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So is D1GP PA canceled?

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  • #76
    Originally posted by D1GP USA View Post

    I would like to comment a little more about some of the stuff said on here by the Drift Avengers Management. They say that the Japanese Government pays for the Japanese drivers to do nothing but sit around, wrench on their cars and build $150,000 machines. Ridiculous. Most of you may not know this but these guys are just like everyone else. Nomura drives a bread truck during the week. Kumakubo is the managing director of the Ebisu Circuit and family owned zoo. Imamura owns a flower shop. Ueno owns Vertex and is a business man. Daigo Saito works in his family owned day care. This is also part of the reason why these drivers are not able to just fly in and fly out or ship their cars in and out to compete at various events.

    In any case, I am not sure where the Drift Avengers are trying to go with all of this but we wanted to tell our side of the story. I feel bad for the drivers. I do not think that this has anything to do with James Bondurant whatsoever or other drivers. This is purely their "management". I think that apologies are in order to our staff, Keiichi Tsuchiya and to their drivers who they are clearly embarrassing.
    I feel bad that these Japanese drivers who are trying their best to promote this sport and Keiichi are receiving these false accusations. Just a thought, it seems that those who claim that D1 is biased are themselves bias toward D1.

    Having been in both part of the worlds, I believe what D1 says that these Japanese drivers are not super wealthy themselves. The price money that a Japanese driver receives for winning either in Japan or U.S.would not cover the cost to maintain their car. It's probably not enough to cover a month worth of living expenses. Living in Japan is much more expensive than here in the States.
    Nomuken, Ueno, Saito, Tanaka, Kumakubo, and Yoshioka are making the sacrifices to drive here in the States. Rather than complaining that they always end up winning, let's just congratulate them for being the better drivers.


    • #77
      Originally posted by driftavengers09 View Post
      I know you are not going to come on here and publicly admit that there are shady things which go on behind the scenes. Never once on here did anyone say anything about drug use, except you. This has to do with american drivers not getting fair judging. also for the record , the drift avengers consists of james bondurant, forrest wang, pat mordaunt, tommy suell, tyler cox, colin frost, jason aquino and speaking to adam andretti. We will show the facts in a responsible way. not ratting out people in the industry, as D1 would like us to do.
      we may be many things, but rats we are not.
      we would be happy to have an off the record meeting about some of these allegations, but it is not fair to give up sources without their written consent.
      The Los Angeles Times doesnt feel we are fabricating this and when the time is right, then the facts will surface.
      Im sorry that this turn of events went this way.
      The Drift Avengers stand by their integrity and will speak out for all the drivers that know exactly what we're talking about.
      thank you.
      we really arent as evil as d1 would like you to think we are.
      The difference between what you are saying and what we are saying is that we can back it up with emails and texts sent by YOU that we have on file!!!

      You on the other hand cannot back up anything and only falsely accuse with the intent to harm or you threaten.

      This is not a game. You are slandering D1GP and unless you want that house in Malibu to be painted Orange, have a D1GP sticker slapped on it and as Dr. Z calls them, "orientals" (D1) dancing all night long in what was your living room, then you will stop.

      I would also be concerned if I were you about your drivers. They do not deserve this. Forrest drove his *Censored**Censored**Censored* off in Anaheim and deserved everything he got. You downplayed his achievement here on this site stating that he only got there because he is 1/2 Asian. James also deserves better. He is a good kid. He works hard, plays by the rules and handled what happened in Miami like a man.

      If you want to have an adult conversation about things you know where to find us.


      • #78
        Dr. Z

        I am Dr. Z. Let me give all you young guns some background on me. I started Dr. Z's Datsun in Dallas in 1985. Surely before any of you touched a wrench I was building Balanced and Blue Printed L24's with crane cams and Holley 4 barrels or triple webber 45DCOE's.

        I helped build the skyline James drove for the 1st D1. Terrence and Will Mattox were there when the certain ruling judge came up and gave James not only the entrance form back but also the ENTRANCE MONEY and told us to take the car and leave. No one in the whole system has ever had that happen. Stacking the deck. I had the car on Clays dyno in LA putting almost 500 bhp. Not a car or driver could compete against James in that car. The radar guns showed it and we were removed from qualifying after everyone else ran... No explanations!

        I guess you call that fair, too?

        Oh, BTW, I lived in Sacramento with Henry Chung building and dynoeing for a year. I've put in my dues. James is absolutely the BEST CUTTING EDGED DRIVER TODAY. I've carted with him and never seen him lose. I've roadraced the streets of Houston with him in excess of 135mph never missing a beat. Who has more heart?

        Have any of you gone to Japan and beat them on their own turf in their own cars? JAMES HAS. THE FIRST TOKYO DRIFT...

        All you naysayers? Build a better machine than I do and drive better than James if you can... OR find a 3 onethousandths point difference and disqualify us AGAIN!!! You bet thats as fair as it gets...


        • #79
          "D1 drivers get funded by the Japanese Governmet" ???

          Would like to know what evidence you have to back this statement.


          • #80
            Originally posted by Autospecs View Post
            "D1 drivers get funded by the Japanese Governmet" ???

            Would like to know what evidence you have to back this statement.
            I promise you that the sources I have are very well placed in the sport in Japan and I dont blame you for wanting more information.Honoring confidentiality agreements and protecting sources are sanctioned by the ethics of journalism. James Bondurant and Forrest Wang will be videotaping a statement addressing all of these issues and it will be posted on The website is going up this week, and we will post on as soon as it is up.
            I was only relating what I was told by sources. I have no first hand knowledge of events in Japan. I will continue to persuade these individuals to come forward with all the information .
            thank you


            • #81
              Originally posted by ssmith View Post
              i feel bad that these japanese drivers who are trying their best to promote this sport and keiichi are receiving these false accusations. Just a thought, it seems that those who claim that d1 is biased are themselves bias toward d1.

