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tech question fro everyone

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  • #31
    no please inlighten us


    • #32
      Originally posted by sliders
      damn you stiil dont know do you ok here we go. what is torque?torque is the force a spinning object puts therefor if you have a lighter object than a heavier one wich would have more torque if they both spun at the same rpm. rememeber yur trick question about the rotary engine having how many strokes. And then remember how stupid you tried making that guy feel damn you dumb .to gain more torque you would want niether you dont want to lighten the crank or the flywheel you take weight away from spinning objects you lose torque.Now i didnt say you lose wieght from piston you lose torque .i said the crank and flywheel that spin and create i doesnt matter what crank i have i dont know why you kept asking that had nothing to do with it i just said what would you do to make more torquelighten the crandk or flywheel. I hope evryone else gets a good laugh of this and i hope all yur nob-slobers think yur really cool know.Im not the one trying to look good for all my homies your the one with the fan club and from what i see the as dumb as you.
      oh yes your intellect is now really superior. Maybe my self, Veilside, Tomei, Koguchi Power and ALL THE REST OF JAPAN are not as good as you as well as OGURA and Exeady yea them lightened flywheel pacages really are the wrong thing. yea all that extra weight meen tork I think I know what your talkin about. Must have somthing to do with your lack of horsepower to overcome you tork difisioncy. But yea that ka will really out run my car IM sure. yes again you were able to stump me huh wheres your comeback on the windage tray I will be with Modified Magazine tommorow I will ask them to do an article just for you.


      • #33
        Ok heres my tech question... sliders is cruising his civic down the road and he notices the its time for a fill up. He pullls into the gas station and proceeds to fill his tank. Afterwards he pulls out and is driving down the road. His car suddenly begins sputtering and the engine cuts out. He is bewildered and doesnt kno wat happened.. What happened ??


        • #34
          look. sliders. Stop this stupid arguing, because too many people here on the boards will defend DX a LOT more than anybody will help you. all you are doing in this thread is merely making everybody hate you. So stop your little bickering. you originally said that DX KNOWS EVERYTHING! when has he EVER said that!? and know you're acting like you're OOOoOOOo so great and that you're just little Mr. Mechanical genius well guess what buddy, NOBODY CARES. so if you're going to come on a message board and pick a fight with somebody A) DO NOT DO IT HERE and B) ESPECIALLY NOT WITH A FORUM FAVORITE/MOD!

          just stop the arguing. it's pointless. nobody care's if anybody knows everything because NOBODY is perfect and NOBODY know's EVERYTHING. so somebody lock and delete this thread please.


          • #35
            Well since this got shut down and moved ill giev the answer... while mr sliders was paying for his gas he failed to noticed the dorifto ninjas were dispatched to cut some holes into his gas tank and then vanish back into thin air, thus draining all his fuel bringing him back to E... hardy har har you lose


            • #36
              Originally posted by MrodDrft
              Well since this got shut down and moved ill giev the answer... while mr sliders was paying for his gas he failed to noticed the dorifto ninjas were dispatched to cut some holes into his gas tank and then vanish back into thin air, thus draining all his fuel bringing him back to E... hardy har har you lose
              lol nice.


              • #37
                you grind of the girdle on the main crank cap and make them individual caps. This will cause less oil splashing and less air building up in yur oil. but since you know so much why you keep asking for the answer to my question look i didnt start this to see if you knew anything i could care less there is allways people out there that know more about certain things simply started this to tell you to quite being a prick with your questions.Anyways do you think people are going to think yur the man cause you have interviews with magazines didnt your mom ever teach you not to believe everything you read i could have sat here and told everybody i did this and i did that but who cares they should only care about what they do not what some guy does.i could care less if your car can beat mine.WOOOHOOOOO YOUR THE MAN is that what you want to hear from everybody.GOOD LUCK


                • #38
                  oh man your tallent has really shown. When you get out of lawnmower school then teach me something I dont know. Yea that windage tray wouldnt do any of that for 1/3 the cost and none of the labor


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by nissanguy_24
                    Your wrong, and i will explain Why, but you wont like it, after all your superiority bull
                    You said torque is a spinning force, in that you are right. However you claimed heavier parts on the engine create the torque. That is incorrect. Abit like saying a train produces more power if its heavier.

                    Now let me explain Where torque really comes from. Torque isnt created by spinning heavy things. Rather Torque SPINS the heavy object.

                    Torque is forced applied in a spinning motion. Now i understand your thinking, because i am thinking it to. Doesnt Force equal Mass times Acceleration. So the more mass we have to accelerate the more force we get. But thats misleading. That formula applies the amount of force an object has, assuming its acceleration is constant, adding mass to an object will increase the amount of force in it. However We need to look at it the other way around, F = MA so A=F/M In other words the more mass you add, the more your force decreases. Now like i said this gets confusing so let me explain further.

                    The normal formula we use for Force (and remember torque is force applied in a spinning motion) Force being a varible, the unknown. We know this is a variable because we are talking about changing force, by altering Mass. And yes If we increase the mass force will increase. However this assumes Acceleration will stay constant no mater what. The problem is A is effected by those things too in an engine. Because the energy released by exploiding gas wont change by adding mass.

