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(FEEDBACK) FORMULA D Irwindale 2008

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  • #16
    Went to the event, didn't feel the excitement like past Irwindale events.! Just one question, will FD ever change the rule to allow passing during the tandem run? There's no doubt that a couple of years ago there was a huge gap in skill level between the top 16 drivers and the bottom 16 but as the gap closes, passing should be considered to make the sport a little more exciting. It's a lot of fun seeing a corolla passes a viper


    • #17
      The judging should be individual in both the qualifying and tandem. I know there might be some, but I can't think of any sport where the judges actually talk to each other to get a score. Scores should be taken from each judge individually, tallied and divided. One may catch something the others dont and that is how judging works. This will keep everyone in check.

      Talking between judges is good, but only after they have given their score. You can take the extra 2 min or whatever after to see why the judges scored it in different ways.


      • #18
        Originally posted by AlexPfeiffer View Post
        Really need more security in the grand stands. The place was a mess. So many people throwing things that the majority of people where not haveing a good time and would leave as soon as thier driver was out. I moved a couple of times or i would have been in jail.
        Paper airplanes.... cool

        condoms.... come on now

        drinks.... not cool at all

        FD needs to give out some beach balls or something, those are fun and safe.

        Security at irwindale is a joke...

        no smoking during a drift event????

        but they kick people out for sitting where there suppose to sit????

        Just one question, will FD ever change the rule to allow passing during the tandem run?
        FD sets up they're courses so there is no need for passing, if your off line they will deduct points (takatori vs dai). Lead driver runs they're indo line, and chaser mimics. No need to pass unless the lead driver effs up.
        Last edited by Bebop; 10-14-2008, 02:40 PM.


        • #19
          I have a question how did Bill's qualifying score go from this

          Bill Sherman - 68mph entry, high on the bank and crazy entry angle, looks as if hes gonna spin but countersteers and comes into the inner bank close to the wall. Scores a 90

          to this?

          09. Bill sherman - 88.25


          • #20
            Originally posted by blaze1 View Post
            If you think Dai got robbed, you havent been watching pro drifting long enough.

            Judging was spot on!!!
            I've been watching professional drifting for WAYYY longer than you think. I've been watching drifting since before anyone knew WTF it was...and back then I didn't know what the WTF was either! But I learned quickly.

            And even if you want to cast all that to the side..I've gone to every major drift event at Irwindale since the first D1GP. If nothing else I KNOW how Irwindale should be judged and based on what I saw that night Dai got Riz-obbed! Plain and simple.

            If you could technically explain why you think the judges were right and sound more convincing than the judges when they were trying to explain it over the audible waves of "BOOO"s then I'll give a lil more weight to your disagreement!

            Originally posted by blaze1 View Post

            Security at irwindale is a joke...

            no smoking during a drift event????

            but they kick people out for sitting where there suppose to sit????
            As far as I know you just can't smoke in the grandstands...and for good reason..believe it or not...not everyone on this planet smokes....and heres another shocker...cigarette smoke actually makes some people sick! Including it would really suck if you paid for a reserved seat and had to deal with some nicotine addict's second hand noxious fumes for two hours.

   any other part of the venue I'm sure smoking was fine...because every other person there was lighting up..I even smelled some of the "natural" stuff *hint hint* So as long as you weren't smoking in the grandstands you shoulda been good...if somoene bugged you about it otherwise then you probably should have blew smoke in their face.

            On the kicking people outta reserved seats...that part is true cause I saw 'em!

            It's kind of funny because when they first started doing reserved seats the idea they lead with was "now you can go to the bathroom without worrying about losing your seat!"

            But in the grandstands this security guy was with 4 people and tried to seat them...then someone stopped them and said "hey there are tickets for these seats they're all reserved"

            The security guy was like "well I need to see tickets where are they?"

            The guy said "they went to the bathroom"

            Then the security guy was like "well if they aren't back soon then I'm giving these seats to these people I NEED to seat them!"

            Keep in mind he never said that these people paid for reserved seating too. Only that he "needed" to seat them. Maybe they were VIPs or somethin...apparantly they were too good to have to wait for a bunch of guys to come back from taking a leak.

