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G4's HORRIBLE FORMULA D Coverage......

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  • #46
    Hey Al my name is Zach. No worries about the name, I only remember people if I know what they drive. I produced Formula D last year and I produce Redline TV for Speed. I also help out on ESPN2's Import Racers.

    G4 didn't hire us to produce the show this year which was a real bummer for me because I love the sport and worked pretty hard at it last year.

    I am producing Super Bikes! right now on Speed, a subject I caught on to because of it's association with drifting (Big X, XDL). It's on Tuesday nights at 9:00 on Speed please check it out.

    I don't post a lot but I read this forum all the time. You guys are pretty harsh, but often good ideas come through. Thanks for the feedback over the years, I actually like that people are this protective of the sport.



    • #47
      Originally posted by s13vert
      hey man his name is Rossi Morale and his pretty damn cool from what i can see but yeha hes on Speed now with Jason Britton on SUPERBIKES! its n b4 pinks
      No.It's Zach.

      Originally posted by ProZach
      Hey Al my name is Zach. No worries about the name, I only remember people if I know what they drive. I produced Formula D last year and I produce Redline TV for Speed. I also help out on ESPN2's Import Racers.

      G4 didn't hire us to produce the show this year which was a real bummer for me because I love the sport and worked pretty hard at it last year.

      I am producing Super Bikes! right now on Speed, a subject I caught on to because of it's association with drifting (Big X, XDL). It's on Tuesday nights at 9:00 on Speed please check it out.

      I don't post a lot but I read this forum all the time. You guys are pretty harsh, but often good ideas come through. Thanks for the feedback over the years, I actually like that people are this protective of the sport.

      Ill remember your name from now on Zach!

      Last edited by ; 07-24-2006, 07:13 AM.


      • #48
        Originally posted by ProZach
        I am producing Super Bikes! right now on Speed, a subject I caught on to because of it's association with drifting (Big X, XDL). It's on Tuesday nights at 9:00 on Speed please check it out.

        dude! superbikes is a sick show.. only thing i can watch about bikes. big props man, but dang it just isnt the same without you guys producin it this year!!


        • #49
          Everyone on page four has good grammar and ends their post with a dash followed by their name! But its kinda discouraging to see the only contact we had with G4 still here, but no longer with G4



          • #50
            I just wanted to join the other 'cool people' on page 4.

            Zach - thanks for the update, wish you were still associated with the show. I think your touch on the show is becoming more and more evident as this season rolls on, and I'm sure I'm not the only person who will say that we miss you and your crew!

            - Jacob


            • #51
              Originally posted by Mike Peters
              Everyone on page four has good grammar and ends their post with a dash followed by their name! But its kinda discouraging to see the only contact we had with G4 still here, but no longer with G4

              just had to post and break the monotony.

              Originally posted by ProZach
              Hey Al my name is Zach. No worries about the name, I only remember people if I know what they drive. I produced Formula D last year and I produce Redline TV for Speed. I also help out on ESPN2's Import Racers.

              G4 didn't hire us to produce the show this year which was a real bummer for me because I love the sport and worked pretty hard at it last year.

              I am producing Super Bikes! right now on Speed, a subject I caught on to because of it's association with drifting (Big X, XDL). It's on Tuesday nights at 9:00 on Speed please check it out.

              I don't post a lot but I read this forum all the time. You guys are pretty harsh, but often good ideas come through. Thanks for the feedback over the years, I actually like that people are this protective of the sport.

              what are the chances of Speed or ESPN putting in a bit for Formula D?
              Last edited by my 1 88 u; 07-24-2006, 08:25 AM.


              • #52
                probly zlich considering they already have NASCAR and the NHRA and monday night football but i think speed would be a great candidate for FD look at what all they have done for NASCAR but yeah they need a change to a network with larger appeal to get anywhere but speed always seems to do it right no matter what type of coverage it is so i think speed would be a great fit



                • #53

                  Lots of great feedback and criticism (harsh or not). Trust us when we say these threads and everything about Formula D that is public is read and thought about. We have always had a mindset that is focused on what is real and what is happening with Formula D and taking the ideas and concerns of all we can speak with to make better decisions for the series. Most of the new rules, addtions/changes to judging, changes in TV broadcasts have come from teams, drivers, fans and sponsor of Formula D. We would be idiots if we did not listen to the people that have help create FD what it is today. We pride ourselves in that and we are confident you wont find that kind of response from other organizations

                  In saying that let me clarify a few things for everyone since quite often posts on forums from people are uninformed and innaccurate and spread unecessary information to those that take it for truth.

