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  • #61
    I'm not a fan of night drifting because I don't want too freeze may azz off while having fun (that’s for snowboarders) The PA sound system did suck the VIP stands at CAspeedway sucked too I think VIP stands are for NOOBS we should past along the info all VIP stands suck! (Irwindale for safety reason will never let fans stand at the fence in turn1&2 infield like they did in Sept 03.)

    D1GP will soon figure out way CART lost fans its still kind of new but if FD has American drivers and they put on a show as good or better and have a fair judging system American fans won't care about D1GP.

    Not that Americans can’t cheer for Japanese drivers but they D1GP judges keep showing bias I can’t think of a faster way too loose American fans. What’s sad is I wonder if D1GP cares or not Option makes lots of money nothing will change unless people stop buying the DVD’s. If they really wanted the sport too grow every event would it be on SpeedTV instead of whoring the money on DVD sales only. As for turning the drivers loose who said they wanted too why risk blowing a engine or something else that cost big money after the event. You don’t see all the NASCAR , CART, or F1 cars after the race doing burnouts. I think your spoiled they got you hooked now LOL


    • #62
      Originally posted by Tsunami
      I wonder if the new judging box where they monitor the speed and angle of the car, is an attempt by D1 to get some data for judging purposes, or merely a tool so the judges can justify their decisions to the fans.

      As far as the American not winning or whatever, I can't really say, I wasn't there. But we saw all too clearly what happened when an American car with a great driver showed the potential to win a D1 event. It was banned very quickly. Interesting how the Viper wasn't supposed to be banned until '05, yet mysteriously wasn't available for the last D1 exhibition round.

      Anyway, congrats to all the American guys for doing a good job, and to Ueno for getting the Soarer back into the spotlight. I hope Ueo can get back into competition soon again.
      I thought the Viper ban had too do with the way it was built i.e a race car tube frame from the ground up instead of a show room floor anyone can buy factory car that you then put a role cage in it and other modifed etc etcs.


      • #63
        Originally posted by bluegas
        I thought the Viper ban had too do with the way it was built i.e a race car tube frame from the ground up instead of a show room floor anyone can buy factory car that you then put a role cage in it and other modifed etc etcs.
        The Viper Comp Coupe is NOT a tube frame car. It is a factory built, non-street legal race car with a factory-installed cage, along with tubular cross members and supports.

        Trust me, I've worked on them.


        • #64
          Originally posted by Bathurst R
          I thought this D1 overall was good, but not as great as the first round last yr in Irwindale. One thing I didn't like was that it was too *CENSORED* short... the finals ended before 4PM i believe. I really wanted to see the semis and finals at NIGHT! And they didnt bust the large group drift like last yr where all the cars were on the track drifting simultaneously. Another thing as ppl mentioned already was the PA, but i didnt even hear him 95% of the time because there was hardly any sound up in the top area of the stands under shade. The *CENSORED* speakers up there werent working!!! So i had to wait til the next round started to find out who won the previous round. Hopefully the final round in December will not be like this... I'll have to wait and see.
          this was done in an attempt to streamline everything. I agree that they could have done the introductions better...

          All the qualifying was done on saturday, when the venue was closed to the public. They had already eliminated the field down from almost 100 drivers to just 30. (20 qualified and the top 10 pre-qual) I also thought that the first "round" was just practice, only to find out that it was really the first round halfway through it.

          As for ending early - remember last year, the event started around 1pm. The morning was practice and opening ceremonies but qualifying started around 11:30 and running for an hour or two, then the tandem drifting didn't start until 3. I also think they started at 32 instead of 16, which doubles the number of passes they had. There was also ALOT more lag time between the runs. I think it's good to have a round of runs, and then wait an hour or two, let teams work on the cars, instead of going round after round. But i'm not running the event...

          If i was a spectator, i woulda been really mad taht it was so short. As a media person, I enjoyed the 2 day event. I think they should open the qualifying to the public (charge another $10 or whatever to come on the qualifying day). But I know that requires more security, food vendors, etc...
          Last edited by Slapshotnerd; 03-01-2005, 01:27 PM.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Craftsman
            I agree with Hubert. It doesn't matter if it's home turf. Bias is bias.

