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  • Originally posted by gigglesnirt View Post
    Is a "professional" drift team really making threats to some random guy on the internet? holy *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* you guys are worse than rhys millen calling bh, just drop it wow.
    It is not a threat.

    Just seing how big Mr. Big Cavi's balls are....
    you guys all claim we put crap on here but you guys contribute to alot of the crap on this forum.


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      • Originally posted by gigglesnirt View Post
        Is a "professional" drift team really making threats to some random guy on the internet? holy *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* you guys are worse than rhys millen calling bh, just drop it wow.
        Comparing me to Rhys Millen is about the most ignorant statement anybody that has an understanding of what goes on in this industry could make.

        Just wanted to let the man know what he has to do to get his money and is dropped until he decides to speak out.

        Remember this, you guys all keep keep trying accuse of us of our non professionalism. As a professional drift team I consider it a duty to not be a fake, phony, Rhys Millen "type" game player and from the first moment I got involved with this sport was happy to be apart of a sport where we get to break the rules. So while you all get to sit in your little box, your highschool drift industry where everyone worries about what other people think, the Drift avengers are gonna throw the middle finger and prove they are the craziest drift team out there with more "True Drifter personality" than any of you yes men out there.


        • Originally posted by JBizzle View Post
          Comparing me to Rhys Millen is about the most ignorant statement anybody that has an understanding of what goes on in this industry could make.

          You're right comparing you and Rhys is not fair... Rhys can actually drive and has backing from major corporations.. he also can do things in cars that are far beyond your capabilities... and He was NOT REJECTED by Formula D !

          Its only a matter of time before you and Ruth have another falling out, and when you are trying to find sponsorship down the road, everyone is going to remember all the sh!t talking you did on here. Kharma will catch up to you !


          • What happend to drifting being fun?? stop whining and go drive. beat your chests else where


            • Originally posted by JBizzle View Post
              Comparing me to Rhys Millen is about the most ignorant statement anybody that has an understanding of what goes on in this industry could make.

              Just wanted to let the man know what he has to do to get his money and is dropped until he decides to speak out.

              Remember this, you guys all keep keep trying accuse of us of our non professionalism. As a professional drift team I consider it a duty to not be a fake, phony, Rhys Millen "type" game player and from the first moment I got involved with this sport was happy to be apart of a sport where we get to break the rules. So while you all get to sit in your little box, your highschool drift industry where everyone worries about what other people think, the Drift avengers are gonna throw the middle finger and prove they are the craziest drift team out there with more "True Drifter personality" than any of you yes men out there.
              This is absolutely unreal. Rhys is one of the very few drifters who actually acts like a professional driver. Its the reason why he is fully backed by companies like Hyundai and Red Bull while you are backed by...Ruth Surrey?? Her sanity is questionable at best.

              And were the yes men??? You are Ruths prisoner in that malibu cell of yours. Acting with permission from the warden. Get out while you can young man. Start acting professional, and kill the egregious self-adulation


              • Originally posted by AE86_Fan View Post
                You're right comparing you and Rhys is not fair... Rhys can actually drive and has backing from major corporations.. he also can do things in cars that are far beyond your capabilities... and He was NOT REJECTED by Formula D !

                Its only a matter of time before you and Ruth have another falling out, and when you are trying to find sponsorship down the road, everyone is going to remember all the sh!t talking you did on here. Kharma will catch up to you !

                Thanks for your kind words, Rhys is a very impressive driver and you have every right to feel that way. He is definately playing a pivotal role in making the sport bigger and is a sharp businessmen as well as driver.

                Karma has catches up with me every day of my life and I do my best grow from my mistakes made. As for Ruth and I.....
                only time will tell


                • Originally posted by JBizzle View Post
                  Hypocrite, you posted an entire thread of bullsh@t...
                  Your too damn scared and if your not you really should be.
                  Ruth I don't know about yourself, but to me this definitely looks like a threat.


                  • Originally posted by AE86_Fan View Post
                    You're right comparing you and Rhys is not fair... Rhys can actually drive and has backing from major corporations.. he also can do things in cars that are far beyond your capabilities... and He was NOT REJECTED by Formula D !

                    Its only a matter of time before you and Ruth have another falling out, and when you are trying to find sponsorship down the road, everyone is going to remember all the sh!t talking you did on here. Kharma will catch up to you !
                    On top of that, Rhys has done so much for the sport of drifting here. He never made any outrageous allegations to either D1 or FD.
                    As a fan, should I go watch team RMR or Driftavenger with Vertex stickers on their cars...hmm...I think watching a Hyundai driven by probably the best drifter in U.S. is more entertaining.


                    • Originally posted by D1 DRIFTER View Post
                      What happend to drifting being fun?? stop whining and go drive. beat your chests else where
                      There is no whining or chest thumping, I did not even start this thread.

                      Again, we have every right to be on here as anyone else and we are gonna continue to post.

                      BTW, I love drifting and enjoy the hell out of it! Driving is the one thing in life I have always known would be my destiny since I was a child and so thankful for all the blessings the universe has given me. If you guys would ever actually take an interest, would love to tell you some amazing stories of the great experiences I have had.

                      That is not chest thumping, it is merely sharing what is out there in the world and how sideways you hang your life if you truly want to.


