to get busted, you gotta start watching, dirve around alot, watch which way the police usually travel in certain places, they dont just randomly go places.

                              for instance, if an area had a high content of kids using drugs, chances are theyll come to that place looking for drugs

                              likewise, when your out in the middle of nowhere, THE #1 reason the police are going to show up is because someone phoned them over.

                              so the best solution to that is to change location all night, dont stay in one place for more then 15minutes, work out as many places as you can, even if there not the best, and cycle through all of them during the trip.

                              i havent gotten busted in a loooooooooooooong tome


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by CRASHDRIVE

                                keep on the tracks KIDS!
                                oh yeah.. parking lots are okay shhh.....
                                how bout this

                                STREETS ARE FOR DRIVERS, WIMP@!, I know a few hardcore cart racers, and even they will take it out on the street.

                                comone, what do you goto church and drink milk and cookies when you get home, go to bed at 8pm


                                If you can, if your confident, not crazy, then by all means hit up those roads kids.

