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  • #16
    Heh great one the O Crazy one.


    • #17
      To truly see your reflection in the drift you must first see the protecter of the track. He will give you the magic mushrum, this will show you the way to the otherside. There you will gain knowlage. Oh long your journey may be, but when you arive at the disipline of others you will come to realize.



      • #18
        Whered you get 87% from. He could search, but dont be to hard on him, you should be helping him, he is the future of the sport.


        • #19
          Ok here's a good solution to the newbie pollution. Start a Newbie forum. So all the "can you and is this" questions can be asked/answered there. That should help clean this mess up. Since 87% (which IMO is a little low) are newbies I think this should be a good forum for them to be in. So all the newbies with newbie questions, just stop and wait till the mods here create a Newbie forum for you guys.


          • #20
            Heh Once again we are posed with this question. Who is going to answer newbie questions if they are all in one forum? Other newbs?

            I propose a couple threads that have discussed the FAQ be placed in a startup thread. Maybe a "Read this first" thread. That way they are a little informed so that they don't get a flame job laid on them when they make their first post.


            • #21
              lol StarShark will he like he does on PacRim and club4ag


              • #22
                heres a suggestion.if you have a question that might have been already asked.use the search helps.since these forums have beeen around for awhile there should be something that your lookin for.

                but dont be hatin on the newbs.everyone used to be one or is still probly did the same thing n got other people just cut the guy some slack....


                • #23
                  Ghost of Duluth, Have you gone to club4ag? They have a Beginners Talk and many of the newbies have gone there and ask their questions and have gotten real answers... No one could flame them couse they were in the correct forum. Most the people answering the questions there are very knowledgable of the corolla and any 4AG power car. Starting threads of "Read This First" isnt going to go anywhere since that was tested in club4ag. They controlled the flame wars with the Beginners Talk. IMO I believe would benifit in this.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by JuN GDB
                    lol StarShark will he like he does on PacRim and club4ag

                    you stalking me?? Or am I that popular?? LOL


                    • #25
                      I think we should have a point system. Like for posting the same question that was already posted within the last 10 threads gets you 5 noob points, etc etc. Then the top winners could get free passes to compete in The Most Extreme Elimination Challenge!!


                      • #26
                        Lol Hawaiian Screw that I want to go compete in that. I'd have a seperate account with a 10,000 newb point rack up just to get over there. Funny

                        Starshark I agree with that Beginner forum. You are right. We do need one over here.


                        • #27
                          Perhaps a better F.A.Q. would be in order - put rest some of these recurring and beginner-oriented posts.

                          People seem to be too lazy to search, but maybe there could be an automated response for keywords like "truck" and "slide" (when occuring in the same sentence) that would redirect users to search results for those things...

                          I don't ever give anyone crap for asking fundamental questions, but I just don't like when they aren't willing to do their own footwork before taking the lazy way out. That poor work ethic seems to be a common thread in the kids who do the half-a$$ motor swaps and are irresponsible about where and how they drive in public.



                          • #28
                            Your signature is so spot on.

                            Love it.


                            • #29
                              Why don't the people new to this just read throught the stuff before they go and ask a "stupid" question? I'll admit I'm relatively new and ignorant to alot of this stuff, but I go and read the threads to answer my questions.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by spock
                                Why don't the people new to this just read throught the stuff before they go and ask a "stupid" question? I'll admit I'm relatively new and ignorant to alot of this stuff, but I go and read the threads to answer my questions.

                                Thats cause the lazy newbies do not have the ability to think. So they flap their lip and go with it.

