This is somthing that ive never heard of happening... anywhere.. to anyone. But it happend to me. Ok so im in my favorite parking lot at about 11 pm on a sunday... Slidding happily along in second. And then outa nowhere my motor starts to stumble.... So i hit the brakes and cut the motor and roll to a stop. ( A quick once over under the hood reveals nothing) Since
this is about 4 blocks from my house, i call my buddy and tow my car back to the house. SO we start trouble shooting..
All plug wires from distributor are firing, so we check the wire to spark plug... Hmm i pull number 4 and problem doesnt get any worse... So i start thinking maybe fuel.. check the injectors... All firing . Well i break out the compression tester and ... whadya know number four has like 30 psi.
After a couple more hours of.. well it could be this or that.. i decide to call it quits and work on it tommorow.
Next day.. im thinking burnt valves or somthing along that line. SO i
pull the head off. And This is what i find
What your looking at is the MAF screen that got sucked through the intake , through the Throttle body and into the head.
A little better shot
this is about 4 blocks from my house, i call my buddy and tow my car back to the house. SO we start trouble shooting..
All plug wires from distributor are firing, so we check the wire to spark plug... Hmm i pull number 4 and problem doesnt get any worse... So i start thinking maybe fuel.. check the injectors... All firing . Well i break out the compression tester and ... whadya know number four has like 30 psi.
After a couple more hours of.. well it could be this or that.. i decide to call it quits and work on it tommorow.
Next day.. im thinking burnt valves or somthing along that line. SO i
pull the head off. And This is what i find
What your looking at is the MAF screen that got sucked through the intake , through the Throttle body and into the head.
A little better shot