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  • #61
    Originally posted by andysapp View Post
    Sounds good. You stay contructive, and continue pointing your finger... the rest of us can work on creative solutions and moving forward with preventative measures.

    Thanks for your help.
    There's really no need for creativity, just take a closer look at course layouts and plan things a little better. This should never have happened. This accident was, and is, very preventable. The obvious suggestion is to keep the course limited to one car at a time. You can have a photographer on the inside of a turn, but have the turn set up in a way where the drivers carry their speed past, not towards, the photographer. Organizers could also seperate the run groups by experience, and pull the photographers off the track when the less experienced guys are running. This sounds very "shoulda, coulda, woulda" but its just suggestions to prevent something like this from happening in the future. I also hope that Drift Fury uses a different insurance company than we do, because the new rates are going to be out of control.


    • #62
      Originally posted by kidynomite View Post
      According to most of those fighting on NOPI's side, it was not their fault and it doesn't seem like they believed anythign should be changed.

      I point the finger at who needs to make the changes, I only do all this so they do see that there is a problem and they need to fix it. It does not only affect them but affects the rest of us.

      The obvious prevenative measure was to simply think about safety first. It is realy simple to prevent an incident like this. I keep hearing they are safe but they really are not.

      And this seems more like into

      do you believe everything you see/hear on tv? i read just the other day batboy died at the age of 96 . Ernie has not been hit by anyone, nor has he been forced into slave labor to do something he didn't want to. ever heard of showmanship? he says mostly what the crowd wants to hear to add excitement, which is the point to the demo. he ACTS (imagine that) as though he was in a near death situation to wow the crowd. he's done the stunt many times over and if it were truly that scary for him he'd have said no more. but i digress....

      you can keep on with the witch hunt, but the facts have been put out there. two things went wrong at the same time and caused one very bad accident to happen.


      • #63
        Originally posted by sweetcarz02 View Post

        All of them but 2? So you have shot 2 events. Your not allowed anywhere on the track.........regardless of if you thought you were able to. Maybe this explains your next comment....which you say in a post later.

        Give me a break George. If you really were taking media creds. in that understanding than the promoters of that event should be glad you didn't turn in your creds. in time and you weren't allowed on track. Anywhere on track? No one was allowing you to go stand on the outside of turn 1......
        or the many other "high impact" zones of the track. Don't be stupid and go running your mouth.

        Take a second and read what I said. One, before Drift Fury there was Drift Expo so yeah Ive shot more than two, but who cares, only reason Im saying that is because Id like to make it known I have been a photographer covering the event and not just some person that hasnt.

        I never said we were allowed to stand anywhere. If Im quoting correctly this is what I said...

        but Ive shot all the Drift Fury events with the exception of the past two and we were allowed to stand almost anywhere we had wished with the obvious exceptions (on the track, etc).
        but then YOU say...

        Your not allowed anywhere on the track.........regardless of if you thought you were able to.
        So thanks for repeating what I said.

        But okay I guess im being "stupid" and Ill keep my mouth shut, but at least I didnt resort to name calling.

        IM NOT NAME CALLING, IM NOT POINTING FINGERS, IM NOT INSINUATING. Maybe other people are, but at some point you all were my friends and we were all in it for the same thing.
        Last edited by Nemesis Digital; 11-21-2006, 04:44 PM.


        • #64
          i dont see any name calling, i see him saying dont be stupid and run your mouth, which means dont be stupid and run your mouth. which if youneed to break it down past basic english means

          if you run your mouth

          you are stupid.

          are you saying you are running your mouth?

          im turning into kidynomite. please dont reply to this post. i was just pointing something out. i think i speak for everyone that was at the event when i say we are getting highly annoyed by peopel that werent there trying to tell us as peopel that were there what happened and how to fix it. everyonet hat was there is in 99% agreement the only way to fix this situation bluntly, and im sorry matt for somewhat kicking you while your down, would to be to hold every photographers hand like a fornicating three year old.

          but in reality.

