Those sidekicks are awesome, I want to get me one! It's like your own personal non-evasive "wrap it up" box!!!
I totally forgot that Alex owns Uras... I mean Battle Version...
I also came across the article he wrote for Import Tuner like a year ago about the 86's setup. I agreed with everything except for where he said "the more you push on a tire the more it is able to push back" - the more load you have on a tire the more work it is able to do, yes, but the efficneicy of a tire is well less than 100%. According to this statement it would hold true that a heavier car would enable its tires to do a lot more work due to the increased load, but the amount of work that the tires are required to perform to maintain traction with the increased lateral load is greater than what they are able to do. Downforce is so good because it increases the tire's ability to perform work while not adding any to the workload.
...sorry for going on that tangent, but I just had to get it in there somewhere!
I totally forgot that Alex owns Uras... I mean Battle Version...
I also came across the article he wrote for Import Tuner like a year ago about the 86's setup. I agreed with everything except for where he said "the more you push on a tire the more it is able to push back" - the more load you have on a tire the more work it is able to do, yes, but the efficneicy of a tire is well less than 100%. According to this statement it would hold true that a heavier car would enable its tires to do a lot more work due to the increased load, but the amount of work that the tires are required to perform to maintain traction with the increased lateral load is greater than what they are able to do. Downforce is so good because it increases the tire's ability to perform work while not adding any to the workload.
...sorry for going on that tangent, but I just had to get it in there somewhere!