            I don't think any American will win D1GP for the next two years no matter how well they drive. Honestly, do you think that the Japanese will allow for an American driver to win? I'm sure they'd allow Ken Gushi to win, but they'd still call it a Japanese victory since Ken is a Japanese Citizen. (Ken no hate to you man... Just the way I feel about D1GP)

            I don't know if you guys remember the Rhys v. Imamura from GT Live, but that was a clear win for Rhys. The judges turned around and pointed their fingers in the air and asked for a "one more time." Then they just gave it to Imamura... Rhys Millen was screwed at an oppertunity to win.

            Anyways, it's all based on your own biases as well. Because drifting is a judged sport, there is no real way to say who won... You can claim one person had more angle than another, but it depends on who's judging and how they feel.
            what are you talking about? rhys got 3rd at D1 japan vs US, and 5th in round 1. That is very good in my book. Biased my @ss.


            • #66
              Originally posted by bluegas
              D1GP will soon figure out way CART lost fans its still kind of new but if FD has American drivers and they put on a show as good or better and have a fair judging system American fans won't care about D1GP.
              LMAO, now thats rich. The only FD judge we know of has never competed in a drift competition


              • #67
                Originally posted by D1 DRIFTER
                i loved the event! i go for the drifting no who wins or loses but to see all of the drivers top notch skills put to the test! its not about who wins or loses to me! they are all excellent drivers! and i think that is all that should matter! the whole rhysvs kazama thing i was down on the inside barriar(media stand) and kazamas lines were near perfect on the sudden death match i even have it on vid... i will try to load it up.. rhys did an excellent job! he placed 5th meaning he is able to go to japan and compete there which would be awsome because i think that the fans there would get a real kick out of him and his GTO! mad props to him and all the US drivers that made it and even the ones that crashed! best of luck to you all! all of you complaing over UEO not being there stop! he is an excellent driver but i dont think everyone should be complaing because due to unknown issues he wasnt there either because of D1 regulations or being banned...
                btw i just read in the new superstreet kumakubo will be using a wrx for his new D1 car.. yet awd arent allowed in D1? whats the whole purpose of converting a wrx to RWD for drifting? anyways hope you all had fun!
                i hope to have more D1 events stateside rather than 2 a year
                Dude there is a sick RWD WRX from TVM Performance in Quebec google it, this car is bad *Censored**Censored**Censored*!


                • #68
                  Originally posted by DriftGuy86
                  I am disappointed with todays event. First of all I thought there would be more cars than the about 30 that competed. I think their was only 3 american drivers. The whole event seemed like it was rushed in my opinion. Some might disagree but thats just my view.

                  Another thing that really pissed me the F*ck off is when KAZAMA and MILLEN battled. Millen clearly one that fair and square making Kazama lose his line, and speed and nearly overtook him. Kazama didnt even do his usually long drift in the first long left bank turn. I thought Millen won and so did a lot of people in the crowd, but thanks to the "ONE MORE TIME" idiots I think his victory was taken away by giving Kazama another chance(and even in the second battle he was pressured and almost overtaken again by Millen).

                  This leads me to believe that something is wrong with D1. Imagine an American winning the D1 event beating the powerhouses of Japan. Hmmmmm, crazy how Taniguchi and was knocked out pretty quickly and only Kazama was left. If Millen would have won I think he would have gone and possible won the event in an unprecedented victory.

                  AND WHO THE HELL HIRED THAT DUMBASS "HIP HOPPITY DJ ENTERTAINMENT GUY"????? YO THIS YO THAT! YO READY!! FO SHOOO!! Stupid. I think the D1 in Feb 04 was a Million times better than todays. Thank you for your time. I need to vent.

                  A job well done to all you American Drifters and Japanese Drifters. Oh yeah and to you ALEX PFIEFFER, Great Job bro, you really won. And Rhys Millen got robbed at JGTC too!
                  This was my first D1 event with Modified(other than GT Live) I was lucky enough to get my hands on a media to watch the entire thing from the pits!! I was kinda dissapointed to see my boy JR not get his 5 min as stated in the rule book,yet Kazama got his 5 or more to change his tires and spray his IC. Also I think Rhys should have advanced. He clearly overtook Kazama.