          ITS NOT DAY CARE

          matt knew what he was doing, and unfourtunately he lost focus and didnt pay attention, and got hit. and it really sucks.

          this thread is really annoying the urine out of me because of all the heresay based opinions. if one more person chimes in about how unsafe this was im just gonna start posting videos of other organizations events on youtube ive seen, piss off the peoeple involved with those videos because nobody in this thread will laugh, and show people what a real safety hazard is so maybe some of you people will shut your pie hole about all this crap you think about how kinder care and drifting should form a partnership.

          i wish matt the best, and i hope at least someone is awesome enough to take guitar hero to his room and play it with him so when he emerges from his bruised and beaten current self he will be known in the atl area as a force to be reckoned with on guitar hero, I and II.


          • #65
            Originally posted by Mike Peters View Post
            i dont see any name calling, i see him saying dont be stupid and run your mouth, which means dont be stupid and run your mouth. which if youneed to break it down past basic english means

            if you run your mouth

            you are stupid.

            are you saying you are running your mouth?

            If that is all you have to say as regards to what Ive posted, Ive made my point and defended myself. That is all I was doing. He was "running his mouth" to me, so yeah your breakdown past basic English needs to be given to someone else, because someone obviously didnt read.


            • #66
              you said he was resorting to name calling i was just saying i didnt see it.

              if i called you a hot sexy beast would taht be better you hot sexy beast?
              i love everyone by the way.


              • #67
                Originally posted by Mike Peters View Post

                if i called you a hot sexy beast would taht be better you hot sexy beast?

                Ok, thats sig material right there. LOL


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Mike Peters View Post
                  then why the hell are you posting so much? get the hell out of this thread if you cant do anything to improve safety at events. im glad you can talk on the internet, but the fact that you start off your long post of horse manure with a statment of declaring you have zero incentive to do anything yourself, cleary states the case that you have nothing to contribute to this thread, other than bashing of others, and as already also established, based no real facts other than what you read 80th perspective on a forum in zimbabwe.

                  so please, stop posting, as you have stated yourself you have nothing to to truly contribute. thanks.
                  I was born in Zimbabwe so maybe I am the one posting the stuff in the forum...

                  Like I have said before I coordinate events, I don't want to see ignorant people ruin that for me, and the people that show up to thse events. You seem to not understand what the problem is here. The problem is lack of safety which according to you there is plenty of at Drift Fury events. Sure I didnt see any pics of cars with wheels falling off, or sparking tires, or a car that fell apart on track, but I did see people randomly standing in unsafe zones, or people sitting up against a pole, and someone get hit . There seems to be lack of safety in that evidence that I got from my relatives in Zimbabwe, but evidence that has been clearly stated by those who have attended these events and also by picture evidence from the event.

                  do you believe everything you see/hear on tv? i read just the other day batboy died at the age of 96 . Ernie has not been hit by anyone, nor has he been forced into slave labor to do something he didn't want to. ever heard of showmanship? he says mostly what the crowd wants to hear to add excitement, which is the point to the demo. he ACTS (imagine that) as though he was in a near death situation to wow the crowd. he's done the stunt many times over and if it were truly that scary for him he'd have said no more. but i digress....

                  you can keep on with the witch hunt, but the facts have been put out there. two things went wrong at the same time and caused one very bad accident to happen.
                  I forget, according to Mike Peters if you are on the track you are fair game like a cone, so until something bad happens lets keep it that way. Two things went wrong and nobody seems to want to fix it.

                  Lets pretend he was facing the car coming at him, what are the odds he would have shaken left, and so did the car... What are the odds he would have gone right and so did the car. I guess it would be the drivers fault now huh?

                  The big point I am getting at is there were no safe zones. Why?


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by kidynomite View Post
                    I was born in Zimbabwe so maybe I am the one posting the stuff in the forum...

