Amazing... I thought that the immobilizer key would
protect the car from theft? What happened? the-
re was broken glass from the dr-
ivers side window all over the ground. Obvious-
ly, the securities guards were dumbfounded a-
fter I told them my car was st-
olen. Anyways, I filed a police rep-
ort, and hopefully they will be ab-
le to retrieve my car.. im so pis-
Im having the worst day of my life swear to god!!!!!!
Hope the sob rots in hell
protect the car from theft? What happened? the-
re was broken glass from the dr-
ivers side window all over the ground. Obvious-
ly, the securities guards were dumbfounded a-
fter I told them my car was st-
olen. Anyways, I filed a police rep-
ort, and hopefully they will be ab-
le to retrieve my car.. im so pis-
Im having the worst day of my life swear to god!!!!!!
Hope the sob rots in hell