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So is D1GP PA canceled?

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  • Originally posted by stedriftward View Post
    Sounds like someone is whining about their mediocre drivers losing. I think someone just needs to face the facts and recognize that the skill gap is huge and not blame it on a conspiracy theory DUH!

    Give your drivers more seat time and maybe one day they can deliver!!!!!
    i dont care if james ever gets on the podium. Its not about winning. its about competing. Its about a level playing field.
    Its about fairness in Judging. its about having fun.
    I have always told James to go out and have fun. Ask anyone that knows me. I have never ever been disappointed in him at any event. When he would come to me after an competition and apologize and say he let me down, i always told him that he is my champion and I dont need validation of any podium or winners circle,etc. I have never seen a driver with more heart and passion and love for driving. If i were in this for the money, I would have taken Costa's advice(Rhys millens mechanic) and gotten another driver. I stick by James and I always will. Im loyal. how many of you can say that??


    • Dr.Z and Ruth you need stop this already now your cussing at us that's hurting u guys more than us bad reputation for you no one has cussed at you guys personally.

      Where's Terrence? He knows very well who the F#@* I am.
      Dr.Z calm down


      • Once again.....NO ONE is bashing James. NO ONE is questioning his ability to drive.

        We are bashing you and Dr. Z for creating unfounded controversy just because James was bumped out of the TOP 16.

        D1 made an error, corrected the error, and apologized for the error.

        You guys don't need to tell us how great of a driver he is...We believe you....We'll believe you even more if he shows it at the events. That's all folks......

        The world is full of people with potential, but more full of people who don't maximize their potential.....

        Dr. Z needs to write a prescription for a chill pill..
        Last edited by OldSkool510; 06-09-2009, 09:25 AM.


        • Originally posted by Cavi Mike View Post
          Corruption in D1? You do realize we live in one of the most corrupt countries in the world, yes?
          Very well said.

          Universities have been teaching that ethics is relative and all of you all here complain about corruption? If ethics, business ethics in this instance, are relative then based on what objective ethical reference would somebody has the right to call something corrupt?

          I truly appreciate what D1 is trying to do here in the States and wish them all the best.


          • Dr. Z

            Thanks Ruth! We have a team that is based totally on love... Love of each other AND love of the sport. If there were more teams like ours, we'd be drifting almost every weekend in SoCal and offering that opportunity to others that can't afford to or don't have the knowhow. Passion creates emotion does it not? If ANY of you were in a driver's meeting for two hours and your name was already announced to run then you were told you couldn't , would you not suspect something? OR are they sooo disorganized it's pathetic. I personally saw major screwups with the drift box that no one will ever see. If you aren't prepared, that's the KAOS you create and then cover it up with excuses and lies.


            • This is getting out of hand already D1 you guys should have Mr.Tsuchiya give a statement or something of the accusations that Ruth and Dr.Z are making against him to end this already this is getting ridiculous. I didn't want to offend anyone in this forum but damn ruth and Dr.Z are crybabies.


              • Originally posted by OldSkool510 View Post
                Maybe stuff like this is why James left Ruth, the Ferrari, the Beverly Hills Mansion, and all the other perks of being a Drift Avenger, in the first place.

                You guys are putting too much pressure on the kid. You guys create too much hype that he cannot live up to.

                What happened to Ruth? Usually she would respond within seconds after a new post...
                James was under pressure last year, but it came from serious health issues within his family and he was being pulled in many directions. it wasnt until months later, when james and i reconciled did all this come out. Thats why James is focused now, and he knows that the only way I will fund the drift avengers, is if he commits to it 100 percent. I trust his decision and fully support him , as i always did.
                by the way, if I didnt believe fully in this, would i be supporting his career again. Where are all of you who sent me a hundered emails begging for me to give you the same chance I gave James. It is not about being a winner. its about being a champion of life, which james is.


                • You mean CHAOS.....We all sympathize with you guys having to sit in the drivers meeting and then being told you wouldn't be able to run....That sucks major balls....

                  Here's a recap of what happened according to D1....

                  "There are 4 fields on our spreadsheet in which we place scores in. One is for drift box, one in this case for Keiichi, one for Andretti and one for Norris. We all know that in the top 30 competition each driver receives three runs and the best of their 3 runs counts as their score. Bondurant had 3 very good runs. Will Parsons had two bad runs and one really good one. After the session, the spreadsheet automatically tallied the scores and shuffled the deck to give us our top 16. Bondurant came up 16th overall. We posted the scores at the show office for all to see. Will Parsons noticed there was no score put into one field (a judges score) and questioned it and at the same time we discovered the same. We went back to the scores and inputted the number and it re-shuffled the deck again placing Will Parsons in 16th and Bondurant in 17th. So... basically it was human error and Parsons' score was not entered and we corrected it. We immediately informed the two drivers and they were super cool with it."

