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Pics of Me Drifting My Tacoma

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  • #46
    Originally posted by Toycoma
    wtf does getting girls have to do with drifting, i drift for fun not to show off "how much of a real man I am". Go lose another $20K phone why dont you. And Why don't you come to a event if you live so close and call me a stud to my face. hows your tacoma xrunner drift truck coming along? or isnt it? your going to win FD with it next year though right? Because drifting is so easy. and yeah, i am 15 not 18, must be why i aint as cool as you. talk about some one being an internet tough guy. you might have people who think your the coolest but you need to learn how to be a "profesional" when some one down plays you like i did instead of lashing out and trying to defend yourself on the internet. its life, not everyone likes you. by the way, your artical in SCC on drifting shows just how much of a stuck up self centered diick you are. hugs and kiss.
    You are a effing hyp·o·crite.

    Instead you keep talking ish. Just let him be a professional and "who cares about it". If you know so much about professional why don't you act like it? Instead of being a hypocrite like you are.

    You called him a Quear errr Queer. Are you supposed to sit back and enjoy the name calling.

    You stupid fruitcake.


    • #47
      Originally posted by .Al
      You are a effing hyp·o·crite.

      Instead you keep talking ish. Just let him be a professional and "who cares about it". If you know so much about professional why don't you act like it? Instead of being a hypocrite like you are.

      You called him a Quear errr Queer. Are you supposed to sit back and enjoy the name calling.

      You stupid fruitcake.

      F you too pal. my opinion of him is based off of what he wrote in SCC about the D1 event he saw. That would be why i dont like him. Who is he to critisize the D1 teams from japan because of things like none match pit crew uniforms.
      and i aint no professional. there for i dont need to act like one. he clams to be yet he is on the internet trash talking with me. how pro is that? I don't care how much money people make, it doesnt make up for their personal short comings.

      You smart pizza pie.


      • #48
        I can't read of what you just said.

        Maybe I will get my AzN friend to read it later...



        • #49
          i havent read all the flames and stuff because thats BS you know you get major props from anyone that knows anything, your truck rocks and the fact that youre drifting it rocks more....oh an .Al? wtf would you respond with something borderline racist against Asians on a site dedicated to a sport originating in JAPAN? Maybe i read it wrong but it seems like you need to be a little bit more careful of what you say


          • #50
            Originally posted by Toycoma
            F you too pal. my opinion of him is based off of what he wrote in SCC about the D1 event he saw. That would be why i dont like him. Who is he to critisize the D1 teams from japan because of things like none match pit crew uniforms.
            and i aint no professional. there for i dont need to act like one. he clams to be yet he is on the internet trash talking with me. how pro is that? I don't care how much money people make, it doesnt make up for their personal short comings.

            You smart pizza pie.
            Sorry Charlie what I was doing is telling you a facts and not trash talking. You called me a quear first you ( Nice spelling by the way, another sign of your age granted I'm no pefect speller as a matter of fact I graduated dead last in my high school class kuz all I did was drive around like an crazy a*&^*hole listen to loud music and smoke cigs and work on cars, but that doesn't matter still, stuck up self centered *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* right will see I hope you learn a little more about people and life soon it may come in handy. Especially if your a so-called racer, Racers are friendly to everyone at least all the real ones I know.


            • #51
              I can't read of what you just said.Maybe I will get my AzN friend to read it later...-Al
              One word..ignorant(-Al). Furthermore, The kid wrote it out in plain english, it maybe abit rash, but what do you except from a teen venting on a personal attack? OK, I know that he shouldn't be calling people quers but the Mods will deal with nicely, Toycoma.

              -BACK to the issue at hand, driving
              1.Nice driving djnarush, I don't really don't care for truck drifting much but its drifting nonetheless.
              2. Keep on Truck'n!...I choose my drift vehicle way before it was popular, maybe someday you could say the same (s14 owner since early 2000).


              • #52
                to the original poster of this topic, rock out with your *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* out! i started sliding my 91 toyota mini a looooonnnnnnggggg time ago (wasn't exactly drifting, but sliding nonetheless). i had so many plans for it, LC Engineering turbo setup, custom coilover setup (much like you'd find on hotrods), and RX7 TII independent rear... but as with everything in life, it was taken from me by some woman in a 6000lb suv on a cellphone. ah well

                what turbo setup do you run? i'd imagine it's a bit different throwing the x-cab around compared to my old std cab.


                • #53
                  Originally posted by Rado
                  Sorry Charlie what I was doing is telling you a facts and not trash talking. You called me a quear first you ( Nice spelling by the way, another sign of your age granted I'm no pefect speller as a matter of fact I graduated dead last in my high school class kuz all I did was drive around like an crazy a*&^*hole listen to loud music and smoke cigs and work on cars, but that doesn't matter still, stuck up self centered *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* right will see I hope you learn a little more about people and life soon it may come in handy. Especially if your a so-called racer, Racers are friendly to everyone at least all the real ones I know.
                  one, i spelt it quear so that it wouldnt get sensored but i now see that the correct spelling is allowed. two, my bashing you is still a direct result of the comments you made in SCC. a lot of people took it the same way as me and actually, i never read what you write but because someone else was talking about it, i figured i would see what you said and sure enough, they were right. here is the link. of course i had to add something to pisss people off but at the time i did not make any remakes about you. i just get sick and tired of people saying crap about you going to drift a tacoma like its never been done before. drifting trucks is nothing new, they have done it in the dirt for years.
                  Last edited by Toycoma; 08-26-2004, 05:33 PM.


                  • #54
                    I think toycoma makes a pretty good point. Drifting a truck IS nothing new.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by tougeC
                      I think toycoma makes a pretty good point. Drifting a truck IS nothing new.
                      it's still nice to see something different though? right/


                      • #56
                        Hey guys I never said drifting a truck is new or that I will be originating it I just plainly said I will be building one. Mainly because thats all Toyota offers new in RWD that I think is cool and would work with a little TLC. I'll drive anything I just don't drive front wheel drive on street at all anymore.


                        • #57
                          I guess it is a little refreshing seeing something besides a 240 or an 86......


                          • #58
                            No I think it's a european drift day


                            • #59
                              I didn't have all the flaming in mind when giving Rado this link

                              And drifting on dirt and drifting on asphault are 2 totally different ball games. I could care less if you can hand your *Censored**Censored**Censored*-end out in the dirt, I want to see you do it on cement. Sure they were "drifting" just not my real definition of "drifting". Hehe that sounded stupid, oh well, hope some caught my point.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by Rado
                                Hey guys I never said drifting a truck is new or that I will be originating it I just plainly said I will be building one. Mainly because thats all Toyota offers new in RWD that I think is cool and would work with a little TLC. I'll drive anything I just don't drive front wheel drive on street at all anymore.
                                why not just do the IS300? should be a lot simpler and faster to get prepaired then the new tacoma platform? or why not use the older tacoma platform since so many are already out in the market? you could actually help a lot of people who do not have the resources to develop custom parts on their own. and just to let everyone know, i wasnt the first person in the post to poke fun of chris rado. i just knew what soultron was talking about when he said about the 20k dollar phone. but i am not sorry for using my first amendment rights and speaking my mind, bluntly i might add.

