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D1GP Rigged?

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  • #61
    What I am seeing is that this thread could be a thread for any big sporting event. Take the superbowl for instance. After it, you will always have those people that feel cheated, or feel others cheated, you will have the people that don't really care one way or another, you have the people that are happy for the side that won, and you have the people who aren't happy with the outcome but don't let it get to their heads since in the grand scheme of things it isn't that important. Funny thing is that some of the competitors in the D1GP who some say were cheated, don't have anything bad to say, so why should some of us as spectators whine???

    Overall, I have to say, alot of people over here are crying over spilt milk, if you don't like the way D1GP is run, don't watch or be a part of it. My opinion, all the drivers did a great job, the American drivers really stepped it up at the event, they didn't win, but next year is gonna be something to look forward too. I just hope it is a bit warmer.


    • #62
      Originally posted by GoukiS14
      um.... no....
      um.... yes....


      • #63
        Originally posted by Weapon X
        Whether you like it or not the Japanese ARE better than us.
        I beg to differ.


        • #64
          Alex Chang and I rely on all of our power to drift well. our cars are pure horsepower beasts! yes!


          • #65
            No, no. D1 is definitely not "rigged." But it sure as hell is biased. Not just ot americans, but to independent drivers in japan, as well. At Round 3 at Ebisu I watched Okubo from Ings pull off a run better than must seeded drivers, yet he did not advance to the best 16. Also, if you're seeded, you can do pretty much anything you want and still advance to the Tsuisou match. I think this is very unfair, and drivers should not be judged by their reputation or sponsor, but by their driving when it counts. My .02 cents.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Ripper
              I beg to differ.
              You need to get your head outta your arse, man. The Japanese smoke the pants off the U.S. when it comes down to drifting.


              • #67
                Originally posted by mechaniac
                um.... yes....
                ok i'll be waiting for some facts to back up that it's like wwe.....


                • #68
                  okay okay okay i have been to all 3 d1 's in the states i have seen the diff between usa drivers and japanese, japanese go balls to the wall plain and simply american drivers dont push the car to the limits execpt for chris now chris has alot of skill and will give the japanese a run for their with some time and the young guy guchi something.

                  Rhys spun on the last turn and his angles wherent as extreme thas why he was able to come up so quick while in tandem. personaly ive seen Alex have better drifts in his old corolla than his new s2000. so i dont think it was rigged, also remember they judge you angle, speed and if can hold a angle through out the turns with no correcting, i came to realize alot better how they judge drifting after this event, well my 2 cents


                  DID anyone see this angels in the pink with the eibach booth????

                  Attached Files
                  Last edited by comptondrift; 12-21-2004, 10:30 PM.


                  • #69


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Ghost of Duluth
                      Man this is the best thing i've read in a while. So you've never actually seen American cars drifting live, you've only read about them, listened to other people and watched videos. are you even commenting in here about a live event? You werent even there so how can you talk about it being rigged. Maybe you should go to and lay some of your wisdom down there. Let the grown-ups eat at the big table.
                      haha that was fuc,king hilarious


                      • #71
                        ...just curious, for those of u that were there, how do you think Sam Hubinette would have done if he would have competed?


                        • #72
                          He would have done fine.... (speaking of course of him driving without the Viper) He could drive pretty much any car on any track


                          • #73
                            you guys have to seriously think about it. Millen spun out. He freakin SPUN OUT! I thought that the rules stated that if you spin out, you lose. Then the commentator said that Keichi said they got another run because the other driver understeered. quote the commentator "It's not that Millen spun out, it's also that the other driver didn't do so well". It's funny, because Keichi went through the rules right before the tandem runs, and he said that spinning out automatically makes you lose.
                            I was there, I saw Millen come out of his car and congratulate (can't remember driver's name at the moment).
                            Then when Millen won after the second run, he came out of his car and shrugged.
                            Then what about when Bai ran agains Fixmer? Fixmer understeered and caused Bai to spin. Everyone was chanting "One more time" yet, Fixmer advanced. hmmmm.....
                            ...and the whole "one more time rule?" Why do you guys think that rule was made?
                            To please the spectators. It's a pretty broad rule. Freakin spectators don't know crap. The people who sat behind me didn't even have a clue to what kind of cars were being driven on the field. They weren't the only ones either. The Judges should be the one's doing the judging, then be able to explain their decisions per the rules to everyone, not try to rile up and please the crowd like the Rock.
                            I seriously hope that they realize the stupidity of that rule and make stricter guidelines if they want people to see D1 as more of a competitive sport, not some big donut show.
                            I'm not mad though, because I KNOW it's a big SIDE SHOW.

                            Now you guys tell me why it's not.
                            Last edited by mechaniac; 12-22-2004, 12:09 AM.


                            • #74
                              Call me crazy...But you what we should do? We should build a track in SoCal with numerous and hardest turns and hairpins imaginable, and make all of the American drivers do countless laps around it. Then if D1 is held there we'll definately have the home advantage...Just an idea, good no? Well, if you think it's a stupid idea, and wanna flame me for it. Just remember that I'm a diabetic and need insulin.


                              • #75
                                looked like Bai broke a tie rod. how would he go on?

