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Is there any money in drifting?

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  • #16
    Originally posted by SilverGhost

    BTW 1 million yen = around 10,000 USD, so not that much, but still more than 7k....
    Actually its closer to only 8k. My boyfriend is a banker, has to deal with foreign exchange all the time.


    • #17
      Thanks for saying that, Parry.


      • #18
        also most of the formula d guys have normal jobs as well as drifting, which would tend to indicate that no you're not going to get rich off drifting besides if you're in it for the money you're in it for the wrong reasons. I'm not saying money's evil or that i wouldn't take money for it but i just love to drive, if i make a few bucks to help cover the cost of tires, sweet, if not eh oh well i'll still be out there.


        • #19
          i fully agree. we did not all start wasting our money blowing tires and the scuh to make more money. i know most of the D1 drivers have separate jobs...and i know how the drift scene in japan only question is, when did the yen go up?


          • #20
            haha quick fact: Imamura owns and runs hins own flower shop! no joke.


            • #21
              What convenience! Now I know where to fulfill all my floral needs and get drift advice at the same time!


              • #22
                lol. Personally I have no problem for getting paid for something I love such as drifting, but I'd rather be poor and happy than rich and sad . Money doesnt leed to happiness, rings of smoke through the trees does.


                • #23
                  If there is money in drifting, i haven't found it, and i don't think we are really planning on finding it for quite a long time, anyone that thinks "pros" are making tons of bank are out of their minds, we do this because we love it, and because its fun.
                  -Don't forget the struggle. Don't forget the streets-


                  Listen to Motley Crue


                  • #24
                    i dont' get it.... all you guys are saying that drifting cost so much....but how much (an estimate) would it cost for parts (not tires). im not a heavy drifter...but i try it once in a while, and i don't know what parts drifting messes up? i know it messes up the tires?...but what else (im guessing suspension)?


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by pom_sandhu
                      i dont' get it.... all you guys are saying that drifting cost so much....but how much (an estimate) would it cost for parts (not tires). im not a heavy drifter...but i try it once in a while, and i don't know what parts drifting messes up? i know it messes up the tires?...but what else (im guessing suspension)?

                      Uhhhhhhh let's see, off the top of my head....... Diff, transmissions, endlinks, bushings, motors, and turbos. AND that's just if you don't hit anything!


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Tuner
                        Uhhhhhhh let's see, off the top of my head....... Diff, transmissions, endlinks, bushings, motors, and turbos. AND that's just if you don't hit anything!
                        but how does it affect that???
                        i dont understand....your tires are skidding, not the motor, turbo etc...?


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by pom_sandhu
                          but how does it affect that???
                          i dont understand....your tires are skidding, not the motor, turbo etc...?
                          You have to realize that drifting is one of the most strenuous motorsports out there. You are trying to make the car do something that it was never really intended to do. In that process, you put vast amounts of stress on a vast number of parts throughout the entire vehicle.

                          For example, excessive throttle input at, approaching, or even exceeding, redline overworks and overexerts the engine. That will subject the engine through higher than normal operating temperatures. Exposing your engine to such conditions shortens the life of the motor, unless you happen to have built a strong, superior engine, in that case you have already spent a hefty sum on just your engine.

                          In the case of suspension, you are applying a great deal of force onto the suspension through every drift. The suspension is absorbing a large amount of lateral g through a prolonged amount of time with each and every drift that is initiated. Again, this will shorten it's life much faster than, in comparison to, a track racer, who's goal is to spend as little time accelerating sideways.

                          My main point is that drifting puts an excessive amount of stress on just about every moving part of the vehicle. Too much stress kills, just like in real life. You're going to need a lot of money if and when your parts start giving up on you. You're also going to need lots of money if and when you crash, because there is no chance in hell that your insurance company is going to foot the bill for any crash that you incur in the site of willful abuse of motor vehicles.

                          This is an expensive hobby. I said hobby, because there are hardly any people that can do this as a profession, unless your name is Keiichi Tsuchiya. Like all hobbies, you should be doing for the pure enjoyment of it, otherwise it becomes a chore. And, as all youths know, CHORES SUCK!

                          *end of rant*


                          • #28
                            thanks for your time and effort.... i understand know hahaha