                    Like I have said before I coordinate events
                    awesome. glad to hear you do something constructive for the drift community.

                    I don't want to see ignorant people ruin that for me, and the people that show up to thse events. You seem to not understand what the problem is here. The problem is lack of safety which according to you there is plenty of at Drift Fury events.
                    no, i left the names out of the events i know lack in safety. drift fury events safety is pretty well coordinated. some OTHER events i have attended boggle my mind on how they are insured.

                    Sure I didnt see any pics of cars with wheels falling off, or sparking tires, or a car that fell apart on track, but I did see people randomly standing in unsafe zones, or people sitting up against a pole, and someone get hit .
                    you keep saying safe zone its a RACE TRACK and NEAR A RACE TRACK, what exactly is SAFE within 100' of a track? NOTHING. you are preaching a message that can only be truly bought by complete idiots. there is nothing safe about it, thats why there is insurance, thats why not everyone is allowed near the track, or on the infield. waht is your suggestion to fix this? babysitters? how about 5mph speed limiters on all cars with everyone covered in football pads and the cars equipped with 4'' of styrofoam and the ground padded iwth 2'' of feathers.

                    There seems to be lack of safety in that evidence that I got from my relatives in Zimbabwe, but evidence that has been clearly stated by those who have attended these events and also by picture evidence from the event.
                    funny, i see not one picture in this thread. i see no clear "evidence", then again my eyes are open, so i might see thru the clear items.

                    I forget, according to Mike Peters if you are on the track you are fair game like a cone, so until something bad happens lets keep it that way. Two things went wrong and nobody seems to want to fix it.
                    in my most outright honest opinion, if you are stupid enough to walk onto a marked course wihtout looking while it has cars on it you deserve to be struck. however since thats totally irrelevant to this thread, since he was hit off course, but the track was hot. as a self proclaimed even coordinator i shouldnt have to explain what that means.

                    Lets pretend he was facing the car coming at him, what are the odds he would have shaken left, and so did the car... What are the odds he would have gone right and so did the car. I guess it would be the drivers fault now huh?
                    gee i dont know. the other two people near him that were paying attention got out of the way, so judging by that i woudl guess if he wasnt facing away and not paying attention he would have gotten out of the way as well. but im not factoring in the fact that possibly there could have been a catostrophic lightning storm from the north and telsa troopers from the south with flak tanks that could have affected the trajectory and caused an accident while our grandma daycar employees were trying out the new what a chickin at whataburger.

                    The big point I am getting at is there were no safe zones. Why?


                    • #70
                      mike peters \/ \/ \/ <-- kid dynomite


                      • #71
                        you keep saying safe zone its a RACE TRACK and NEAR A RACE TRACK, what exactly is SAFE within 100' of a track? NOTHING. you are preaching a message that can only be truly bought by complete idiots. there is nothing safe about it, thats why there is insurance, thats why not everyone is allowed near the track, or on the infield. waht is your suggestion to fix this? babysitters? how about 5mph speed limiters on all cars with everyone covered in football pads and the cars equipped with 4'' of styrofoam and the ground padded iwth 2'' of feathers.
                        If you honest to god can't think of a safe zone maybe you should leave this thread. I know you drive, so I know you know where you are more than likely to foul up, and you should also know where a noob is more than likely to foul up. There are certain areas that are more likely to be hit, keep people out of those areas and deem those as unsafe zones.

                        Or hey how about this bright idea that has been mentioned and wasnt in your little sarcastic rant. K-rails... They do wonders for stopping cars and do wonders for allowing photographers to be safely standing near the action.

                        funny, i see not one picture in this thread. i see no clear "evidence", then again my eyes are open, so i might see thru the clear items.

                        Should I draw a diagram as to what looks wrong in this picture.

                        And here is some evidence, go to the hospital, do you need a picture to believe that or is that a lie.

