would energy suspension bushings be a good choice on suspensions for s13's....i heard their good against wheel hop
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Energy Bushings
Rear Subframe Crossmember Bushing Kit
Made with our unique combination of 66% glass fibers and 33% nylon, the bushing kit was designed to work in conjunction with the factory bushings to reduce the amount of free play in the subframe bushings. This yields more responsive handling and helps to minimize wheel hop.
240SX S13 89-94
240SX S14 95-98
Tanabe Racing Development USA, Inc.
1849 Western Way
Torrance, California 90501
tel (310) 783-0200
fax (310) 783-0020
e-mail info@tanabe-usa.com
After my crash with my almost 10 year old S14, I have blown tension control rod bushings, a bashed drivers side tension rod bracket (banged it back with a big hammer for now), and extremely worn rear subframe bushings.
My first priority is the subframe, as it clunks horribly and has tons of play. I have been looking at both the "pineapple" rings and the aluminum collars and am not sure what I need. www.technotoytuning.com claims their aluminum collars are "compatible with drift pineapples", suggesting that both can be used in conjunction. However, Whiteline, Uras, etc. pineapples claim to be a good solution on their own. This car is daily driven and from time to time will be driven hard on the track and drifted as well.
Will just the pineaples be sufficient to eat up all the slop in my rear end or do I need aluminum instead/ as well?
Also, I have been considering what I should get between Energy Suspension bushings in my current rods, adjustable rods w. spherical ball pivots, and the Nismo power bar.
how could I get the best combination of tolerable ride harshness for street and still perform relatively well at the track?
Nismo bar + upgraded bushings?
Stock brackets + adjustable rods?
I can't afford EVERYTHING, and am not sure if I need it if I could. Sorry for all the questions, but I need experienced advice.