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US Drift Team at Bristol Motor Speedway on 10-9-04

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  • #16
    Originally posted by AlexPfeiffer
    Still, who is the US Drift Team?
    There's no US Drift Team...

    The exhibition was originally being organized by US Drift, who was also in charge of rounding up drivers/teams. I guess whoever was doing the advertising from the drag side didn't know much about drifting, add some miscommunication, boom "US Drift Team".

    Anyway, Drift Association ended up sanctioning the event instead. Drivers were me, and Eric (Team Toyo/Finishline), Ben Schwartz (Falken), and Mattback (Enjuku). We had fun putting on demos in the tiny area (~200x250"). Please post pics, vids.

    I have some stuff doing to go. Bye!

    Last edited by foilman; 10-13-2004, 04:47 PM.


    • #17
      dude where you from??? I'm from Southwest VA too! me and my boyfriend was at Motor Mayhem last weekend, we missed the drifting too also we were very mad! we did get to check out the cars though got some pics of them... check out my site sometime..
      Last edited by ProjctGrlDrftr; 10-13-2004, 05:57 PM.


      • #18
        Me? I live in Atlanta. I visited your site, but didn't see any pics.


        • #19
          nah dude who started the post

          but thanks for checking out my site i wish everyone would go over. I don't have any pics yet I just got the site up about a week ago.. hopefully i'll have some soon though


          • #20
            tony wants picks of the chick


            • #21
              Originally posted by Vosko
              tony wants picks of the chick
              Again why we don't have many girl drifters, have to deal idoits like that.

              Hey Unos, remember me? Used to be on DP, I hope to see more on your website.


              • #22
                this is the internet who cares


                • #23
                  yeah I remember you I think I added you to my AIM cause I just recently got it haha i went through an old thread on nadine's site that had all you guys's SNs on it thanks about the site I'm still working on it it's hard to find time at work because i have dial up at home which doesn't work out to well lol

                  I think there isn't many girl drifters for the same reason that most girls aren't into cars, now me I have always loved cars so I mean it's natural for me to love all types of racing...

                  foilman were you guys standing over by the cars after the demo after everyone had left, we walked over to look at the cars and saw you guys I think.. my b/f had a pac rim shirt on the "get it straight drive sideways" one... haha


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Vosko
                    this is the internet who cares
                    Doesn't matter, keep on topic.


                    So is there any pictures of this event?? I don't pay attention whos from what team, but I'll like to see how they were driving.


                    • #25
                      ^yeah who gots pics of cars going sideways?? anything??


                      • #26
                        ProjctGrlDrftr I saw you there, because I remember your boyfriend's shirt, yeah I live in Bristol, VA. Anyway, my friends and I were over at the drift cars when you all were, I was wearing a red DRFT shirt, my friend was wearing an HIN shirt, and my other friend...I dunno haha. But anyway, if you wanna, gimme a shout on aim @ DrifterShady

                        Also, one of my friends who got there before me got some pics I think, I'll see if he can uplaod them.
                        Last edited by M5-Drifter; 10-14-2004, 01:05 PM.


                        • #27
                          Oh ok my b/f says he remembers your shirt haha we didn't really look at the cars to much we were pretty mad that we missed everything lol

                          if your friend wouldn't mind me putting some of his pics up on my site that's be great i'll host 'em for him! and give him credit for 'em and everything... I gotta bbs over on my site too if ya wanna hang out with some locals!
                          Last edited by ProjctGrlDrftr; 10-14-2004, 02:05 PM.


                          • #28
                            tooooooooop secret!




                            • #29
                              Ah, nice vids dude! My friend should have his pics soon hopefully lol, and I'll post em up!