                        in my most outright honest opinion, if you are stupid enough to walk onto a marked course wihtout looking while it has cars on it you deserve to be struck. however since thats totally irrelevant to this thread, since he was hit off course, but the track was hot. as a self proclaimed even coordinator i shouldnt have to explain what that means.
                        As someone who has a brain I know others don't, everyone has different knowledge of the sport. I highly doubt anyone explains the physics of drifting in their briefings. That reason will not hold up as a legit reason for someone getting hit.

                        gee i dont know. the other two people near him that were paying attention got out of the way, so judging by that i woudl guess if he wasnt facing away and not paying attention he would have gotten out of the way as well. but im not factoring in the fact that possibly there could have been a catostrophic lightning storm from the north and telsa troopers from the south with flak tanks that could have affected the trajectory and caused an accident while our grandma daycar employees were trying out the new what a chickin at whataburger.
                        So you are basicaly basing safety issues on whether or not people are good at dodging cars. Should all events begin with watching Dodgeball. Are the words Dodge, Dip, Dive, Duck, and Dodge words we should all live by, should I throw a wrench at staff as they sign the waiver and if they get hit they aren't allowed...

                        This is a message board, people know how to read. This is a motorsport that is different than most others, cars are "out of control" but still predictable to those in the know. But those who are knew are clueless. Protect the ignorant. According to your philosophy, make everyone sign a waiver and let them roam free on the track, they should be aware of their surrounding. If they get hit or die, thats their own dumba$$ fault for not having enough skills to tuck and roll.


                        • #72
                          [QUOTE=kidynomite;195342]If you honest to god can't think of a safe zone maybe you should leave this thread.[quote]

                          show me one valid point youve made this whole thread, please.

                          I know you drive, so I know you know where you are more than likely to foul up, and you should also know where a noob is more than likely to foul up. There are certain areas that are more likely to be hit, keep people out of those areas and deem those as unsafe zones.
                          yah, ive also helped staff more drift / auto-x events than i can remember, often showing up at 6am and leaving at or after 8pm.

                          Or hey how about this bright idea that has been mentioned and wasnt in your little sarcastic rant. K-rails...
                          do YOU have k rails are your events?

                          dg trials doesnt. dailydrifter definately doesnt. the drift day events ive seen dont. auto-x's dont. why dont we hire babysitters and buy everyone a leash and electric collar as well while were being unpractical with budgeting out our perfectly safe motorsport event and hire a couple leprechauns to keep everyone safe with their lucky charms.

                          They do wonders for stopping cars and do wonders for allowing photographers to be safely standing near the action.
                          you know a krail for you posting in this thread would be nice for everyone that was at this event and knows what went on's reasoning ability.

                          Should I draw a diagram as to what looks wrong in this picture.
                          wangan wing and running 205's with an rb? (kidding!)

                          or are you referring to the photographer that if you dont know how the course is set up and dont see the obvious downward slope that creates an optical illusion of that guy almost getting hit when in reality he is at least 30-40' off track and that car is going on a wide line..

                          And here is some evidence, go to the hospital, do you need a picture to believe that or is that a lie.
                          since your so in the loop what hospital should i go to exactly?

                          As someone who has a brain I know others don't, everyone has different knowledge of the sport. I highly doubt anyone explains the physics of drifting in their briefings. That reason will not hold up as a legit reason for someone getting hit.
                          i think your giving yourself way too much credit here. other than that this whole paragraph and most of everything you have written is complete useless jargon in relation to the subject in hand, which is why you are annoying the *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* out of everyone, and nobody is agreeing with you, but everyone is debating with you.

