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Our true enemy.

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Craftsman
    This is only in California... Sucks to be you guys. You guys can barely own guns... ROFL...
    word. but then again, TX has the most harsh death penalties.
    back on topic. yes i would band together . and waht about petitions? i thought they don't work anymore. as for the SUV's they really ain't the real enemy, the are luggage carriers or for offroad. maybe it's time to take a stand against the legislation.


    • #17
      Originally posted by nissanguy_24
      You have totally missed the point. WE ALL NEED TO BAND TOGETHER. Not some "Texas rulez you droolz" *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* *Censored**Censored**Censored*. Dont even get me started on texas' egobull.

      The problem is NOT with alternative fuels and emission controls. The problem is with intelegence in the law making process. As drifters we want everyone whos not an automotive enthusiest to be driving the cleanest greenest vehichles they can. This is the majority that needs to be efected. The rich white girl in the huge SUV to show off, she needs to be driving something else. So that those who truely enjoy cars can continue to drive them.
      hahaha... I'm not arguing against you guys... I'm in support of you guys. Just bring on the petition and my name and my friends names will be on there.



      • #18
        here in NH we don't got alot of that shiz. But i'll sign a petion like the others said. And i do think it is the SUV 's causing problems. Who the hell needs a H2 to drive to the grocery store adn run erins. What ever happened to the good old days when your mom drive around the *censored* mini van!


        • #19
          here in the keys we also don't have emission controls.

          Yes S.U.V. 's are the enemy with the worst gas milage most ineffecient way of transportation availible (most are used to haul one person 5000lbs of metal wasted on one person)

          but i don't think electric cars would be to bad for drifting though. Lots of torque if you get a powerful enough motor you could probly bust the tires loose from a standstill no problem.


          • #20
            in Israel, youre not even alowed to upgrade your car in any way mechanical...

            if u want something done right, then do it yourself, nuff said.


            • #21
              cant we just tubo charge hybrids??? haha


              • #22
                yeah its called a bigger battery in the back LOL


                • #23
                  yea baby! BIGGER BATTERY!


                  • #24
                    won't the bigger battery add lots of weight though?


                    • #25
                      yeah we realy need to do something about this, think about what will happen to a lot of stuff if we cant even drive our selfs.


                      • #26
                        "Im a get a bunch of 12volts batterys, hook em up to my Insight, and run 1.20.302 on the quarter mile biatch!!!!"

                        Thats what its gonna be like unless EVERY PERSON IN THE AUTOMOTIVE COMMUNITY BANDS TOGETHER. We need all the companys support on this and the drivers. The goverment has to understand that the auto industry is a billion + dollar industry. If you subtract the tuner industry, you've just lost a bunch of money! Another thing is that this whole oil BS. Some *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* has to price a resource! WTF its not his, i didnt see him make it. God made that, and god wants us to enjoy life, they are contradicting god! I think there should be another resource though, if those cockwads dont want to give us fuel at a resonable price, we have to thing of other ways. Alchol is way to dangerous. There are vehicles that run on garbage (no not back to the future). But i personally dont want to be 80 years old watching some *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* on tv say how he hooked his solar powered car to run 16's. Sigh.......... this world is just to screwed up~!


                        • #27
                          one thing i was confused with was this "i really hope i can show my kids someday my miata, and say you wanna go for a ride, instead of saying, i remeber when back when you could drive cars that ran on gas and you steered yourself. Am i gonna be the last generation who gets to expierence the joys of driving myself?

                          Jeez I still dont have a car..."

                          how would you show them the miata you dont own yet? did you know that every window you have open is 5% of your fuel economy down the drain.


                          • #28
                            Thank you grammer teacher lol!


                            • #29
                              There's strength in numbers. The automotive community as a whole in which encompasses every aspect in which a car is used for i.e. drifting, autocross, drag racing, rally, etc. is enormous. It's true what everyone is saying, we must ALL unite if we are to fight this. Our entire automotive community is much to strong to lose a battle such as this.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by blargonator
                                one thing i was confused with was this "i really hope i can show my kids someday my miata, and say you wanna go for a ride, instead of saying, i remeber when back when you could drive cars that ran on gas and you steered yourself. Am i gonna be the last generation who gets to expierence the joys of driving myself?

                                Jeez I still dont have a car..."

                                how would you show them the miata you dont own yet? did you know that every window you have open is 5% of your fuel economy down the drain.
                                i dont own any car yet, i cant legally drive. But, I that is the car I am gonna get, 100% sure. Besides I could say the same thing with any car, you understood my point right?

