haha.. I live on Island of Kyushu.. SOUTH island and I teach english.. NOT MILITARY
Have to take the comparison pics.. haha.. old turbo with new turbo
Here you can see the S15 Exhaust mani gasket... like 5 layers.. I actually stayed with the one provided by Enjuku in their kit.
The exhaust mani wasters needed to be but down some to fit.. but nothing a grinder cant fix
Oh yea.. decided to add some more air for the top end..
looking NICE on top there.. gotta bend the dipstick out of the way.. hehe
intake mani is off.. exposing innards
Fuel rail shot.. becareful when taking the rail off there are some black holders under rail to keep it up.
Fuel rail is out.. and dirty.. gotta clean it a bit before the 740s go in
well.. got it cleaned up.. put the stock injector in AFTER I cleaned it.. just to show how to get out those pesky stuck injectors
Not included on most injectors are the O-rings.. from RIGHT to LEFT.. the right one goes on bottom in inj and middle goes close to top of injector.. get some parts cleaner or something to lube up the rings to slide on easy.. last goes on the rail .. well. DUH. easy enough to figure out. hehe
Bam Injectors in Note when you take off the injector Stay.. on inside there is a small grommet kind of thing.. dont loose that.. right on!
Had small problem getting the stock fuel pres reg off the rail but nothing some heat and plyers cant fix.. gotta get 2 new screws for it now.. but here is a comparison pic tomei kit vs. stock
Have to take the comparison pics.. haha.. old turbo with new turbo
Here you can see the S15 Exhaust mani gasket... like 5 layers.. I actually stayed with the one provided by Enjuku in their kit.
The exhaust mani wasters needed to be but down some to fit.. but nothing a grinder cant fix
Oh yea.. decided to add some more air for the top end..
looking NICE on top there.. gotta bend the dipstick out of the way.. hehe
intake mani is off.. exposing innards
Fuel rail shot.. becareful when taking the rail off there are some black holders under rail to keep it up.
Fuel rail is out.. and dirty.. gotta clean it a bit before the 740s go in
well.. got it cleaned up.. put the stock injector in AFTER I cleaned it.. just to show how to get out those pesky stuck injectors
Not included on most injectors are the O-rings.. from RIGHT to LEFT.. the right one goes on bottom in inj and middle goes close to top of injector.. get some parts cleaner or something to lube up the rings to slide on easy.. last goes on the rail .. well. DUH. easy enough to figure out. hehe
Bam Injectors in Note when you take off the injector Stay.. on inside there is a small grommet kind of thing.. dont loose that.. right on!
Had small problem getting the stock fuel pres reg off the rail but nothing some heat and plyers cant fix.. gotta get 2 new screws for it now.. but here is a comparison pic tomei kit vs. stock