                          So you are basicaly basing safety issues on whether or not people are good at dodging cars. Should all events begin with watching Dodgeball. Are the words Dodge, Dip, Dive, Duck, and Dodge words we should all live by, should I throw a wrench at staff as they sign the waiver and if they get hit they aren't allowed...
                          no, i said you are an idiot if you go to any type of automobile racing, drifting, spectating, motorsport, autosport, or even drive to the grocery store and think you are in a "safe zone". if you dont pay attention you could very well get hurt very badly. and for the 80th time, unfortunately, matt wasnt paying attention while standing next to a race track, a car lost control, everyone but matt saw it coming, because he had his back turned and wasnt paying attention. due to that small mistake, he is now badly injured.

                          This is a message board, people know how to read.
                          nobody is having a problem reading, however you seem to have a huge shortcoming when it comes to the ability to comprehend what is being stated.

                          This is a motorsport that is different than most others, cars are "out of control" but still predictable to those in the know. But those who are knew are clueless. Protect the ignorant. According to your philosophy, make everyone sign a waiver and let them roam free on the track, they should be aware of their surrounding. If they get hit or die, thats their own dumba$$ fault for not having enough skills to tuck and roll.
                          it is no different. you have a bunch of people pushing their cars to their limit. everyone exceedes those limits and loses control whether they will admit to it or not. whenthat happens cars spin, go off line, lose the drift, initiate a drift, hit a wall, hit a tree, hit a poll, hit a toyota tacoma and get owned, hit joe black, hit animals, hit curbs, hit candles in the wind, and occasionally, hit photographers who have their back turned while standing near a race track. theres one time in life where you have control of a car, and thats when it is in a car crusher. accidents can and do happen, and this is a sad example of that.

                          i dont know what you are tryign to convince everyone of, but maybe you should just come out and say it instead of posting PAGES of redundant jargon, heresay, and now pics that were taken at a manury angle to where if you look at it for less than a full 1/10 a second it looks like the car and person are close. grow a pair and just slander who your looking to slander, tell them how awesome you think you are or whatever the hell you are trying to get at.

                          i honestly dont know who the heck you are, but if i ever meet you youll be that guy that whined in the drift fury accident thread for no reason.

                          make a legit point, or go away.

                          someone take matt guitar hero.


                          • #73
                            Theres a lot of useless people in these pictures, some not paying much attention, some kneeling, some laying around, some standing in a place that there is no need to be standing.

                            And just for shits and giggles

                            I am too lazy to do a thorough search but you get the point. Oh and before I get lectured about how these aren't from this past event, I know, but its still Drift Fury. And since everything gets nitpicked on here yes I know there can be some explanations for some of these peoples actions, but for the people sitting on the track or kneeling I would like to see them run when a car is heading at them, most would probably fall over, or not make it in time.


                            • #74
                              I'll agree with Mike that personal responsibility is the very first key for anyone near a track. That this photographer failed to pay attention to moving vehicles FIRST is entirely possible, as it's happened before in other motorsports.

                              Most dirt tracks I've attended do not have armco or concrete walls along the inside of the track, and it's routine form for a stricken car to roll to the infield mid-race. Any journalist covering the race from the infield is told specifically that the best places to stand are by large objects like trucks, Jeeps, dirt mounds, or light poles, simply because a driver is not likely to notice something small and blurry like a person, but will definitely recognize a safety vehicle or piece of equipment.

                              So, as I said before, PROTOCOL is the first key. Not only should the event have an established protocol, but the attendees must keep the protocol at the forefront of their mind. OBEDIENCE is the second key.

                              What really concerns me is that people are thinking about legal effects and negative publicity in regards to this happening. Our first thoughts should be not to "why this happened" or "what went wrong" and especially not "what will this do to drifting?" Our thoughts should be "How do we make sure this doesn't happen again?"

                              That continual learning is what keeps an event around. One only needs to look at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway fatality list to realize the costs of chasing the Borg-Warner Trophy at the 500, but that event's closing in on its centennial.


                              • #75
                                I dont use a D50

                                And by the way, the photo of me laying down, was after the last run of the day and the track was no longer hot. I was "posing" for the poster boy of heat exhaustion. So please remove that last photo out of respect for me.

