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How do people wipe out on dry roads?

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  • #31
    All I'm saying is that people don't deserve a cookie for doing something they're supposed to do.


    • #32
      Well, I dont expect all your love and all that. This is almost turning into a flame post :/.

      Let's just make amends. I'll drive how I drive, you drive how you drive. Can't we all just get along?


      • #33
        I think the most anyone would crash is here in perth wa.
        I once noticed a guy in a VN SS 5.0 smash into the centre of a roundabout. Just because he has a V8 under his bonnet he wants to see what it can do, Yep look what happened in 5 seconds. At first he floored it thinking he can drift thru. Damn what a waste of a perfectly good limited edition commodore.
        Though i doubt that any commodore is looked after here in australia for that matter. LOL

        BTW i used to street race, Or do i still race?
        Last edited by ; 11-16-2004, 06:27 AM.


        • #34
          i hate dumb ppl like that guy that almost hit me he driving along in his piece of sh*t ricer exaust scraping on ground music up...blows right through the cross walk im on about 4 cm from my toes...and just keeps on dumb ppl....

          i see dumb ppl,
          they're everywhere,
          they drive around like everyone else,
          the worst part is they dont even know their dumb,
          -6th sense


          • #35
            its not just the shitty ricers....its also the rich boys with their beemers...


            • #36
              Jeese... All this talk of stupid drivers reminds me of my neighborhood. I think maybe a dozen quote unquote 'street racers' live here. How do I know? Because the losers all go or used to go to my school. They talk about how the were going 150 down this road that A) has a 45 MPH Speed Limit, B) Is surrounded by houses, and C) has traffic on it every hour of the evening.

              Thats what causes people to get killed. And what worse, they don't care.

              People as a majority are pretty much idiots. Yes, I speed. But no, I don't do 150. No, I don't speed in neighborhoods, or near houses. I speed on highways, and I usually use my brakes as much as my gas because I don't pass people while I'm going high speeds. Why? Cause I've been sideswiped by a moron who didn't see me (and the kicker was, I wasn't speeding. 35 in a 45, and he was going 20 (I was comming from a red light, he made a u-turn into the middle lane, then lane changed into the right lane where I was)). When someone can manage to 'not see' someone going 35 and sideswipe them, what are the odds that some dad is in a van with 5 kids, a wife, and a whole lot of noise, checking his mirror, seeing a car a few car lengths back, but not realizing the fact that it is going 100, then changing lanes and getting smacked??

              To high for my tastes.

              I've even had a friend killed because someone was speeding on dry roads, lost control, and hit her. The dad was maybe 100 feet behind her, because she was waiting for him to catch up on a bike ride. The idiot didn't turn hard enough, jumped the curb, hit her, and continued on. The dad saw it happen... Hasn't been the same sense...

              So people, if you're the type to drift roads with pedestrians, or speed on roads with them... Think about things like that next time. Tracks were invented for a reason.


              • #37
                C'mon guys lets not flame each other. We dont want to get kicked out now do we ? This site is awesome I Log on and i already feel at home on

