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  • #46

    if it's true what you said, maybe there's something that can be done. We do have laws on export goods and used parts are no exceptions.

    Please prvt msg me and we'll discuss this further. There might be ways that I can help you get your motor or maybe get a refund, if you want.

    BTW, I DON'T WORK FOR FLASHOPTIONS. So, please stop cursing me. hehehe... I work for the government, involving in import and exports.



    • #47
      thats cool, i already PM'd you, but what i really want from them is a refund. I really can't afford to buy another motor right now and i want the motor as soon as possible and if i can get my money back from FLASHOPTIONS, that'd be great.

      peace . . .


      • #48
        Derek , please be patience!
        We even suggested you a compensation plan, we're learning and we actually got your motor shipped for only a low price.
        We saved a lot of money but motors got stucked, if you don't believe try contact and ask how many flashoptions motors has arrive and how long did it got stucked.

        Shipment from fountain futures sdn bhd.

        It took 1 month and they screwed it for 4-5 months.
        It's not our fault, we don tuse them now, it's all good nice and clear!


        • #49
          DEREK , please post them when u get your motor! ...
          u'll know that it's our mistake! it won't happen again


          • #50
            This really isnt a forum to air dirty laundry. We have listed some places that we have had trouble with. Everyone knows that there are mistakes and shipping troubles. Unfortunatly when you run a business you must take all of these into account when doing commerce. You must also be ready to issue refunds or compensation when something like this happens. Unfortunately it isn't your fault BUT it is when dealing with a third party. You used this third party because you may have trusted them at the time. From the customers perspective though, you are the go to person. They shouldn't have to go to your third source to check or complain about a product that they bought from you. So after months of waiting, I can see why he is upset. I would be upset too. Compensation to the customer would probably go along way to dispel any myths and clear up any misconceptions that may travel around by word of mouth. For a company like yourself, word of mouth will make you or break you.

            My advice to you as one business owner to another is to talk to the customer and work out what you can, even if you have to eat a little. A little goes along way in this business realm.

            My advice to you Dbrass is that when or if they make good on everything, that you let everyone know. Yes you may have had a rough time but if it irons out in the end, everyone needs to know. Maybe there are extenuating circumstances above what is being told. Just keep everyone posted.

            No one wants to bash anyone. I would much rather rave about a company than have to trash it. I hate that. I want everyone to make money and to make a name.
            Last edited by Ghost of Duluth; 02-19-2004, 10:31 AM.


            • #51
              I agree with you in some ways, but when we start to make things correct things will change , this is a guaranteed.

              Saying is cheap! Action speaks louder than words!
              we have good plans do check out on APRIL!

              when all are good!

              superb prices + fast shipping = CUSTOMER SATISFACTION


              • #52
                okay - so i finally heard back from FLASHOPTIONS through email - its been about 2 weeks. Anyways, me and R32GTST are looking into the matter over in Malaysia right now and i will get to the bottom of this. Even though you emailed me FLASHOPTIONS, you never even told me when the motor would be here. You just said:

                "Dear DEREK, good news!
                we finally got contacted from general warehouse usa.
                YEs it's our mistake with them. We didnt fumigate the crates.. we do not know why we're always bumping into problems, i guess this is the last thing we've learn,
                2003 has been a bad year, we'll loook out for 2004..

                thanks for being our "Lab rat"
                u'll be compensated!
                please rest assure you and your friends, it's just purely laws.
                we'll get it settled dont' worry"

                So when exactly is my motor going to be here - do i have to wait another 4 months?


                • #53
                  Please check your mailbox, you didn't even contact them with the B/L we've sent to you and instructions given. West wood shipping lines.
                  This is really very weird.

                  Stop putting false allegation.

                  Are you paid to do all this thing ?

                  And pay the tax , and storage fees that has inccured.

                  good luck!

                  if you need anything email us .. do not put it in forum,it makes you look like an idiot


                  • #54
                    Do you think shipping procedure is easy, we went through 7 different ways of shipping and we got all busted and went through the wrong laws.

                    I believe we learn from our mistakes.

                    Even in the laws sending out from japan - it took us maticulously 6 departments to clear the motors before sending it out

                    We hope this gives u a better clear mind


                    • #55
                      R32GTST - stop bullshitting around, the customs in Japan, don't speak english and which department are you from, EXACT WORDS! - if your in malaysia

                      u're bullshitting our engines are from malaysia
                      but front clips are from japan.

                      Your trying to sell engines! u're full of crap!

                      Your full of rubbish kid!


                      • #56
                        Actually it makes you look like an idiot when you tell him that. You are telling him to pay the storage fees when he's been waiting for months because of your (admitted) mistakes. Why should he have to suffer for your mis-calculations? You should have had your shipping and business practice refined enough that this wouldn't happen to your customers.

                        You are shooting yourself in the foot. What you are saying makes no sense, is poorly spelled and punctuated and sounds like you don't give 2 shakes about customer satisfaction. After seeing this, I for one will never buy from you and will tell everyone I know not to as well. If you do the customer right, I may change my mind.


                        • #57
                          flashoptions - you don't give a crap about me. How can you sit there and call me an idiot for posting my email - first of all, you're the only person making me look like an idiot. I dont think any other company would tell their customer to handle those fees.

                          Second of all, i called the people you told me to talk to. I talked with a guy named sean and he said that he looked at his records and the last time he recieved a shipment from ya'll was November 1st !!!!!!!! SO, that means you gave me the wrong information about going to

                          Who do i need to call to get my motor as soon as possible.


                          • #58
                            Plus he's not in Malaysia, he's in Warner Robbins Ga. R32GTST probably works for this government but that doesn't matter because you aren't dealing with him, you are dealing with (or not dealing with) Dbrass.

                            Good luck with your company. Word of mouth is going to kill you like I stated above. This site and forums are heavily travelled, when you make erratic posts, false claims and then retract what you said in a prior post, while cussing at your customer who has paid you money up front, you are destined for the unemployment line or even worse, Bankruptcy and nice little appearances in court. Horrible treatment and it's all here in print. Terrible.

                            Take care.
                            Last edited by Ghost of Duluth; 02-19-2004, 12:02 PM.


                            • #59
                              ok, here's the deal

                              i contacted westwood shipping lines and they said i need a bill of lading - i know this. But,


                              PLEASE, I UNDERSTAND THAT SHIPPING IS A PAIN - BELIEVE ME I KNOW, BUT I REALLY NEED SOME SORT OF COOPERATION FROM YOU. YES, westwood shipping lines might be the carrier but they can't give me any information without that bill of lading.

                              I have all my records of emails and i have never received it. Thanks you.

                              Just email me at


                              • #60
                                still waiting . . . for that bill of lading from FLASHOPTIONS that they claim they have already given me.

                                i will keep everyone posted as i get more information

                                To FLASHOPTIONS, customer satisfaction can make or break a company like yours - its up to you now.