                  The crowd was massive...there was lots of stuff to do in between runs...lots of great freebies...
                  Last edited by ModifiedGuy; 03-01-2005, 01:59 PM.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by ModifiedGuy
                    This was my first D1 event with Modified(other than GT Live) I was lucky enough to get my hands on a media to watch the entire thing from the pits!! I was kinda dissapointed to see my boy JR not get his 5 min as stated in the rule book,yet Kazama got his 5 or more to change his tires and spray his IC. Also I think Rhys should have advanced. He clearly overtook Kazama.

                    The crowd was massive...there was lots of stuff to do in between runs...lots of great freebies...
                    did you even pay attention to the match~!? rhys had to correct his line after the 1st bank in the sudden death match. and both never overtook anyone. both pulled good runs and kazama's line was perfect. Rhys took the shorter line to see if he can overtake, but if you dont advance over your opponent, you dont get the advantage. thats the risk you take for taking a shorter line.


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by Craftsman
                      I agree with Hubert. It doesn't matter if it's home turf. Bias is bias.
                      it does matter, my point is that if we can't do better on a track that we've been on a lot more, then what does that say about the difference of skill level? What would happen on a track no one is familiar with?

                      yeah, you can say stuff about horsepower, level of prep, tires, sponsors, whatever excuse, the fact is that the skill level isn't there, the fans shouldn't expect it to be, and we should be hella happy that Rhys did as well as he did. We should be happy that 3 american drivers qualified for top 32, not pissed that no one else did.

                      and a lot of people say "i was there, so and so clearly won such and such match". [enter name of favorite american driver] shoulda made top 32/16/8... Most spectators aren't qualified to judge speed, angle or line, especially where they are sitting/standing. I'm not saying there isn't judging bias, but half of the supposed bias can be started from rumors or BS based on ignorance or lack of info.


                      • #71
                        Originally posted by nasty nate 7
                        did you even pay attention to the match~!? rhys had to correct his line after the 1st bank in the sudden death match. and both never overtook anyone. both pulled good runs and kazama's line was perfect. Rhys took the shorter line to see if he can overtake, but if you dont advance over your opponent, you dont get the advantage. thats the risk you take for taking a shorter line.
                        Yeah dude I watched it...where exactly were you sitting ?? I was in the pits from where I was standing those were my observations.


                        • #72
                          I wish that the D1 could've had the organization of the JGTC back in December. That would've made the event MUCH better. The driving was incredible, but I agree that it did seem kind of rushed. The PA setup there was pathetic. Most of the stands couldn't even hear the announcing. But from what I have read that isn't really a bad thing.

                          I for one am very embarrassed though. In fact the 10 of us that went to the D1 were all very embarrassed over how the crowd acted. The Japanese visitors probably think that we are a bunch of trash. What's up with people throwing *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored*, blowing up condoms and throwing them around, and worst of all throwing drinks at the one Japanese guy who got up to give us all some much needed comic relief? Idiots acting like that might just tempt the D1 not to come back to the U.S. I have been to D1 events in Japan and have never seen the crowd act that way. I wish I could apologize to the visitors for how people acted. Did anyone else notice this?



                          • #73
                            Originally posted by ModifiedGuy
                            This was my first D1 event with Modified(other than GT Live)
                            Yo man... was Rob in town for this one? i've been trying to get ahold of that guy for 2+ weeks now... does he just not like responding to people?


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by my 1 88 u
                              what are you talking about? rhys got 3rd at D1 japan vs US, and 5th in round 1. That is very good in my book. Biased my @ss.
                              Thats what I'm thinking he does really good for someone that's only drifted on ocassion for certain turns(while he's rallying) He's one of the few that places high for the US. Also with all this bitching do you just want them to break down and just let a US driver into the finals? Give us a handicap? Personally I would rather have someone that deserves it. I think IF we are being biased against we should work harder and impress the judges even more, there is something that we are obviously missing in terms of judging. They are judging on a multitude of things. If one thing is better on a certain driver then they counter that w/ what the other driver did better. They have insight on things that we don't. How many of us have driven in a true race. Besides the pros that have driven these events. I do see some bias though and just as stated above it's not just for the US. Remember the Hibino vs. Nomuken in Japan, so we can't say they are just being biased against the US


                              • #75
                                Originally posted by drftn13
                                has anyone got pictures of rhys millans "lexan wing", this sounds very interesting, every pic i can find i cant see a thing
                                Here you go:

