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  • #46
    Rhys' car is really sweet in person, the amount of work/design they put into that car gives him a shot at the Japanese guys.

    i like the idea of the wing. btw, its not parallel =p, its slightly angled.

    what says he should be penalized for coming up with something so badass and brilliant? its like a 50 dollar mod, if people haved thought it up any drifter can impliment it. I don't think the 500hp silvia vs 200hp corrola arguement applies. Its like if some driver "discovers" a better tire for drifting or something, he shouldn't be penalized cause his competitors could have done it, regardless of what kind of car/engine they drive, its universal.

    Like in WRC, almost EXACTLY the same thing, a couple of years ago the scooby team discovered that having vertical partitions in the rear wing helps stabilize the car and impove the performance dramatically. Again, its a mod that doesn't depend on vehicle, but does give it an advange unrealized by everyone else. What happens? Everyone else realize how badass and simple that modification was and pretty soon every WRC car has some type of vertical partitions in the rear wing. Should the scoobys get a time or weight addtion because of an unfair advantage? no, its not unfair, its innovative.

    now if D1 wants to regulate this style of wing later, then its up to them to write it in the rules.

    i didn't go to D1 this time, but
    1) the stupid "one more time" has got to stop, stupid ignorant masses
    2) i do see some politics/favoritism going on, but thats not only against the American guys, its within the Japanese ranks as well. Deal with it, whinning doesn't help, winning does.
    3) Rhys took 5th place in a D1 points round, thats pretty friggen good.
    4) Irwendale is our home turf, i don't care how good these Japanese guys are, most of the top amateur/pro US drivers have had 10 times the amount of track time on the bank than our visitors, there is no reason why our drivers cannot pull off a handful of perfect runs in a day. Do better, if you have a perfect line, better speed, better angle, closer pursuit, you will win, if there is prejudice, then you have to beat it and show without a doubt you are better. Anything else is just excuses.


    • #47
      thats a very nice idea, same sort of idea as dirt track cars run here, awesome to see some innovations like this


      • #48
        So do you think Pontiac will front the money for Millen to travel to Japan and maybe enter a few more events to gain some more points? It would be great to see the results of such a venture.


        • #49
          I think it would be very disrespectfull if team pontiac/ rmr will not attempt to attend any rounds in japan.


          • #50
            I think the wing is a brilliant idea. And that clear wing makes sense of why he uses it...

            There aren't too many ways to do the same thing that he's doing without the wing... That wing is ingenious and Team RMR should get more credit for being creative with their engineering...

            Anyways, that's awesome. Go Rhys!


            • #51
              That wing is only usefull at Irwindale..


              • #52
                I noticed about 2 pages back that brian pointed out a story about komatsu...can anybody fill me in on this story? I am interested to know.


                • #53
                  thought this girl was cool? BTW the DJ was he on this stage or the PA annouce guy. BTW the one more time killed it for that GTO (chris)?he should have won that round imo.
                  Attached Files


                  • #54
                    She's ugly.



                    • #55
                      I wonder if the new judging box where they monitor the speed and angle of the car, is an attempt by D1 to get some data for judging purposes, or merely a tool so the judges can justify their decisions to the fans.

                      As far as the American not winning or whatever, I can't really say, I wasn't there. But we saw all too clearly what happened when an American car with a great driver showed the potential to win a D1 event. It was banned very quickly. Interesting how the Viper wasn't supposed to be banned until '05, yet mysteriously wasn't available for the last D1 exhibition round.

                      Anyway, congrats to all the American guys for doing a good job, and to Ueno for getting the Soarer back into the spotlight. I hope Ueo can get back into competition soon again.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Tsunami
                        I wonder if the new judging box where they monitor the speed and angle of the car, is an attempt by D1 to get some data for judging purposes, or merely a tool so the judges can justify their decisions to the fans.

                        As far as the American not winning or whatever, I can't really say, I wasn't there. But we saw all too clearly what happened when an American car with a great driver showed the potential to win a D1 event. It was banned very quickly. Interesting how the Viper wasn't supposed to be banned until '05, yet mysteriously wasn't available for the last D1 exhibition round.

                        Anyway, congrats to all the American guys for doing a good job, and to Ueno for getting the Soarer back into the spotlight. I hope Ueo can get back into competition soon again.
                        The viper was never legal in D1, it was FD that had to change (enforce) its rules to disallow the viper. Nomuruken got his first 1st place D1 finish last year and has been competing since D1 started. Rhys has competed in 2 D1 rounds and 2 D1 exhibitions in which he finished extremely well (3rd and 5th). If pontiac/RMR decided to attend D1 all season he would eventually get his day.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Pruto
                          ... 4) Irwendale is our home turf, i don't care how good these Japanese guys are, most of the top amateur/pro US drivers have had 10 times the amount of track time on the bank than our visitors, there is no reason why our drivers cannot pull off a handful of perfect runs in a day. Do better, if you have a perfect line, better speed, better angle, closer pursuit, you will win, if there is prejudice, then you have to beat it and show without a doubt you are better. Anything else is just excuses.
                          Well, if you give me 100 more hp, I could certainly ride the wall on the big bank better!
                          Hubert Young
                          KORE 8 Films


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by motodyn_s14
                            Well, if you give me 100 more hp, I could certainly ride the wall on the big bank better!
                            I agree with Hubert. It doesn't matter if it's home turf. Bias is bias.

                            I don't think any American will win D1GP for the next two years no matter how well they drive. Honestly, do you think that the Japanese will allow for an American driver to win? I'm sure they'd allow Ken Gushi to win, but they'd still call it a Japanese victory since Ken is a Japanese Citizen. (Ken no hate to you man... Just the way I feel about D1GP)

                            I don't know if you guys remember the Rhys v. Imamura from GT Live, but that was a clear win for Rhys. The judges turned around and pointed their fingers in the air and asked for a "one more time." Then they just gave it to Imamura... Rhys Millen was screwed at an oppertunity to win.

                            Anyways, it's all based on your own biases as well. Because drifting is a judged sport, there is no real way to say who won... You can claim one person had more angle than another, but it depends on who's judging and how they feel.


                            • #59
                              The event felt horribly rushed this year. There wasn't nearly the pomp and circumstance of last year with the introductions, the opening ceremonies, nothing. Hell, even at the end of the event last year, they turned all the drivers loose on the track and it was a constant circle of sideways cars belching tire smoke. None of that went on this year.

                              Also, the VIP tickets were a phucking joke. They blocked off the grass so the VIP ticket holders got a worse view than the non-VIP folks. We could see the first two turns, but once they got in to the big left turn in the middle, all we could see were the tails of the cars. The view from the bleachers was blcoked by the placment of the annoucing/judging stand as well. Way to rip a bunch of people off guys.

                              Also, the vendor midway sucked this year. It was only half the size of last year and we easily covered it, with time for purchases, in an hour. Oh, and whomever the *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* *Censored* wannabe rapper/DJ idiot was on the stage in the vendor midway should be shot. I have never heard a worse attempt and trying to be a gAnGsTa RaPpA than that *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* *Censored*.

                              At least the drifting was amazing and extremely close. We spoke with Alex during the break and he said he missed the top 16 by 1/2 of a point. That's how close the scoring was.


                              • #60
                                I thought this D1 overall was good, but not as great as the first round last yr in Irwindale. One thing I didn't like was that it was too *CENSORED* short... the finals ended before 4PM i believe. I really wanted to see the semis and finals at NIGHT! And they didnt bust the large group drift like last yr where all the cars were on the track drifting simultaneously. Another thing as ppl mentioned already was the PA, but i didnt even hear him 95% of the time because there was hardly any sound up in the top area of the stands under shade. The *CENSORED* speakers up there werent working!!! So i had to wait til the next round started to find out who won the previous round. Hopefully the final round in December will not be like this... I'll have to wait and see.