                    We can tell this from A=F/M which HAS to be true of F=MA is true. Acceleration is how fast the piston is being forced down by the expanind gas. Lets say our force is um lets say 10 and our mass is 2. (these are arbitrary numbers for an example) so we go and we add mass, Because you said adding mass, will increase torque, or rotational force. okay lets double it. in the old Formla we have A = 10/2 so A =5, so more mass according to you should mean our new A number is greater then 5. okay lets try it shall we.

                    A=10/4 A=2.5 2.5 is not greater then 5, thus thats wrong.

                    Okay with the physics crap out of the way lets look at it logically. Does putting on heavier tires increase your power output? no, in fact it actualy reduces it. Accordng to your statement more mass means more torque, We all know horse power is derived from torque, more torque means more power. Unfortionately even adding 100 lbs chrome 24 inch wheels wont increase power.

                    Now the real reason this is, is because the original Force =M/A refers to the movement of the piston the piston's stroke is producing the force, its speed is producing the RPMs. The crankshaft turns that from Force into Torque. i guess the most basicly awnser to "where does torque come from" is the crankshaft.

                    Everything that the force, which is the expanding gasses from the internal combustion has to move takes power. Because going back to physics, It takes power to move ANYTHING, in other words everything else you have to move takes power. This is parasitic loss. This is one reason gas engines arent 100 percent efficient, in fact nothing is. Some of the energy in the gas is not put to the ground. Thats a known fact. Part of the reason is because some of the heat is absorbed into the block and the collant, thats loss energy, some is used to expell exhaust gas, thats loss energy, and some is used to move the internals, the driveline, the tranny, the wheels, the differential everything.

                    Thats lost energy, parasitic loss they call it. adding more mass that has to be spun before the wheels decreases power to the wheels. Anytime you reduce weight off the drivetrain you increase power to the wheels. This is one reason a automatic tranny puts less power to the ground then a manual, more energy is loss spinning the insides of the slush box.

                    I can prove this in the most simple way, by saying this. Why is it, if more mass on the driveline makes more torque, and there for power, do engines always produce more power at the crankshaft then the wheels?

                    Now i know alot of my physics type explanations in the beginning where jumbled and perhaps not explained the best, but they are all further evidence that you were mistaking. Please in the future do not be in such a hurry to "own" or "school" a forum member, because in your haste you will make a mistake, and nothing is more foolish then making a mistake when your purposely trying to prove how wrong someone else is.
                    Last edited by nissanguy_24; 05-05-2004, 09:30 PM.


                    • #40
                      He doesnt ask us the questions to make us look dumb or show hes better than us. Its all in the name of fun and the greater education of the members of DX brings what this site used to badly lack.. on the scene coverage of this sport in its homeland and technical info thats practical to all users. The best part is hes accessible to us all and doesnt mind to go out of his way to get us wiring diagrams or watever u may need, he'll look into it. He also gives us a heads up on rumors of new products, events and realeases and much more since he is established in the industry. I feel honored that a member off Drift Xtreme reads, let alone posts on this forum. And most of all he dealls with sh!t from ppl like u all day long.
                      Last edited by MrodDrft; 05-05-2004, 09:48 PM.


                      • #41
                        Originally posted by MrodDrft
                        He doesnt ask us the questions to make us look dumb or show hes better than us. Its all in the name of fun and the greater education of the members of DX brings what this site used to badly lack.. on the scene coverage and technical info. And hes accessible to talk to and gives us heads up on rumors of new products and realeases and much more since he is established in the industry. I feel honored that a member off Drift Xtreme even bothers to post here and deal with sh!t like urs.
                        Aww man I dont know all that but I am only here because of the friends I have made here and to give you all a heads up on everything. Im like the late bracking news. But according to sliders I might as well give it up so he can have my position I meen he is obviously more talented and has all the connections so lets see him do it for a while.

                        So sliders who won the D1 yesterday?


                        • #42
                          SMC > Sliders

                          Very well said SMC. Thank you for the explanation, i have now learned something today.

                          I think what MrodDrift said is very true. DX is a constant source of new information and event coverage. Although he may not know everything, he does know a lot more than most board members and provides us all with reliable information. I feel that if you have a problem with him then you can leave because you are never going to be respected by anybody on the boards after your recent actions.


                          • #43
                            PS i edited my post cuz i left out wat i meant to say in my haste. hehe


                            • #44
                              wahhhhhh im sorry all you got mad but get over it damn you guys.Nissan good reply but i think you got yurself lost in the translation,it seems like at the begening you realized what the hell i was talking about but in the middle you lost yurself there is more mathmatics to trying to figure what you were wanting to show than just that ,hey i wasnt talking about driveline torque either.Man all you guys need to quite getting so buttt hurt about dx getting treated how he treats everyone else.You know what how cares its done with he and what you think he is and he can blow smoke up all yur *Censored**Censored**Censored* all you want him tooo damn.cry me a river please


                              • #45
                                you guys are pathetic get out there and do it dont just sit here and wait for some guy to say he guess what i did this today and talked to this guy today and im so special who cares .go do that *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* yurself.You wonder why everyone sits on here and says if we had only started drifting years ago we could be up there with the d1 drivers in experience levels.then get yur *Censored**Censored**Censored* of the couch and go do the damn thing.then you wont be reading abou tbut you will be doing it FOR REAL not dreaming it.

                                ive had enough