                      • Originally posted by gigglesnirt View Post
                        Ruth I don't know about yourself, but to me this definitely looks like a threat.
                        It wasn't a threat, it was comment to raise Cavi Mike's awareness to the intensity of who is dealing with. I dare you to go talk sh@t on 3-6 mafia, or Snoop and see what happens. There are alot of people who will not stand by and let you continue to call Ruth names. Juicy is a close friend to Ruth and you guys all think it is funny but there are people who do not.


                        • Originally posted by 2JZdude View Post
                          This is absolutely unreal. Rhys is one of the very few drifters who actually acts like a professional driver. Its the reason why he is fully backed by companies like Hyundai and Red Bull while you are backed by...Ruth Surrey?? Her sanity is questionable at best.

                          And were the yes men??? You are Ruths prisoner in that malibu cell of yours. Acting with permission from the warden. Get out while you can young man. Start acting professional, and kill the egregious self-adulation
                          Rhys is an extremely talented and professional drifter as well as driver. People write nasty things about me and I get yelled at for standing up for myself. Anyone that knows me personally will tell you I am one of the most un-egotistical drivers you will meet. Do not think I am better than anyone and really just want to prove this unathletic, uncordinated, akward, unpopular, dorky guy can make it as a professional driver.

                          When I started racing mountainbikes I was 185 lb. chubby kid. I managed to lose 50 lbs, go from finishing last to being a champion downhill mountain bike racer with a factory sponsorship and a professional license. It was keebler cookies but it was still a fully sponsored deal. When I first went snowboarding in 2006, I had never ridden, became an instructor, got employee of the month, worked my tail off to be able to hit 60 foot jumps and go out and try and hang with the pros. I am not nearly as good but they accepted because I get out there and have heart. Burton snowboards had me as one of thier main instructors for a program called "Chill" where we teach inner city kids from Compton, Watts and other LA cities how to snowboard. No instructor likes the program and at the end of the 2 month deal I had a bunch of teenage thugs giving me hugs and really thankful for the time spent. Still talk to some of them and it means alot to be able help there lives.

                          Ruth has a heart of gold, no one knows what it is like to be used by every jerk that comes into her life. People just do not know how to look beyond all the money and actually care for the individual. Ruth supports me so blindingly because at the end of the day she know I care about her. When we first talked about racing she wanted to get me into indy car racing and I said no way! It costs a ton of money and you will never see a return on your money spent. I said, let's go drifting, spend less money, have more fun and maybe someday down the road you will actually see not just a profit but a strong team that she could be proud of owning.

                          That is not bragging, that is sharing my heart with you....
                          To me the only ones who matter, are the ones who actually care.


                          • We are driving up North right now for Moto Gp and for what it is worth you guys are giving me something to do while we are driving. Dean (Ruth's son) has put me on driving restriction, so Ruth and I are having fun playing on the internet in the Yukon denali.

                            Layed down Ruth's Valentino replica bike out in the canyons on Mulholland highway a couple weeks ago and we are gonna get Valentino to sign a piece of the scratched ferring, LOL.
                            Last edited by JBizzle; 07-02-2009, 03:09 PM. Reason: incomplete


                            • Team Vertex and Drift Avengers

                              Hello All,

                              For those who don't know me, my name is Dat Nguyen from Vertex USA. I was notified that our name is mentioned in this thread, so I wanted to come on here to clear things up. By no means am I hear to get involved with the drama, I'm simply here to let you guys know our involvement with the Drift Avengers.

                              I've known Ruth for a few years now after we sold Ruth a Vertex S14. I met Ruth through a mutual friend that got her into the sport of drifting. I do know Ruth on a personal level as she has become not only a client but a friend of ours for years.

                              When we found out that D1GP is coming back to the United States, we hired a marketing agency to try to find sponsorship for the Vertex USA Soarer. Although we can probably run the team on our own as privateers like we have been doing, having monetary sponsors definitely helps with some of the expenses involved such as gas, daily expenses, etc.

                              After D1GP Anaheim, Ruth and I was talking about her team. It only made sense that my agency set up a meeting with Ruth to see if she would be interested in sponsoring us. We are now sponsored by the Drift Avengers since D1GP Miami. We are very grateful to Ruth for her support. We will continue to support the Drift Avengers on a professional manner. We will be there for any promotional videos, advertising opportunities, private events they may need from us.

                              Uenosan will be an honary Drift Avenger for the 2009 season as he should be since Drift Avengers is sponsoring our team this year. Our involvement with the Drift Avengers is on a professional level only. We do not want to get involved with all the drama as Ruth already knows.

                              We all know politics is in every motorsport. That's just how it is... We support the D1GP and is very grateful for the opportunity they have given us. We will continue to work with both Drift Avengers and D1GP and feel that it is in our best interest to stay away from the drama. Vertex USA and Vertex Japan is a very small company and support everyone that supports us. We are simply mild mannered people and grateful for everything we have been provided.

                              We hope to see Drift Avengers and D1GP USA succeed in everything they do.

                              Thank you for your support and hope to see you guys out at the track!


                              • Originally posted by Vertex USA View Post

                                We hope to see Drift Avengers and D1GP USA succeed in everything they do.

                                Thank you for your support and hope to see you guys out at the track!
                                Thank you Dat, you are a very respectful and genuine guy.

                                We wish Team Vertex USA the best of luck in your competitive season at D1!

