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FORMULA D Qualifying Results?

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  • #61
    Yea that was unfortunate that they made the track close early. But it all seemed to work out in the end. I think one of my friends may have video of Taka. Ill check into that.


    • #62
      Originally posted by AlexPfeiffer
      I just wanted to clear up some things as well about the event.
      First was the time issue, the track did not allow us to start untill 10 because they have a sound restriction on when cars are able to run. They also shortened the time we had to run so they didnt have to turn on the lights. But be thankfull that we where able to run at irwindale, they where the ones who set up the track event for us.

      Unfortunatly the judges where not at the drivers meeting because at 10, we wanted to test the track and have it setup the best we could. Many of you know how short the track was this time. We felt that running the normal configuration (FD coarse layout) would give the local competitors too much of an advantage as they have had lots of practice at it. So the original layout for the track was similar to the first RS*R drift festival or the first DriftShowoff run inside irwindale, which would have been half the bank, then droping into the infield back towards the wall, then a couple a switch backs. The day before the event we where out there and was informed that rain was forcasted for the competition day.

      Many of you know but more importantly, many of you dont know how slippery the infield area is. It has been resurfaced recently and is like trying to drive on an ice scating ring. It would be unfare to ask anyone to attempt drifting on that surface in the rain. So the track layout was based on what we had left of the track to run on next to the spectators, which was the end of the bank and the front straight.

      It did kinda suck that the track was tight, but it was also very technical which did make it a good coarse to find drivers that not only drive sideways, but can adapt to the situation. Not all coarses will fit your car or your style of driving.

      For the drivers, this was a good opertunity to separet yourself and become a top drifter rather then an average drifter. Taka did run the track in the morning and set the bar. Being a top drifter means you must beable to run no matter the situation, and he showed you what a top level driver is expected to do. I'm sorry for putting him on the spot by making him run infront of everyone but I wanted the drivers to see that this track was not undriftable but that within a few runs, a top drifter will beable to make this track layout very exciting. Its just too bad no one has his runs on film. That way it would be easy to explain what was a good run and what was average. You could definetly see a difference and the 4 people who got thier licences, it was clear they deserved it.

      The next 6 people on the list have spots saved for them at san diego. This is because there are only 30 or so spots available. The track will be a small one again so please dont show up expecting to run 4th gear. I have talked to a few people about this but if you want a licence, you may want to consider going to texas in febuary for the second event.

      Also, on a side note. Once these qualifying events are over, these events will turn into thier own competition. We are working on the details but are trying to give you all someplace to compete, more of a stepping stone before the pro level. There has even been a suggestion of adding a FWD amature class to add some variety to the mix. I know its not the same, and many call it a$$ dragging, but there are some impressive guys out there that have some skill and need a place to compete as well.

      Thats pretty much the story I got from Naoki on the phone, it is unfortunate that Irwindale offered up the track and then threw in so many curve balls. Wish I could make it to texas but otherwise I will be competing in the JustDrift amatuer series this year and hopefully the fd feeder series if it all works out. No 4th gear drifting??? heh good thing because I dont think my stock ka with stock clutch would be that happy in 4th


      • #63
        well put alex!!


        • #64
          Alex. I just spoke with my friend from socal that was taping all day. unfortunatly he didnt get any footage of him. sorry.

          Does anyone have footage of takahiro????

          I was impressed seeing him setup the course, and how well that car tracked the slippery line with him behind the wheel.

          I know he had a tough season and i am really happy that he has a great chance of competing this year.


          • #65
            This is how i looked when the rain started falling.

            Shock loosing.


            • #66
              Originally posted by AlexPfeiffer
              There has even been a suggestion of adding a FWD amature class to add some variety to the mix. I know its not the same, and many call it a$$ dragging, but there are some impressive guys out there that have some skill and need a place to compete as well.

              I watched the Falken civic in Colorado last year at the driftshowoff and was impressed. I would be interested in seeing a FWD class.


              • #67
                Alex i also would like to see a FWD class since i got my start drifting a 92 eg hatch civic, It would be fun to watch thanks to my civic days i'm now a pretty good drifter in my fc. Yeah that falken civic driver kills the slides with his hatch, he's got some skill in a FWD.

                On the other hand....................

                LUKE your a tool. nuff said


                • #68
                  Texas Event Info

                  Anyone know where I can find info on the Texas Qualifyer? Thinking of going. Need to know location and is Reg open yet?


                  • #69
                    registration to the houston event is open already, it will be feb 18th at gulf greyhound park. come prepared for a good fight though, as the competition is going to be much stiffer than at the cali qualifier!


                    • #70
                      Originally posted by DriftPatrol Dan
                      Anyone know where I can find info on the Texas Qualifyer? Thinking of going. Need to know location and is Reg open yet?


                      • #71
                        wow... interesting and emotional thread y'all got here... all in all, I have to admit, it was a very tough event, both physically and mentally. Like how many other people have already stated, an event as expensive as a Formula D round is not going to cancel because of some bad weather. This particular "driver search-style" competition was a perfect way to see how well a driver can adapt to any possible road condition. I mean, the track went from soaking wet to bright and sunny and back to raining within an hour ! not to mention the different driving surfaces we had to face while going sideways (that damn strip of ice on the main straight )! in the end, the 4 chosen drivers were truley qualified. to those who have complaints about driving in the rain: suck it up. Drift Association staff members worked almost 14 hours in that rain while we sat in our warm cars waiting for our chance at a formula D license. so if you think you had it bad in the rain, just ask a DA staff member and they'll tell you how bad it was. my condolences go out those who crashed... i know you'll all be out there again and eventually get your licenses as well. and to the 5 others who have a secured spot in San Diego, I'll see ya'll there!


                        • #72
                          i thought it was a good event considering the conditions. you could tell that it was tough for people to initiated on the banking in the wet.. along with the transion in the middle that was off camber. congrats to the 4 that qualied, and the other drivers with secured spots. ill see you in san diego.


                          • #73
                            Originally posted by G.Bond
                            i thought it was a good event considering the conditions. you could tell that it was tough for people to initiated on the banking in the wet.. along with the transion in the middle that was off camber. congrats to the 4 that qualied, and the other drivers with secured spots. ill see you in san diego.
                            I actually had fun on the bank. The rest of the course was rough for me though


                            • #74
                              btw, im curious, did they design the course for the rain or was that course long planned?


                              • #75
                                from alex's post sounds like it was thrown together due to unforseen circumstances (rain + slick repaving job on infeild)

                                i thought it was a realllllllllllllllllllllllly good layout for drivers search though. you can have all the power/built car in the world but unless you can truley exhibit control you wont nail that course no matter what. i like it a lot.

