Well let me pu it this way, if a 14 year old slammed into my car I would sue the freaking pants off his parents, grandparents, great grandparents (if they were living) and anyone else related to him. Plus I would have a REALLY hard time not throttling him to near death on the side of the road. If you drive and you are under the legal age, you are just disrespecting everything about cars in general, endangering your own life, not to mention the lives of everyone on the road and your entire way of life. If your parents get sued out the rear end, what do you think is going to happen to you? You're gonna be poor, no car, parents will have no car, house or anything. Your parents are responsible for everything that you do until you reach legal age. That includes but is not limited too beating up people in school, stealing your parents car and hitting someone, skateboarding illegaly, rolling your ex-girlfriends house, stealing yard gnomes out of old man Smithers front yard and getting arrested, upending port-a-potties, tipping cows, bashing mailboxes, lighting flaming bags of poo, slashing tires, stealing candy, the whole 9 yards. You do it and they get the blame. That's how society works. So next time think about that before you head out. It could be the last time you drive for quite sometime.
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Zoo time again
I never thought about my parents, I was only looking into my own intrest in cars. I usually am a good kid, I've never got in to trouble in school, or with the law or anything like that, so you showing me what trouble I could have been in has put me to shame. Ghost, kids like me need more people like you that really seem to care about what we do and not just blow it off as some "phase", thank you for stopping me.
Originally posted by Xantos
I have a question for you. I am fourteen yet I drive, my dad understands I have taken the car out many times and that i know how to drive, so he doesnt mind if he is in the car with me. So do I still not get to be listened to? Also, about the girls comment my girlfriend dumped me because she said i loved cars more then I loved her, which is true; so have I still not "discovered" girls?
Correct me if I am wrong, but I try to be a listener and not a post whore, I just want to know what you think of me.
Also look at the insurance..You'd end up sending it up badly if something went wrong.Personally,I think it's great to start out young,but not in the city streets.If you drive some backroads with your dad,as long as you don't act like a fool,you should be fine.Sure there's still some risks,but there's always risks in everything you do in life,if there wasn't,life would be dull..Sticking to back roads is a good idea,or even better,if you have access to some private property.I know very few people can do this,but if you could get a nice section of land,or have access to one,just make a mild dirt track,grab an old beater,and drive to your heats content.Then you could not only learn how to drive normally,you could learn how to control the car with lack of traction,at speed,even slide it around if you wanted.Of course some safety precautions would have to be taken,but it's not like your going to end up hurting anyone by doing that.Not only that,but you'd have one hell of a fun time.
Props to ghost. I believe that there are alot of lazy people out there. I myself have used these lazy shortcuts for words such as ne 1, coo, and werd. Anywho you all get the picture just stop being generally a stupid person and people will actually like to hear what you say and will not make fun of you. Plain and simple dont be stupid