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Bicycle drifting

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  • #31
    You guys never heard of Supermotard??

    For those uneducated, its a form of road racing for motorcycles, and the aim of the game is drift. The bikes are motocrossers with smaller rims and street tires. Top speed isnt usually very high, but you could pull wheelies 'till the cows come home and come home yourself with some brown trowsers. Dont think that supermoto is just a little gathering of bikers, its a massive world community. Heres a teaser pic.
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    • #32
      ^^^^ I couldn't remember what it was those guys are nuts! That sport is really starting to take off world wide.


      • #33
        scary man, scary


        • #34
          Chari Dorifuto?!

          Here is a compilation of old videos of mine, its not really that great, im doing alot better now.

          If you go to my user page you youtube I have some of the japanese teams videos

          Ill make a new video tommorow of my near perfected japanese technique is a few of pictures from my "buddies" at Team D-Heart

          I'll stop there for now.
          Anyway I've been really into charidorifuto for the past 2 years learning more and more on the techniques and tricks aside for the car drifting. I have the basic technique down if anyone is interested.

          Usually coming from a downhill slope or slippery surface at a decent speed at a good corner (90* turn works best for me) Upon the approach of the corner shift your weight by feinting about 3-4 feet before you approach the corner. Although dangerous stand up and push your body against the handlebars stop the pedal with the pedal facing the inside of the corner up and the away pedal down (it is possible for pedal to scrape the ground causing you to fall) pull the rear brake (still in standing posistion) and push out with the foot on the peadal that is down or is the away pedal. This will create an LSD like effect and cause you to keep sliding longer rather than the standard ebrake slide. Also as you slide (espically on slippery surface be sure to tilt your body upward as your pushing. your bike should be at an angle but you should be as straight as possible, that way you can get maximum drift with a bike without the fear of falling over.

          Some other things im noticing with the japanese charidrifter is they usually have a basket which helps the rear pull...I have also seen others with weights attached to the rear of the bike to help the drift last longer.

          Some may see bike drifting or "charidorifuto" as a joke but im quite serious about it...


          • #35
            sega rally video for dreamcast....pretty funny lol