                  We agree that lots can be done to make the shows better for teams and drivers. There are a million and one things that go into creating a show within the turnaround time that we have and literally hundreds of things that most people probably do not know. Most times, we (internal FD) don't even see a rough cut before it goes to air simple due to timeline and schedule's of our internal staff and G4's. This is tough especially if there is something that we think should be added or cut out. Like it or not, this is a reality we deal with and are trying to make better. But G4 does see these comments and it is their goal to create the best show possible. G4 is very commited to Formula D and they listen to everything teams and fans have to say.

                  However, the show has experienced extreme success in terms of ratings and advertising and that is exactly what a show is intended to do. Because of that we have literally had to create a new task force here in our office that fields media inquiries from other networks and shows trying to film at the events. As some of you may or may not know Formula D has experienced its highest level of exposure on TV this year by not only G4 but we have also also been featured in some respect on almost every major new network and countless cable stations.

                  Now let me say that I completely understand that there are lots of competitors in the series that don't get covered simply because they do not make top 16. We are the first to acknowledge that we wish the shows could be longer, but the hour shows were the chosen format that was decided at the end of last year based on a million factors that would be pointless to get into. We ARE pushing for longer shows and we may get them. I know the final is inteneded to be longer.

                  Again, we and G4 hear what everyone says and we are striving for a product that pleases everyone.

                  Thanks again for your honestly and feedback.



                  • #54
                    sadly, when each of us watches the show, we add to that rating, whether we like it or not.

                    But i'd rather watch an hour of 'not so satisfactory' coverage of drifting than an hour of anything else.

                    I know everyone at the Formula D staff works very hard making the series and everything surrounding the series the best that they can, and I think it shows. Theres no doubt that there has been a huge slurry of media attention this year, and it's a huge benefit to the entire sport.

                    Keep up the good work guys


                    • #55
                      well with all that being said alot of still will watch G4's coverage(myself included) i must also say that im happy the FD and drifting in general is getting coverage like never b4 but......G4"s coverage just doesnt cover what most of us like which is mainly grassroots stuff and sucess stories and now this year if a grass roots guy makes it to the top 16 his runs dont even show up and the winner(usually the well sponsored guy) just show up in the next round thats a main beef..... but the adds i will say are great and actually make me want to watch the event but its sad that i still get better coverage with stills and words from mags than i do on to and the commentary has to go just let J-Rod do it man its not that hard


                      • #56
                        G4's rating may be improving but it's because Drifting is Getting more press

                        Just to add a word or two.
                        G4 ratings have improved because everyone is crazy about drifting. And you have the only show or almost the only show right now showing the sport. So great for being opportunistic. But dont waste it for us Drift lovers.

                        G4 coverage is poor, real poor at time.I like the girl talent alright, but dating segment Pleaaassee. Even my 10 year old doestn't care.

                        The segments are patched-up together and you guys at G4 try too much to be cute and cool. More race, less talk that's what I say.
                        Now in terms of technical TV coverage critcism:

                        The crew G4 hires does not know anything about drifting and the camera placements are so poor it's ridiculous. I was in Chicago and I couldn't imagine such a bad camera placement. Even with a wide angle lense and at the supposed speed the car come at you the camera in both corners were to low to the ground and didn't show drifting battles properly.

                        I know about the editing thing, but no excuses. With 5 cameras or more that you have there and all the on board cameras you should be able to get a great show. It should be a lot smoother live if you had the right camera placements and a director that knows what he's doing.

                        I agree that we should get more time on the air to represent the reality of the complete race.

                        I love the product, I dont like the on air show or I give it a C- ; Where you should get at least a B with the great show the drifters and sponsors are giving you. I agree that you should get some serious close ups to feature the cars.

                        A way for me to enjoy it better is I watch the whole show in slow mo - and I get to enjoy the whole thing...Use more slow mo..and close ups, showcase what you got or you wont get it for long

                        Jah Bless,
                        Anguile Bruno
                        Last edited by brunosimonet; 07-27-2006, 08:08 AM.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by s13vert
                          probly zlich considering they already have NASCAR and the NHRA and monday night football but i think speed would be a great candidate for FD look at what all they have done for NASCAR but yeah they need a change to a network with larger appeal to get anywhere but speed always seems to do it right no matter what type of coverage it is so i think speed would be a great fit

                          well espn has successfully done in 30 minutes what g4tv is struggling to do with in an hour of coverage.


                          • #58
                            yes the have and it was amazing to see the quality except for how they spelt silvia (thye spelt it sylvia) but yes it was great to see the kinda coverage now they just neeed to put it in a prime time spot


                            • #59

                              i think people would rather see the entire top 16 runs then watch oliva and tanner on a date.

                              but thats me.


                              • #60
                                All TV shows suck..ok.
                                The fact that it's actually on TV is cool.
                                If ya want core drift media buy the videos made by the guys who know what they are doing.

