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  • #31
    I'm not sure, but i think Rhys might have to do REALLY REALLY good against any other car because of his rear lexan wing.
    Some of you may have seen it, but if you haven't, it's a clear lexan "wing" that goes from the roofline to the rear GT wing. it is parallel to the GT wing.
    This piece functions very well in aiding the car to NOT spin out, even under situations when a regular car normally would. The idea is that, the air catches the clear wing and pushes the car back of the car to a more straight position. So, this is why he can get such a crazy angle. If he did NOT have that wing on there, i guarantee he would spin a lot more and would not do as well. he VERY much uses that wing to his advantage.
    I'm not saying there is anything wrong with the use of it, but the judges probably know exactly how it works, and give the other driver a slight advantage. Same as if a low power corolla and a high power S15 go at it. The judges give more consideration to the corolla. Same with Rhys and his "vertical wing" or whatever it's called.

    This is just my opinion on some of the Rhys stuff. I think i might be somewhere near truth, but i do not know for sure.


    • #32
      this was my first drifting event! i loved it! screw the politics i just loved the sound and smell of it all. can anyone tell me about how rhys' entry into the 3rd turn is so different from all of the others? at least to me it looks different but its crazy how its almost like hes spinning out but he catches himself everytime. im talking about the turn right before the judges panel if youre not sure which turn. i thought he had a badass entry.


      • #33
        Rhy had zero smoke on the bank. WEAK!


        • #34
          has anyone got pictures of rhys millans "lexan wing", this sounds very interesting, every pic i can find i cant see a thing


          • #35
            Originally posted by drftn13
            has anyone got pictures of rhys millans "lexan wing", this sounds very interesting, every pic i can find i cant see a thing
            dunno if thats a good enough pic for ya
            Attached Files


            • #36
              Originally posted by MonkeySlide
              Where the heck is this info comming from? Seriously..I've been hearing this "Ueo got banned" thing for a while but no one really says where it was founded...during the media day I was one of two people who actually asked questions..the other guy only asked one and I asked 3..

              And since this Ueo thing has been mentioned so much I actually asked Keiichi himself about this very matter..and as he explained (through Toshi's translation)..he neither retired nor was banned..he just didn't come out to the US this time.

              Now the way you guys are talking about the whole D1 all are making it out to seem that they are liars that only care about their personal gain..which is probably true to some extent

              However..if they did infact ban Ueo..what possible reason would they have to lie about it? I dont think they would gain/loose anything from admitting that Ueo was banned..its true Ueo was a favorite but I wouldn't say he was "The" favorite

     many of you whom were there were like "ok this whole thing totally sucks and isn't crap because Ueo isn't here!"?

              Anyway back to my original point..where did this whole "Ueo got banned" thing come from?
              D1 this year in US sucks cause UEO wasn't there. There, I said it. Now what...

              Ueo was interviewed in Auto Salon etc... He noted of why he wasn't allowed to drive in D1. Maybe D1 have changed their mind after all with all this bitchyness from people of why Ueo got banned.

              Theres always two side of the story.



              • #37

                i loved the event! i go for the drifting no who wins or loses but to see all of the drivers top notch skills put to the test! its not about who wins or loses to me! they are all excellent drivers! and i think that is all that should matter! the whole rhysvs kazama thing i was down on the inside barriar(media stand) and kazamas lines were near perfect on the sudden death match i even have it on vid... i will try to load it up.. rhys did an excellent job! he placed 5th meaning he is able to go to japan and compete there which would be awsome because i think that the fans there would get a real kick out of him and his GTO! mad props to him and all the US drivers that made it and even the ones that crashed! best of luck to you all! all of you complaing over UEO not being there stop! he is an excellent driver but i dont think everyone should be complaing because due to unknown issues he wasnt there either because of D1 regulations or being banned...
                btw i just read in the new superstreet kumakubo will be using a wrx for his new D1 car.. yet awd arent allowed in D1? whats the whole purpose of converting a wrx to RWD for drifting? anyways hope you all had fun!
                i hope to have more D1 events stateside rather than 2 a year


                • #38
                  it was fun, dont want to complain


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by .Al
                    D1 this year in US sucks cause UEO wasn't there.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by NiteKids
                      You should start driving your own car at events instead of having other people driving it.


                      ps. Don't claim that its you driving, also.


                      • #41

                        Originally posted by drftn13
                        has anyone got pictures of rhys millans "lexan wing", this sounds very interesting, every pic i can find i cant see a thing


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by CrazyHawaiian
                          I didnt goto the event, so I dont know exactly how "bad" it was, but I think you guys are giving it too much of a bad rap. Any competition will have "politics" when they are judged like this. Its impossible to prevent since everyone will have a different perception of what happened compared to the judges. I'm sure even the drivers have different ideas of who should have won what, etc, etc. What is comes down to is that we have no idea what the judges saw and we have no idea what they were thinking about or focusing on. You just gotta suck it up and accept their judgement. If you cant handle the idea of them deciding on a winner, you got 2 options. Either dont participate and boycott or whatever, or dont focus on who wins and instead just enjoy some drifting. I go for the second choice. Even if I was somehow able to compete in an event like that, and I feel like I got robbed by politics, I would still accept it. Thats life.
                          exactly! Like someone said earlier it seems like Rhys is more bent on passing rather than just tandem like say Kumakubo.


                          • #43
                            Here is another pic that shows the clear lexan vertical spoiler...(pic provided by Follow the lines of the rear window down to the trunk.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by .Al
                              You should start driving your own car at events instead of having other people driving it.


                              ps. Don't claim that its you driving, also.
                              oh damn ahah that wasnt right, but ya henry he has a point sorry boss, but i still want to drive your car


                              • #45
                                dude on the way when i got on the 605 some dude was trying to sell me his 86 on the freeway. it had a sticker that said 50lbs or something. i just thought that was funny. and it was cool on the way how everyone is cool when passing by eachother instead of mad dogging n stuff. that was part of the fun of my whole day

