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FF Drifting

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  • #46
    Well that's it then - add this to the FAQ and lock the thread?


    • #47
      Originally posted by OH240SE
      Kyle, why are u so damn angry?

      Real champions are humble, wuts with ur attitude?


      Who in the hell told you that? Dale Earnhardt Jr? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! No, I heard that in one of those ABC after school specials! LOL!!!

      Sorry, I just thought that was funny. I'd be upset too. It seems that a lot of the posters here don't give the same respect to someone who can drift unless its a Japanese RWD car. Drifting is drifting, and although the techniques maybe different or limited for cars that are FF or 4WD (like mine), if you can compete, it should be respected, IMO.


      • #48

        I just watched that vid..

        Help me out with this one, he'd enter the corner about the same speed as the RWD car behind him, and use either Inertia or Braking to start the drift, then to hold it through the corner as he hits opposite lock, he starts using the E-brake ?


        • #49
          Which vid are you talking about?

          He probably only uses the E to break traction on the rears if they are grabbing again. Using the E to initiate a drift will take off a lot of speed.


          • #50
            Ok wow, there is a lot of fighting on this board. i am starting to really hate looking at all these threads.

            First off, i dunno if it is just me, but it seems like OH240se was joking around, referring to the "lol" right after his last slanderous (sp?) comment. but i dunno

            Oh and SpccowboyMATT, the person who posted the pic did take it to the track and show what he was made of. He got a podium finish beating out a bunch of 240's and AE86's, if i remember correctly. So some ff'ers do go to competitions.

            And we really need to stop bitchin' and moanin' about ff'ers. some can drift kinda, in their own way as you see in this vid. but there aren't very many of those people. So if you are an ff'er that drifts let it be known, throw up a vid or something. But if you drive an ff and have just seen a vid like this, keep your mouth shut. It would be the best thing for all of us.

            - peace


            • #51
              keep our mouth shut?

              Nah. I don't agree with that.

              First of all, for those of us who are too chickenshit to argue in real life, pissing on others via the internet is cool. Makes me feel like a real man.

              Second, fighting has been shown to help elongate one's lifespan. I saw it on the Learning Channel.

              So $uck you!


              • #52
                wow. I mean....uhh...omg


                • #53
                  For a second there, I thought I missed all the bickering, but nope it just came back, lol.

                  Nothin' like a post containing "FF drifting" to stir"comments."

                  I'll have a look at that vid tomorrow when I actaully have access to a high speed connection(I too have probably seen it already but not sure). I've seen a couple good FF vids.

                  I also have no hate towards FF drifters. That's what I started on, no e-brake either(can't really use it when it's the foot pedal version and sticks on if you touch it, lol). Feint and braking works mighty well for a fwd.

                  Anyone whos drifted both fwd and rwd will always tell you rwd all the way. Rwd is just more fun. Other than being more fun and having more options(techniques) at your dsposal, there's nothing that seperates it appart from a rwd in terms drifting. A$$ dragging, whoever first thought that up should be drug out in the street and beaten with a hose, lol. A rwd never pulls the e-brake. Nope, no sir. That would be against the rules, clearly disqualifies you from considering that "slide" to be a drift.

                  A lot of talk for a simple look at this vid post isn't it


                  • #54
                    The rolling eyes is key.

                    Between FWD and RWD I would definately have to say that RWD has a clear advantage in drifitng. However, if I could only have one car and had to choose beterrn FWD and RWD (which is the case right now for me living in FL), I would choose FWD any day for a number of reasons:
                    1 - generally better gas mileage
                    2 - lower insurance
                    3 - more interior space
                    4 - better in rain
                    5 - more optinos
                    6 - not getting in nrealy as much trouble


                    • #55
                      Please everyone stop fueling this thread...I'm tired of getting e-mails about FF drifting...


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Thai Juku
                        Please everyone stop fueling this thread...I'm tired of getting e-mails about FF drifting...

                        I agree, this is really getting sad. This is like the last post about FFrifting, everyday i get atleast 2 e-mails from "FF Drifting" in my mailbox. Sheesh, enough is enough. PLEASE STOP

                        If you really want to make useless posts about ur "FF Driftings" please go and purchase

                        I BEG YOU MODS, DO SOMETHING

                        The only reason people post about FF drifting is to argue about it. Its utterly useless...
                        Last edited by OH240SE; 07-24-2004, 11:40 PM.


                        • #57
                          well you could always unsubscribe to this thread...


                          • #58
                            why doesnt someone just say something or post something get it closed....


                            • #59
                              How the hell can an FF push a car sideways through the apex of a corner? it cant.

                              But, it can drag the rearend around through the corner... am I right? you better fucking believe it.

                              Topic owned.


                              • #60
                                How the hell can an FF push a car sideways through the apex of a corner? it cant.
                                Bow down.

