Originally posted by s14driftingTX
The CA18det. As the SR swap has become more popular, it has also become easier to find oem replacement parts. With the CA, being an older motor and not many similarities widely found with US motors, I wonder if some replacement parts would be harder to find. I have researched many motor swaps and I like the idea of the CA but, I don't want a motor that I couldn't get common relpacement parts for.
The CA18det. As the SR swap has become more popular, it has also become easier to find oem replacement parts. With the CA, being an older motor and not many similarities widely found with US motors, I wonder if some replacement parts would be harder to find. I have researched many motor swaps and I like the idea of the CA but, I don't want a motor that I couldn't get common relpacement parts for.
The CA18 is prolly the route that I'm going to go also to cut down on cost... The SR20 is getting rediculous. 3 years ago the motor costed less than a 1000 bucks for the front clip. Now everyone is asking for 3000... I think not...
CA18s have tons of potential also...