                  You guys keep crying fairness.....Isn't only fair that the guy who actually qualified in the Top 16 be able to compete in the Top 16?

                  Will Parsons out-qualified James for that 16th spot. That's all there is to it..

                  Is any of that statement made by D1 conspiring against the Drift Avengers? Absolutley not...

                  D1 made an error and corrected it.....In all fairness to those involved...


                  • Originally posted by SSmith View Post
                    Very well said.

                    Universities have been teaching that ethics is relative and all of you all here complain about corruption? If ethics, business ethics in this instance, are relative then based on what objective ethical reference would somebody has the right to call something corrupt?

                    I truly appreciate what D1 is trying to do here in the States and wish them all the best.
                    If you've ever taken a class in ethics, then understand that a journalist never reveals their source.
                    if its against the law to call someone corrupt then, are you saying that one hundred million people should be in jail for calling the Bush administration corrupt?
                    Freedom of speech in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and by many state constitutions. I know we are a a socialist country now, but until the current administration attempts to change the contstitution, we have a freedom of speech.


                    • Originally posted by driftavengers09 View Post
                      If you've ever taken a class in ethics, then understand that a journalist never reveals their source.
                      if its against the law to call someone corrupt then, are you saying that one hundred million people should be in jail for calling the Bush administration corrupt?
                      Freedom of speech in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and by many state constitutions. I know we are a a socialist country now, but until the current administration attempts to change the contstitution, we have a freedom of speech.
                      At the same time, it also safe to assume that heresay is heresay, unless it can be proven otherwise....

                      The same country that allows "freedom of speech" also prosecutes for slander, libel, defamation, etc. It's a double edged sword...


                      • Ruth,
                        you keep saying you have these secret sources, and that hopefully one of them will go on the record. well until one of them go on record, you are just a bunch of whiny bitches. what part of he placed 17th in Miami dont you understand ??

                        Drift Avengers, sound like a cheap bite off of Drift Alliance !!! couldnt think of anything better ?


                        • Originally posted by drift2thextreme View Post
                          This is getting out of hand already D1 you guys should have Mr.Tsuchiya give a statement or something of the accusations that Ruth and Dr.Z are making against him to end this already this is getting ridiculous. I didn't want to offend anyone in this forum but damn ruth and Dr.Z are crybabies.
                          do you honestly think the drift king is going to say that half the time he isnt even looking at the track, or the other information that I have been given.


                          • Originally posted by OldSkool510 View Post
                            Once again.....NO ONE is bashing James. NO ONE is questioning his ability to drive.

                            We are bashing you and Dr. Z for creating unfounded controversy just because James was bumped out of the TOP 16.

                            D1 made an error, corrected the error, and apologized for the error.

                            You guys don't need to tell us how great of a driver he is...We believe you....We'll believe you even more if he shows it at the events. That's all folks......

                            The world is full of people with potential, but more full of people who don't maximize their potential.....

                            Dr. Z needs to write a prescription for a chill pill..
                            If you are patient , I promise you that all will be revealed soon by some very credible people . Im sorry that you feel we are fabricating this. I have no reason to and I was shocked when I learned some things which most people dont know.
                            you will be too.
                            im sorry.


                            • i had fun in miami and i plan on having fun in chicago.

                              if you don't like d1 go start your own drift series. one last thing, as a fan of drifting, james's car is ugly.


                              • Originally posted by driftavengers09 View Post
                                If you are patient , I promise you that all will be revealed soon by some very credible people . Im sorry that you feel we are fabricating this. I have no reason to and I was shocked when I learned some things which most people dont know.
                                you will be too.
                                im sorry.
                                see this is the bull that we dont wanna read. we wont be shocked. i dont care what big news blows our minds when it is revealed. ruth, you are g.a.y. Mr.Tsuchiya could come on here and say he is throwing in the towel. or he works for a n.a.z.i. spy. or kumakubo is his sex slave and none of us would be surprised and we'd all get on with our lives. get a life.

                                james is the man. you are g.a.y.

                                how did this thread get away from a event being cancelled in PA?