            The security guy actually sat them there anyway...which lead to a pretty awkward moment when the four guys came back two minutes later..

            This of course isn't Formula D's fault...but its probably something they should talk with the Irwindale staff about for the future.
            Last edited by MonkeySlide; 10-14-2008, 09:34 PM.


            • #21

              During the second run while takatori was leading, they both came in shallow and not aggressive in the big bank. but dai was ultra scrirwly, almost like he lifted a few times. And the first rule to irwindale is do not lift on the bank. Just not a steady line, both were running really bad...just a few more subtle mistakes on dais part. Just because he closed in on the clip coming out the inner oval doesent mean he wins.

              Don't trip, I use to think the same way... but the sport is evolving and the judges are being a bit nit pickier.

              And if you listened real close during the judging, you could hear the spotters talking about "correction correction"

              The "peanut gallery" saw it and so did the judges.


              • #22
                Just a comment on the "no smoking in the grandstands".

                It's Californias law, not Irwindales. Here in wonderful CA, venues such as this, smoking is only allowed to take place in designated areas, and the laws keep getting more and more strict. I'm guessing that in not too long, it'll be illegal to smoke outside period.

                What I find insane is how much more lax tracks like Laguna Seca and Infineon are compared to a tiny track like irwindale. We're talking about a difference of 10's of thousands to 100's of thousands.

                __________________________________________________ _________

                The judging has ALWAYS seemed somewhat inconcistant to me, even at the D1GP events. I'm willing to bet location has a lot to do with that. Just enjoy the driving and don't let it bother you too much.


                • #23
                  Yeah keep the smokers away from us....
                  but hey, here comes a CLOUD of tire smoke.

                  I'm sure THAT smoke is okay for us though.....


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Brian View Post
                    Yeah keep the smokers away from us....
                    but hey, here comes a CLOUD of tire smoke.

                    I'm sure THAT smoke is okay for us though.....
                    I'm not saying I agreed with it, I was just saying it was state law. We have all kinds of crap like that. Kinda like even if you pass emissions with flying colors, if you have one single thing under the hood without an ARB stamp it won't pass. Or another fun one, did you know it's illegal to own and operate a metal forge in California due to emissions it puts off? It's a fun state...

                    Back on topic though, being more strict on a couple of smokers over a whole bunch of people throwing stuff isn't what I'd call good management.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Brian View Post
                      Yeah keep the smokers away from us....
                      but hey, here comes a CLOUD of tire smoke.

                      I'm sure THAT smoke is okay for us though.....
                      There is a difference between a cloud of tire smoke thats 100 feet away and dispates and someone chaining through a pack in the row in front of you...or to your left or right. BIG difference.

                      Besides there aren't too many people who are alergic to tire smoke but there are people who are alergic to nicotine smoke.

                      How logical is it for Irwindale or Formula D to take that litigious risk?

                      Heck technically there should even be a disclaimer for the tire smoke itself if Formula D wants to fully protect themselves


                      • #26
                        It was a joke, chill out.


                        Although... if you think tire smoke is only bad to those that are allergic to it, you've got another thing comin'.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Brian View Post
                          It was a joke, chill out.


                          Although... if you think tire smoke is only bad to those that are allergic to it, you've got another thing comin'.
                          Haha, ya ask Suzuki


                          • #28
                            LOL, we act like someone who is "allergic" to cigarette smoke is harm free from tire smoke.

                            When people are "allergic" too smoke, they are just that.... allergic too smoke.


                            • #29
                              Can anyone answer the question please. I watched the live feed and saw the score of 90 posted. That would have put him in the 4th qualifying spot not Hubinette and so that means he automaticaally would have at least got top eight, which would be more points. Would like to know how this happened and how no one caught the mistake.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by JustAFan View Post
                                Can anyone answer the question please. I watched the live feed and saw the score of 90 posted. That would have put him in the 4th qualifying spot not Hubinette and so that means he automaticaally would have at least got top eight, which would be more points. Would like to know how this happened and how no one caught the mistake.
                                I dont quite understand the question

                                I think hubinette was suppose to face off with Conrad who broke his dif during the opening ceremony

