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So is D1GP PA canceled?

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  • Originally posted by CamelTouge View Post
    To all the drift avengers: according to your previous posts, you are accusing d1 of drug usage, scandal, and govt conspiracy. You are so wrapped up in this info that you are "eventually" going to drop to media when its the right time.

    my thoughts: if you are soo against d1, why are you competing in their series!? Fortunately, theres another series that doesnt have no where near that high level of drama. And as far as the US goes, theres more japanese drivers in the US based series than d1. so IF James is all about competeing against the best japanese, he could compete in FD, or maybe even go to Japan and compete in one of their series! D1 is not the only outlet. Your financier has more than enough money to fly james out there to compete against Japanese drivers.

    To Ruth: I respect the fact that you are trying to fulfill dreams for James, and his potential teammates. You seem to have a decent flow of money to finance this operation, and quite honestly, SOME of the drivers you have on your team are fairly decent. But you are going about this the wrong way. The Ruth/Drift Avengers name is already wrapped in drama/scandal/etc. From you destroying james name beforehand, to your "make-up" with him, you are honestly going about this all wrong. Creating a hype by accusing a certain series of controversy and whatnot is not the right way in ANY series to make a name for yourself. Not only have you tarnished your rep, but now you are tarnishing the reps of the people that are associated with your team. Some of those drivers are my friends, and I would advise you to change, for everyones sake.

    Dr. Z: calling Asians "orientals" is considered a racist remark. I understand that you grew up in the south or whatnot, but i figured you wouldve known that since you lived in NorCal (where a large majority of that area is Asian).
    Also, take YoITzJdm's advice and leave Henry Chungs name out of your mouth. I know Henry personally, and he doesnt necessarily have the nicest things to say about you. Even your own team has said that you are overly passionate about your work and team, but dont overexaggerate.

    And just so everyone knows, James relationship with Nobushige Kumakubo was in no way, shape or form, built on the grounds of Drift Avengers. Yes, I know that James has been invited by Kuma to drive at his track, but you make it sound like no other US driver has done that. Chris Forsberg, Ben Schwartz, Calvin Wan, JR, and others have all been invited to drive with Kuma. Hell, im nobody, but Ive been to Ebisu and Kuma told me if I had a car, i could run with him too.

    I have known James for years. James is a talented driver. He comes from a legendary family, and when hes focused, hes a damn good driver. But bringing him into this DAvengers drama and having him and Forrest do an internet video about the d1 conspriacy is not the way to make him a better driver. He needs to be practicing. Use your fundage to get him seat time.

    To James, Pat, Tommy, Forrest...please REALLY evaluate your decision to run with this team. It more be a more faster way for you guys to "achieve your dreams" but at what costs?

    This already sounds like another team with decent funding that went no where... decent drivers, badly painted miatas, poor management, all stars or something like that..

    This sport has been filled with drama, controvesy, etc. But the one thing that sets other teams apart over your team is that they dont cry about decisions. they "man-up" about the decision made, and prepare for the next round. Instead of starting controversy, i highly suggest you give your drivers more seat time/practice, and the right parts to help them win, or in James case, "have more fun". Im sure he'll "have more fun" if he gets eliminated within the top 16 and not below it.

    I approve

    Sounds like someone who is capable of managing a "well funded team" and can return results, not fluff.


    • Originally posted by OldSkool510 View Post
      The video better have a real credible person and not a person talking behind a screen with a disguised voice. Deal?

      I can already picture Dr. Z wearing a hat, glasses, and a moustache, trying to do the interview with a knock-off Japanese accent. LOL
      that is funny.. haha
      the person who will be on video is a recognized person to those in the motor sports world.. and no, its not bob bondurant... haha


      • Originally posted by driftavengers09 View Post
        NONE OF THIS IS MY IDEA. JAMES CAME TO ME AND TOLD ME HE AND FORREST ARE PUTTING A VIDEO ON HERE. I am being asked by the drivers themselves to write this. im so sick of this. until james goes on here himself and tells you that this is coming from him, i will no longer participate. everyone needs some balls around here.
        thank you for your honesty and I really do appreciate your constructive criticism. My name may be on this post but this is not my idea.
        BALLS? So are they threatening to leave the DRIFT AVENGERS if you don't write and buy into all of this madness?

