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My ghetto webpage

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  • #31
    Originally posted by sobe
    ...if you dont have anything post thats decently positive, dont post it at all
    I think it is kind of obvious that he posted FOR FEEDBACK!!!

    .....SO BITE ME!!!


    • #32
      Originally posted by Go
      I must be missing something because I don't see anything
      fancy about this page. I see a supra graphics in the top left
      corner and some text below.

      And my sites are better (click sig to see them).
      Originally posted by Misthael
      Please don't go bragging about your sites and how much better they are. ......
      Here's my shitty sites: Interpretation: "Check out my sites. They are real cool too!!"

      version 1

      version 2
      I don't understand why people have to be such anal pores!
      Go just made VALID comments. The original poster was opening himself up for critique!! Then Miisthael thinks Go is the bad guy for being HONEST! Then he brings up HIS OWN FREAKING SITES!!! Get a freaking life!!!!!!!!!


      • #33
        Originally posted by gladhatter
        I don't understand why people have to be such anal pores!
        Go just made VALID comments. The original poster was opening himself up for critique!! Then Miisthael thinks Go is the bad guy for being HONEST! Then he brings up HIS OWN FREAKING SITES!!! Get a freaking life!!!!!!!!!
        Preach on brotha!

        I don't know what happened when I registered at
        but my name should have been Gonad. I probablly messed
        up somewhere.

        Who's the head honco on here that can change my username?


        • #34
          Did some1 say AssDragon?!

          I still need to do some work but here is my site so far. I used Paint,Netscape's Composer and some HTML know how.

          Check out my site Here.

          (If link above doesn't work just go here


          • #35
            Oh. Sorry. My bad. I didn't know that I wasn't supposed to post my site. I certainly advertised it alot. I even said that it was fantabulous. I'm a *Censored**Censored**Censored**Censored* then. Gosh do I feel bad.


            Interpretation: "Check out my sites. They are real cool too!!"
            Wow. I thought sh!tty meant sh!tty. Not good. Oh well. I guess I'm just normal.


            So anyways. Sorry Gonad. Maybe I was an a§ to you, maybe not. Openly saying to a person "my sites are better" is kinda rude though. Anyways. So I need a life. I better get started on that. It's kinda odd that the only posts I've seen by Gladhatter have been flamage. But that's just the ones I've seen.

            Have a day.


            • #36
              How did I know this was going to be moved???


              • #37

                Please do not be so disrespectful in your posts and be so rude to people. Nobody takes kindly to any rude remarks so please try and not post comments that are NOT derragatory. Yes Emission was looking for feedback but if you don't like it please don't go and post hateful remarks. just don't reply or say you don't like it. No need to be rude. This thread will now be closed.

