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  • #91
    i think ive nitpicked at every single word or your jargon filled posts.
    Originally posted by kidynomite View Post
    I love how everyone is getting so angered but seems to not want to help the situation at hand. I have yet to see what anyone arguing against me that is willing to do something to prevent another incident, I have given you a few easy ways that seem to be working for our events (that you now know are real...), if you don't want to spend the money then you aren't going to get superb pictures, oh well, deal with it. You can't have it all.

    You thought wrong. Nitpick that.

    read octagons post, if you cant understand that go stand next to the closest interstate hghway 20 minutes after the local beer barns shut down, stand directly on the yellow lines, that should be safe as peopel arent suppost to hit the yellow lines
    Follow your own advise

    Originally posted by octagon
    What really concerns me is that people are thinking about legal effects and negative publicity in regards to this happening. Our first thoughts should be not to "why this happened" or "what went wrong" and especially not "what will this do to drifting?" Our thoughts should be "How do we make sure this doesn't happen again?"

    Contribute a solution please.


    • #92
      <img src="" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br>
      <img src="" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br>

      remember when using k rails to chain them together, or they could fall over and crush someones toes.....


      • #93
        ^^ I knew my pics would come in handy sooner or later.


        • #94
          Originally posted by sonnysmr2 View Post
          <img src="" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br>
          <img src="" alt="Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting"><br><br>

          remember when using k rails to chain them together, or they could fall over and crush someones toes.....
          also, be sure to slide into them in an S14 a la Yoshie so that you can keep driving


          • #95
            not nice at all

            we had a few photograhpers hit here in australia during a tarmac rally a few months back.... cars and people dont mix well.... hopes and prayers to the unfortunate, wish him a fast recovery.


            • #96
              Wow, I missed a good bit it seems.

              Mike Peters, glad we agree. You say the exact same things I was saying in my post. Not a day care center, Drift Fury runs safe events, the whole thing. Good working with ya.

              Joey Redmond, we'll remedy what you claimed in the future. It is not our policy to place photographers on the track, one or 2 go out there but that will end completely starting in December. It is dangerous and we don't want our photographers placed in danger of any sort. As for needing you guys to promote our events, like I said, we have a big enough member base and friends to do that just nicely. I'm not in this to make money so catering to sponsors just isn't in it for me.

              Kidynomite, not really sure how to grasp what you are throwing out there. You have never been to a Drift Fury event so you can't comment. I have and they are some of the safest i've ever seen. I've seen bad ones and good ones and they are def one of the good ones. Maybe i'll come to one of yours this year and critique it.

              Accidents happen. For people who are seemingly friends to come on here and bash other friends (photographers bashing photographers) is just plain stupid.

              All I have to say is, event promotors that read this, give those photographers what they want. A safe environement to shoot film in. Then when they over step those boundaries to take a dangerous shot, kick them out of the event.

              Because you guys can't have your cake and eat it too. Great shots require a certain level of danger most times (or expensive equipment) and that danger leads to bending the rules. You guys do it, some of you have admitted to it in this thread. It happens. Event promotors know this and sometimes may turn a blind eye to a photographer leaning over the rail or stepping out on the track to get a quick incoming shot.

              But on the flip side, you can't run around screaming foul when it comes back to bite you in the *Censored**Censored**Censored*. Motorsports are dangerous, if you can't respect what is going on out there, you don't need to be out there. You are your main concern and responsibility. When you toss personal responsiblilty out the window for a good shot, it doesn't automatically land in the lap of the event promotor.

              So since this thread has turned into uselessness, i'm closing it.

