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  • #61


    • #62
      I don't have a job currently. Probally will by this summer, since I have no car at the moment I am still trying to find some sort of transportation. Maybe BP or a mechanics shop close by, but only time will tell.


      • #63


        • #64
          Originally posted by dae
          i work in food service >< . But im going back to school to get my mechanics certifications. Although lately I've been thinkin about joining the airforce so I can move to japan.
          Air Force? That'd be a great big mistake. Join the Navy instead, be a real man instead of a nerd.


          • #65
            i am starting up my new job at Nishikawa auto repair this summer. hells yea.


            • #66
              Originally posted by Ex-Cat
              Air Force? That'd be a great big mistake. Join the Navy instead, be a real man instead of a nerd.



              • #67
                $550 a week!!???!!! damn that sucks especially putting ur life on the line as a cop


                • #68
                  Originally posted by Rooney
                  Girls like a pair of gold wings, not a bird and a ball.


                  • #69
                    Originally posted by Ex-Cat
                    Girls like a pair of gold wings, not a bird and a ball.


                    Girls like tough men.

                    Navy Boot Camp / Basic. Whatever they call it. :7 Weeks

                    Marine Boot Camp: 12 Weeks.


                    • #70
                      ^ I don't know about basic...I went through OCS, so you best show some respect. haha. Seriously man, the girl wants the aviator. It's a proven fact.


                      • #71
                        Sales/Customer Service @ Bulletproof Automotive. I'm also the AE86 specialist here. I also do some freelance photography on the side, but I haven't gotten into portrait photography, I've been doing landscapes for a while. Here is a link to my current work:

                        If there are any females that are looking into doing some TFCD or TFP let me know, as I really need some practice at portrait photography, I'll include a CD with all of your pics as well as permission to use the photos. Located in Southern California/Orange County Area.
                        -Tim W.


                        • #72
                          I do jack sh*t.

                          I've applied everywhere in town, never even gotten an interview. Hell, I've never gotten declined either. They just ignore my applications....


                          • #73
                            I think you're supposed to call them back and let them know you're still interested...that's usually how it works.


                            • #74
                              Originally posted by Shin_Kudou
                              I do jack sh*t.

                              I've applied everywhere in town, never even gotten an interview. Hell, I've never gotten declined either. They just ignore my applications....
                              All the good paying jobs are firing people, So the low paying jobs have all kinds of overqualified people willing to work. So theres no need for young guys in school and such to work jobs like that.


                              • #75
                                Paying Job:

                                Level III tech support for a company that installs wireless networks in hotels. I get to log into Cisco and OpenBSD equipment all day and make sure nothing is on fire.

                                Non Paying (or paying too little):

                                Writer for Rallyworld Magazine

                                Audio / Video help for Rally TV (actually a rally DVD company)

                                Editor in Chief for an Atlanta Nightlife magazine.

                                I really want to turn the writing and motosport coverage into the full time job, but it looks like i am going to have to start my own magazine / video journal to do so. So, if you see me recruiting you know I took the big leap.

                                PS - I went to college for Computer Science for the money and realized no money was going to get me up out of bed to enjoy coding for hours on end. Do what you want to do and worry about the money second. People can always help you find money, but they can't help you find out who you are.

                                Just my $.02. Peace