        I thought you were the CEO/CFO/Shot Caller/Big Baller in all of this. I thought you were much more powerful than this.

        You need to get some BALLS (sorry Ruth) and put an end to all this drama...
        Last edited by OldSkool510; 06-09-2009, 11:53 AM.


        • ok im listening.. what would you do right now, if you were in my place, and all things being the way they currently are?
          thank you.


          • Originally posted by driftavengers09 View Post
            ok im listening.. what would you do right now, if you were in my place, and all things being the way they currently are?
            thank you.
            Shut up and drift !


            • if only we could.


              • Originally posted by driftavengers09 View Post
                if only we could.
                you can.

                that's just another excuse.

                so far all i've seen in this thread from you is whining, excuses, and bad-mouthing...

                put your boy in will parson's shoes and see how hard he'd fight for that 16th spot. no one is going to give you a special 17th spot because you threw a foot-stamping temper tantrum and just *really really really* want it. i have never seen such a sore loser.

                the world isn't always fair, is it?

                i just laugh because honestly, i don't even know who james is or what he's driving. that's not a shot against him, it just means he's done nothing to grab my attention in d1. maybe he's really not the "best" out there. all i saw were excuses for his driving... family problems, the car is always broken, etc etc... yes, even great drivers have bad days, we all understand that i think. but a great driver is a great driver, and will always show their potential, even if they're having an off day. i just don't see the need for you to play him up like this. let his driving do the talking, please, since that is what the sport is all about.

                as for the other nonsense. you've created a miserable name for yourself and your team at this point. i know i see "whoever is actually posting as a rep. for the team (and anyone else who feels the same)" as viscious and yes, slanderous. if i had my way, i'd have you apologizing to d1, the japanese drivers, japan's government, and all of the american drivers as well. you have to realize no one is going to care if you "have a good source" if you can't reveal it. spouting off stuff like this is 100% crap if you're the only one who knows about it. no one is going to believe you. no one cares that you say we'll see soon enough. the fact is, you're doing it now, and the more you do it, the less credible you become. making blatant accusations based on information only you have makes *you* look like you're desperately trying to hide something.

                like someone else said, if you don't like d1, then get out of the series. they don't need you running around saying nasty things about them. take that attitude somewhere else.

                and really, try to remember why you're in this. to drift. so just shut up and practice.


                • get a real driver. beside james. seems to have more say then "just drifting"

                  i smell relationshippp??


                  • haha. our relationship is that of good friends.. we dont have much family and we are "family"...

                    but good try....


                    • look.. has become the myspace for the DRIFT AVENGERSSSZZZ and the drama. leave it alone and team up with rhys millen

                      what should you do?

                      Get a new driver. i suggest pat mordaunt a kid who has been in the game forever and will not make you look like a total jackass win or lose.

                      this is real talk ms ruth. not to be rude.


                      • Lets not throw Pat under the bus.


                        • that isnt throwing him under the bus. id like to see pat get a break.


                          • i remember when james rode his bicycle from AZ to SEMA


                            • pat is on the team. we have some non competition events coming up and will go once a week to willow springs to train.
                              we are gonna fix what's wrong with James' car and he'll be back to prove himself.
                              we're on our way to meet tommy suell today with forrest and james , as this is very important to us.


                              • Originally posted by driftavengers09 View Post
                                pat is on the team. we have some non competition events coming up and will go once a week to willow springs to train.
                                we are gonna fix what's wrong with James' car and he'll be back to prove himself.
                                we're on our way to meet tommy suell today with forrest and james , as this is very important to us.

                                then i would keep. ALL of this off the internet ruth. if you have problems with the way a event was handled take it up with them first atleast