              Having been in both part of the worlds, i believe what d1 says that these japanese drivers are not super wealthy themselves. The price money that a japanese driver receives for winning either in japan or u.s.would not cover the cost to maintain their car. It's probably not enough to cover a month worth of living expenses. Living in japan is much more expensive than here in the states.
              Nomuken, ueno, saito, tanaka, kumakubo, and yoshioka are making the sacrifices to drive here in the states. Rather than complaining that they always end up winning, let's just congratulate them for being the better drivers.
              does anyone out there realize that kumakubo is one of the wealthiest men in japan and own ebisu. He told james about the corruption in d1 himself.


              • #82
                Originally posted by Dr. Z View Post
                I am Dr. Z. Let me give all you young guns some background on me. I started Dr. Z's Datsun in Dallas in 1985. Surely before any of you touched a wrench I was building Balanced and Blue Printed L24's with crane cams and Holley 4 barrels or triple webber 45DCOE's.

                I helped build the skyline James drove for the 1st D1. Terrence and Will Mattox were there when the certain ruling judge came up and gave James not only the entrance form back but also the ENTRANCE MONEY and told us to take the car and leave. No one in the whole system has ever had that happen. Stacking the deck. I had the car on Clays dyno in LA putting almost 500 bhp. Not a car or driver could compete against James in that car. The radar guns showed it and we were removed from qualifying after everyone else ran... No explanations!

                I guess you call that fair, too?

                Oh, BTW, I lived in Sacramento with Henry Chung building and dynoeing for a year. I've put in my dues. James is absolutely the BEST CUTTING EDGED DRIVER TODAY. I've carted with him and never seen him lose. I've roadraced the streets of Houston with him in excess of 135mph never missing a beat. Who has more heart?

                Have any of you gone to Japan and beat them on their own turf in their own cars? JAMES HAS. THE FIRST TOKYO DRIFT...

                All you naysayers? Build a better machine than I do and drive better than James if you can... OR find a 3 onethousandths point difference and disqualify us AGAIN!!! You bet thats as fair as it gets...
                thank you Dr Z for your loyalty and for being one of the only true and honest people in this sea of "drifters." In a short time, people will learn the truth, and maybe we'll have done some good in the drifting society.


                • #83
                  You people are morons! Just stop already....I am telling you this for your own good.

                  1. I know better than you about D1 and how they operate. So What.
                  2. James is no anywhere near "the bestest mostest cuttingest edgest driver" And show me the picture from the podium where he beat the Japanese on their own turf please....PROOF PLEASE.
                  3. Dr Z. - stop dropping names. I am damn sure Henry does not wanna be drawn into this.

                  You all have a right to be angry... but the way you are approaching this is childish. Shut up and drift already.


                  • #84
                    Originally posted by Dr. Z View Post
                    Have any of you gone to Japan and beat them on their own turf in their own cars? JAMES HAS. THE FIRST TOKYO DRIFT...
                    why was this the first we've heard of this? does someone have proof? video / photos / links to standings on the internet...

                    What car was James driving? what date was this exhibition?

                    all the d1's are on option videos, which video shows James winning?


                    • #85
                      I realize that when I'm down, I come to DRIFTING.COM to cheer me up.

                      I f*cking love what people b*tch about. It's so goddamn entertaining, please keep it up and I hope one of you guys kills yourself.

                      Thank You


                      • #86
                        Corruption in D1? You do realize we live in one of the most corrupt countries in the world, yes? Who cares about corruption in a business that is only out to entertain. I just want to be entertained. FD fanbois just want to hate and that's all you do. Fcuk off.

                        Winning FTL
                        Exhibition FTW

                        Long live drifting


                        • #87
                          so far only one post on this thread has been deleted

                          this is a reminder to stay on topic


                          • #88
                            drift ununited

                            Why are people on this site always ganging up on the Drift Avengers?
                            I see them as a team of people trying to help all of you wanna-be, and up and coming drifters. Do any of you that are bashing James, actually know him?
                            Do any of you know Dr Z? It seems that it has become a crime in this drifting community to want to have fairness for all.


                            • #89
                              Originally posted by pita bread View Post
                              so far only one post on this thread has been deleted

                              this is a reminder to stay on topic
                              wow... people have always seemed to like some of the creative stuff i put on this forum.

                              i dunnoe if you played the vid but it had an s14 in it and at the very beginning too. that and in a show that everybody knows about but didnt know included a drift car in it... geez


                              • #90
                                Originally posted by Dr. Z View Post
                                James is absolutely the BEST CUTTING EDGED DRIVER TODAY. I've carted with him and never seen him lose. I've roadraced the streets of Houston with him in excess of 135mph never missing a beat. Who has more heart?

                                Have any of you gone to Japan and beat them on their own turf in their own cars? JAMES HAS. THE FIRST TOKYO DRIFT...

                                All you naysayers? Build a better machine than I do and drive better than James if you can... OR find a 3 onethousandths point difference and disqualify us AGAIN!!! You bet thats as fair as it gets...
                                What is the "Best Cutting Edged Driver Today" doing qualifying 17th and complaining about not making the TOP 16??????

                                It's been said many times that the competition at D1 is extremely watered down after the top 8 or so drivers. So why is this superior driver in his superior machine, built by the Dr. Z himself, doing so poorly?

                                In the 2 events so far this year, he hasn't cracked the Top 16 in either one.

                                Let his performance speak for itself. You hype his driving skills so much, maybe he needs a better built car by someone else....
                                Last edited by OldSkool510; 06-08-2009, 09:35 PM.

